Saturday, June 4, 2022

A Barbecue

Yesterday Dave and I went to a barbecue at a co-worker's nearby flat. (That's not his flat above -- just a construction site we passed along the way, decorated with an energetic paint splatter!) It was fun, though I swear I have lost the ability to socialize since Covid. It still seems like such an alien thing to sit or walk among crowds of people and make small talk. Every time I'm invited anywhere now, I look forward to going, and then once I'm there I think, "Wouldn't I rather just be home on the couch?"

I'm not sure what this bodes for my future.

Of course, I always find plenty to do around the house so I'm not really just sitting around. Yesterday morning I took all the orchids outside and hosed them off. I think I'll do that regularly, at least with the ones in the front window, and see if I can't beat back that problem they have with scale. It makes me feel refreshed to see them dust-free and glistening with water.

I also mowed the lawn and did some minor garden tasks.

I took Olga to Fortune Green and the cemetery. She moved slowly -- it was pretty warm out -- but she was happy to go.

The cemetery is looking especially pretty with its meadow wildflowers and grasses at their most lush.

I'm reading a book called "The Jewel Garden" by the host of the BBC show "Gardener's World," Monty Don, and his wife Sarah. (You may remember we were on Gardener's World last summer.) The book is about the collapse of their costume jewelry business in the 1980s, Monty's transition to TV presenter, his struggles with mental illness and their creation of their home garden at Longmeadow, which features prominently on the TV show. It's a good book so far and an engaging read -- perfect for a summer day sitting on a garden bench.

I'm not sure how much sitting out I'll be doing today -- it's supposed to rain, not only today but for the next week! This is not a bad thing. It's been ridiculously dry around here.


  1. The color and art on the construction site makes for a nice change. The other two photos are beautiful. Olga looks happy.

  2. Here's a little tip for improving your performance at social events. Wear a mask! That will free you up to perform your social skills more admirably and perhaps become the "life and soul" of the party. This weekend you could have worn a Prince Harry mask. Admittedly a little awkward when eating burgers and hot dogs.

  3. I like the paint splatter against that blue.
    I know what you mean about socializing post-COVID. I get irrationally nervous in crowds especially if there are people I don't know.

  4. I really like the last two photos, especially the last one. It's hard to pry me out of the house but I generally enjoy myself once out. It took me half my life to learn how to socialize and talk to people. I'm glad I didn't forget how during covid.

  5. I absolutely HATE being asked to attend any social event but then again, I've been this way for years. Covid certainly didn't help.
    Hope you get your rain. I'm sure it held off for the Queen's celebration and now it can return.

  6. I don't like social gatherings very much and Covid has taken that dislike even higher. There was a time when getting together with friends was fun, an adventure, a lot of pot-smoking goofiness. I was in high school and that was a very long time ago.
    It's supposed to rain here today too. There might be sunshine tomorrow. I'm hoping.

  7. I love the picture of the church viewed through the meadow flowers. Just gorgeous.

    I think that I do better at small gatherings. I am a very self conscious person, always have been, but covid has really made it quite easy to 'give in' to that. The perfect excuse to stay home.

  8. Amazingly Beautiful Capture There Of Olga Girl - Well Done


  9. Olga looks very content. Lucy is the same, she still enjoys her walks, just much shorter and much better if I sit for awhile.

    That church shot is beautiful. I'm going to steal that idea:)

  10. Wait, wait, you were on with Monty Don?? More please. No wonder we've been admiring your garden -- it's a famous beauty spot, yes?

    Love your photos as always. You have such an eye for seeing and framing interesting compositions.

    I've always preferred home to out, and covid gave me cover. I do like people when I get out, it's just the before part..

  11. So cool that you were on Monty Don! I went back to look at your garden from that time and it was a riot of beauty! I couldn't find his book in my library; Amazon has it, but not as an ebook. Darn.

  12. I feel like going to large get togethers less and less these days. It's partly pandemic and probably partly my age. Everything seems to take more effort.

  13. Olga looks so relaxed. When she can no longer walk, you could get a wagon for her to sit in while you pull it. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  14. I was always socially awkward, and now it's probably worse. Since March 2020, we've had virtually zero interaction with other people. Of course, moving to where we knew no one didn't help. It's been raining since about 7:00 last night until now. At this rate, we'll never be running the sprinklers.

