Monday, June 6, 2022

The Unexpected Heath

It's another blessedly gray, rainy morning. Olga is in bed next to me, snoring away, which makes sense because we had a BIG DAY yesterday!

Not because of the jubilee, although as you can see we came across some fun, colorful decorations.

No, it was because when I walked Olga in the afternoon -- fully expecting to just take her for an amble around the neighborhood -- she insisted on going to Hampstead Heath!

We haven't been to the Heath since early March. In fact, I thought we might never go again. She seems less and less enthusiastic about walking that far. (It's about a mile just to get there, so even at its shortest it's probably a three-mile walk altogether.)

But yesterday Olga very deliberately pulled in that direction, and it was clear that's where she wanted to go.

Of course I had to make a video. As you can see, she had a ball, rolling in leaves, watching (if not chasing) a squirrel and sniffing mysterious Heath smells.

When we started out I'd planned for just a short walk, so I hadn't even made my afternoon coffee (without which I WILL NOT SURVIVE). Fortunately there's a cafe in Golders Hill Park, next to the West Heath, where we were able to stop for a rest and some java and a chocolate muffin before continuing on.

Olga is a senior citizen but she really isn't that old. According to this dog age calculator she's the equivalent of about 70 in people years. So it's not surprising that she'll have good days when she feels more energetic.

I suspect she'll spend most of today sound asleep!


  1. I liked that moment in the video where you did a 360 degree sweep of that secret, verdant location on Hampstead Heath. In a huge and busy city but there can be peaceful oases like that one. Have a fun week at work!

  2. So nice to see that Olga still has a bit of the puppy in her. It looks like a tropical rain forest — complete with muffins and coffee.

  3. In people years or in dog years? In people years she is 12 or 13? Which makes her 70-75 in dog years depending on her weight. The heavier the dog, the faster they age. A dog over 40kg aged 12 people years would be 93 dog years.
    The heath looks like doggie heaven, I loved seeing her roll around on the grass and in the leaves.

  4. In human years by the way Olga moves, I'd put her at about 55 human years. I just realised how distinctive her markings are. You must be remembered when you are out and about with Olga.

    Proper coffee and muffins. I should have been there to join you.

  5. I don’t know what Heath smells like but I wonder if a bit transferred to the bed.

  6. Stopping for a snack sounds like a luxury way to go. I guess Olga feels that if it's a platinum day she'd better get out there. Good day all round. Dave doesn't do the walks?

  7. a welcomed video, much enjoyed.

  8. To paraphrase a song from Damn Yankees:
    "Whatever Olga wants, Olga gets."

    As it should be.

    I was just saying this to Carlos about our dog Ozzo. who is 15 or 16, losing some vision and hearing, and sometimes having a hard time moving around some days. But then yesterday, after going out into the backyard for a while, he came into the house and went tearing up and down the hallway like the puppy he used to be.

    And then he crashed and napped for a good long while, but he had that spurt.

  9. As a 70+ year old, I have days just like Olga! Some days, I am ready for a brisk hike while others, I just want to read in bed!
    She sure enjoyed herself at the Heath!

  10. Oh, look at all those fabulous ferns! Minnie just ignores the squirrels now but there's a new cat hanging around my yard, sleeping in various flower beds, a little calico with a collar so she belongs to someone I just don't know who, and she is driving Minnie nuts.

  11. The bunting companies have certainly had a banner year! (Haha!)
    Sweet Olga. I loved watching her roll in the leaves. And I'm with Ellen on those beautiful ferns. I do love ferns.
    Have you read Michael Pollan's "This Is Your Mind On Plants"? He talks about caffeine and how its use has literally changed our world. I think you'd enjoy the book.

  12. Good for Olga and you. I enjoyed the little video, especially while she's watching that squirrel. I love all the jubilee decorations too.

  13. Such a nice walk with Olga. I'm so glad you videoed that. It's beautiful there, and I loved those ferns. The squirrel was cute too.

