Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wednesday Miscellany

It's time once again for a roundup of random photos from my iPhone. It seems that I usually have enough of these to post them twice a month -- funny how it works out like I planned it, but honestly I didn't.

(Also, the distinction between my iPhone photos and my regular posts has become largely meaningless, because I take more and more pictures with my phone these days. So let's just call it a random roundup.)

Anyway...let's start with a cleverly named coffee shop near Finchley Road, at least for fans of the TV show "Peaky Blinders." 

Baby shark shoe!

This seems like a permanent solution to a temporary problem. 

Another anti-masking sticker, slapped onto the treads of an escalator at London Bridge tube station. I admire how well Anthony Fauci seems to cope with being such a lightning rod for Covid skeptics.

A poster for a music event at a pub in East London. (Grime and Garage are related styles of club music.) I was intrigued by the poster design, which features either Trellick Tower or Balfron Tower. Actually, now that I look more closely, I see that it must be Trellick, based on the position of the elevator machinery room at the top of the elevator shaft.

This reminds me of Cyndi Lauper.

This empty trunk was set out on the sidewalk, I assume as rubbish. I was intrigued by the reference to the International Karakoram Project of 1980. From what I can tell, this was a project by the Royal Geographic Society and scientists from other countries to survey the Karakoram mountain range in Pakistan. It seems a shame to just chuck this trunk out with the trash. Maybe someone will rescue it.

And finally, a hand-drawn sticker for cat lovers. You know who you are.


  1. I'd rescue that trunk if I lived there.

  2. I’d rescue the trunk, have a cup at Perky Blinders, and stew and rage about that stupid anti-Fauci sticker (even in London, argh!).

    1. I've still got to try Perky Blenders. For that matter, I haven't watched "Peaky Blinders" either.

  3. Well-observed Steve! From now on, as advised, I will try to be as beautiful as a rainbow. I am already wearing a horizontally striped jumper that contains all the colours of the rainbow - reminding me of the old mnemonic - Richard of York gave battle in vain.

    1. I don't know the Richard of York mnemonic. I learned "Roy G Biv," as if it's someone's name, although Biv seems unlikely as a surname.

  4. Photographing a shit stain is a first for me ! Lol

  5. I love that trunk! It does seem a shame just to toss it out with the garbage. Hopefi;;u it will be rescued.
    I think being as beautiful as a rainbow is just perfect for me!
    Have a beautiful colorful day! xx

  6. All interesting but the music poster is beyond me.

  7. I'd go for that trunk in a minute, wish you could rescue it for me (don't!).

    1. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but it's in my front hallway now!

  8. I saw that first picture and instantly was formulating a comment involving Peaky Blinders but then read below and saw that you already made the connection. My thunder has been stolen and I no longer know what to say other than I like your photography eye.

  9. You do find all sorts of treasures to photograph don't you?
    Personally, I'm liking the "MEOW" crown.

    1. A crown! That's what it is! Cats are very regal, aren't they?

  10. Great photos of the everyday. It's always interesting to see the world through someone else's eyes.

    1. Living in a big city provides lots of opportunities to photograph the unusual.

  11. That trunk is waiting to be a coffee table.

    1. It would make a GREAT table. I think it needs a bit of work before it could support a tabletop, though.

  12. I, too, thought of Cyndi Lauper. I adore her and she is beautiful like a rainbow.
    Precious little baby shark shoe. I can just see a harried parent asking some tiny child, "What happened to your shoe? Did you eat it?"

    1. Yesterday as I walked to work a little kid in a stroller being wheeled by its mother tore off its sock and threw it. Fortunately the mother saw and picked it up, but it made me realize why I often find single kids' socks and shoes.

  13. The rainbow reminded me...a teacher, don't remember in which republican state, was put on leave for putting rainbow stickers on her/his classroom door while they decided whether or not to fire that person. Seriously, rainbows are taboo now. I guess Lucky Charms cereal is gonna be accused of grooming next.

    1. I've got a similar story! Our school building is divided into color-coded sections, and one of them is known as the "rainbow tower." All the classrooms there have a rainbow number sign on the door. Apparently a parent years ago, touring the building, declared that she wouldn't send her child to our school because we so aggressively promoted gay pride!

  14. I love Perky Blenders - I've never even seen the show but I got the reference. As Ms. Moon said - Cyndi Lauper IS beautiful - inside & out.

    1. Yeah, I love Cyndi Lauper. She's awesome. I saw her in a New York gay pride parade years ago.

  15. I have always liked Cyndi Lauper!
    I wonder what your DJ / MC name would be, Steve?

  16. R.A. Stoodley died last year. From what I read online, he was Incredibly interesting man. Here is a link to his obiturary:

    1. Interesting! Thanks so much for posting this!

  17. another link about Stoodley:
    go get that trunk!

    1. I'm so glad you found these articles! You convinced me to go back and collect that trunk.

  18. I always hate to see a good trunk go to waste. And you and me both on Dr. Fauci. I hate it when I see him being battered after all he's done.Love the Peaky Blenders!

    1. I do feel bad for him. The poor guy is just doing his job, trying to keep everybody safe and healthy, and he's been demonized like no other.

  19. Love that play on words! I am so very sick of the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers and their belligerent foolishness.

    1. I no longer wear a mask myself because it's mostly gone by the wayside here in the UK, but I'm with you -- I don't get the anti-mask, anti-vaxx mentality at all.

  20. I love the name of the coffee shop. I wouldn't think the use of Trellick Tower in advertising for music event would be a good idea.
    I still marvel at the silly anti-maskers. I'm just getting over my first head cold in 2 1/2 years. Take the masks off and we are once again exposed to all kinds of germs.

    1. Yeah, that's the downside of taking off the masks -- we're now exposed to everything else!

  21. To be honest I am surprised that you didn't take the trunk home:)

  22. I knew I was drawn to that hand drawn Cat Sticker for a reason!

    1. I'm a cat person too, actually. Before I married Dave I had cats for years. But he's allergic so it looks like my cat days are over.

  23. That trunk brings back memories! In 1988 I actually drove the Karakorum Highway, on a motorcycle, all the way to the Khunjerab Pass and the Chinese border. Hell of a drive but unbelievably beautiful!