  15. Steve, if it is any consolation I completely understand how you feel about socializing in these times. I have been a gregarious person all my life, but over these last two years I have become somewhat introverted and ill at ease in social situations.

  16. Had to laugh at your socializing situation. I am the same. The years I spent in lockdown were blissful for this old introvert. Nothing but books and blogs and television and a few Zoom meetings. Now when I get together with real people I can only handle it for like an hour or so---it's just too much stimulation. And there's nothing wrong with that at all.

  17. Outstanding photo of Olga!! The last photo is wonderful, too. Do you lie on your belly to get a shot like that? If so, does Olga try to "help" you??

  18. I'm the opposite from you with social obligations - I resent that I have to go, but once I'm there I have fun (although I definitely need to recharge when I get home).

    I love those last two photos!

  19. I imagined you being very friendly and sociable! You and Dave are too young to keep yourselves stuck at home. Have fun!

  20. For Boud and Wilma: here's a link to the Gardener's World episode:

    Steve's segment starts at 17:00. Well done!

    I would fit right in with many of your commenters. Social gatherings are not my cup of tea either. Small talk is a skill I never mastered, and I marvel at people who can so easily draw others out.

    Your photos, as always, are stunning. Scritches to Olga!

    Chris from Boise

  21. Mitchell: There's just something about that big slosh of paint that appeals to me.

    YP: If I wear a mask I'm going as Her Majesty herself.

    Bob: It's not even that I'm worried about Covid. It's just that I've lost the ability to socialize!

    Ellen: I used to be quite a social butterfly in New York, going out every night and helping to run various professional and social groups. I can't imagine it now.

    Ms Moon: My parents were both keep-to-themselves kinds of people so I know where I get it from.

    Robin: I guess most of us are much more social and friend-oriented when we're young. On a biological level, it facilitates finding a mate and forming a new family group.

    Debby: Yes, exactly. Covid was (and still is, I suppose) a convenient excuse to stay home!

    Padre: Glad you like it! She was barking at me, as she often does when I get out the camera.

    Pixie: There's nothing wrong with going slow and resting! I'm glad Lucy is still getting out and about.

    Boud: Yes! "Gardener's World" has a feature allowing gardeners to send in video clips of their own gardens. It started during Covid. So we did it and got on the air! Chris from Boise posted a link in the comments. I used to have a video up but the BBC blocked it for copyright reasons. :(

    Wilma: I found the first half of the book, about their business and their life in London, more interesting than the second half, which is all about Longmeadow and gets quite specific about garden design and planting. I got my copy used via Amazon for just a few pounds, though shipping to Belize would boost that price, I imagine!

    Margaret: Age is undoubtedly part of the equation for me as well!

    Edna: I am entirely likely to do that, but fortunately we're not there yet!

    Allison: Well, I guess Washington is legendarily rainy, though I always thought that was more on the western side of the Cascades.

    Jim: Isn't it strange? I used to be quite social. I just don't feel the need anymore.

    Lini: Yes! I also feel a bit overwhelmed, though we stayed at the barbecue for about four hours on Friday, which was pretty good. (Wine helped!)

    Kelly: I just held the camera (phone) down by the ground. I didn't have to lie down with it. Olga mostly gets annoyed and starts barking at me whenever I'm doing anything with a camera.

    Bug: Well, there's some of that too. I guess all of us need to sort of MAKE ourselves do these things now and again.

    Ellen D: I think we fake it well. LOL! No, seriously, I think we ARE friendly and sociable, but that doesn't mean it isn't occasionally a struggle and even more so post-Covid.

    Chris: THANK YOU for posting that link! I posted one myself back when the episode aired but the BBC blocked it for copyright reasons. You'd think they'd let me post my own garden! LOL

  22. I love that photo from the cemetery. Beautifully framed.

  23. I like Monte Don -- I'd love to read that book. We don't see a lot of his shows here but some on Acorn/Britbox. Fun to be on the show!

    I'm glad you said what you did about socializing after Covid. I feel very much the same!

  24. That churchyard photo is poetry.