  14. Seeing Olga enjoy her self like that brought ME much enjoyment! That squirrel was awfully bold. I guess it didn't feel threatened by her. You're so fortunate you don't have to deal with obnoxious biting insects!

  15. That made my day!! So great to see Olga being Olga though she was more subdued especially when Squirrel showed up! surprising . Seventy years old in people years is on the fence, some are pretty feisty and some are in wheel chairs.
    Different as snowflakes.
    Your afternoon treat looks delish!

  16. Perhaps my favorite thing to watch dogs do is roll on the grass/sand/leaves, kicking their back legs and wiggling their bodies. Such delighted abandon! Dogs are good at that.

  17. Animals do have minds of their own and dogs like Olga have a joie de vivre that my cat lacks. She has more of an attitude of ennui.

  18. Olga knows best! Your (and her) Heath is a spectacular setting with all of that beautiful green flora.

  19. Wonderful to see Olga in fine form. I love how she's looking at you in that last picture, like "are you finished that coffee yet??"

  20. Dogs don’t realise they are old
    I envy them xx

  21. Olga looks pretty perky here. I'm 71 so I'm glad you said 'not THAT old', lol. I have followed you for a long time and am glad to see your posts every day. I found you via Mary Moon's blog. I live in Wisconsin. Nice to see another part of our world each day.

  22. I love seeing this! Olga is really in her element here and I'm so glad that she got in a good long walk (And that you got your coffee!)

  23. I love the video of Olga rolling in the grass - sheer joy.

  24. I do love a lady who knows her own mind. Glad you listened to her. Wonderful video!

    Chris from Boise

  25. YP: I'm glad you liked that moment in the video. I was afraid it was too much "fern time." LOL

    Mitchell: She does have her moments! Those ferns are what is known in England as "bracken." I always wondered what bracken was when I read English lit, and now I know!

    River: In people years she is 11 or 12 (we're not sure). She weighs about 42 pounds.

    Andrew: I've had people come up to me because they recognize her from seeing her before!

    Ed: Don't worry, she got a cleanup when we got home.

    Boud: Dave is not a big walker. I consider it a major victory if I convince him to go to the cemetery with us. He's never gone to the Heath.

    Briony: So glad you liked it!

    Bob: It's funny how they just get these wild moments when they have to vent some energy. Ozzo must be a small dog at that age?

    Ellen D: I know many of my blog readers are 70-ish and can probably empathize with Olga!

    Ellen: Yeah, I'd have to say that Olga also gets more upset by cats than by squirrels these days. (Even worse if the cat is on the dog's turf!)

    Ms Moon: Ha! No, I have not read Pollan's book. I should check it out. Is that the one where he talks about hallucinogens?

    Sharon: It's funny how she gets so still, like the squirrel can't see her. LOL

    Robin: This is a nice time of year, when everything is a fresh green.

    Kelly: The squirrels in that park are very used to humans and think of us mainly as food sources, I suspect. No biting insects, thank goodness!

    Linda Sue: I'm sure you remember a time when she would have lunged at that squirrel with abandon!

    Wilma: Olga has always loved rolling, mostly in grass and leaves.

    Margaret: That is the classic cat attitude, isn't it?! LOL

    Sabine: Thank you! (And Olga thanks you too!)

    Catalyst: We are so lucky to have the Heath, known as the "green lung" of London.

    37P: She probably wanted some muffin, but she didn't get any because it was chocolate.

    John: I often wonder if Olga remembers her more energetic years and wonders why she's slowed down. That's probably giving her too much credit!

    Dianne: Thanks for stopping by! I knew many of my readers would identify with Olga on the age front. Nowadays, 70 is the new 50!

    Jeanie: My afternoon coffee is non-negotiable.

    Allison: It's true! A happy dog!

    Chris: Glad you liked it! Olga is very determined when she wants (or doesn't want) to walk somewhere.

  26. I remember Bracken! She wrote the “I Hate To Cook” book.

  27. I cannot sit down to a drink and something to eat and not have something for the dog to eat too. Olga looks like she's expecting something tasty. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.
