Monday, July 25, 2022

Purple Pigeon

I took Olga to the cemetery for a walk yesterday, and saw an unusual pigeon perched on a headstone. At first I thought it was just an odd color. Then I pulled out my zoom lens and saw this, and thought, "Oh no! Is that BLOOD?"

But I think it's actually blackberry juice. This pigeon has apparently been feasting.

Soon it flew to a birdbath and did its best to get cleaned up. By the time it took off -- obviously uninjured and unimpaired in any way -- it had managed to make itself only slightly more presentable. I have a feeling it will be purple for a while.

Olga, meanwhile, found her own brand of excitement:

She discovered an abandoned football. Weirdly, it had no outer covering at all -- it was just a mass of threads surrounding an inflatable rubber core.

She was very proud of herself.

We played with it for a while -- nothing turns this old dog into a puppy again faster than a football. But eventually she got tired and I managed to wrest it away from her and throw it in a rubbish bin. She seemed content to let it go at that point. We didn't need to add that filthy thing to our stash of dog toys.

I just finished Sarah Krasnostein's book "The Trauma Cleaner," which I LOVED. You may remember I read her book "The Believer" a couple of months ago. "The Trauma Cleaner" is non-fiction, about a transgender woman in Australia who has led quite an unconventional life -- first as an abused child, then a young husband and father, eventually a sex worker, funeral director and wife, and, now, the owner of a cleaning service that specializes in heavy-duty jobs like crime scenes and hoards. The book explores the existences of people who are living at the margins -- disconnected from family or any other support, unable for whatever reason to manage their lives, and the potential costs of overcoming societal shaming and oppression in order to move forward. I think Krasnostein might be my new favorite author.

Also, I spoke of my affinity for true crime stories in my post yesterday, when I mentioned "Only Murders in the Building." Dave and I watched another brief documentary series on Netflix called "The Puppet Master," about a British con man who manages to entrap and exploit numerous women, some for more than a decade. It's a mind-blowing story.


  1. I've heard of "The Trauma Cleaner" but haven't got around to finding a copy yet. Probably I'll forget again, I have so many unread books already.
    I love that third photo of Olga lying by the ball with a huge smile.

  2. Love the photos of Olga with the ball. Alexi found a ball in our garden yesterday.....brand new red and yellow tennis ball! I had never seen it before, must have been left by a fox!

  3. Olga must have felt inspired by the continuing success of England's women in the Euros. They play Sweden next in the semi-finals right here in Sheffield - tomorrow night. Come On England! Perhaps you can turn the TV on so that Olga can watch the match.

  4. Krasnostein is on my list, but I really do need to start attacking that list.

    The photos of Olga, all smiles, are just what I needed this morning.

  5. Lovely photos of the pigeon and Olga.
    Both enjoying themselves!

  6. Olga really has the best smile. Nice to see her so happy and playful.

  7. Olga's smiling face is always a joy.

  8. Olga is just like you, Steve! she loves to find objects! Of course, her objects are a little different, but still. The look on her face is so priceless.

  9. The Trauma Cleaner sounds like an interesting read. It certainly is not a subject that I am well versed on and because I'm always trying to diversify my non-fiction only reading habit, I may just have to put this on my Amazon wish list.

  10. I think Olga has discovered a new dog toy. You could have soccer balls made without the covers and sell them as dog toys that way. Big $$$ to be made! She looks so happy with her discovery!

  11. Olga looks so happy. What a great walk you two had there. Cute purple pigeon too.

  12. Olga certainly looks happy. I don't usually read non-fiction but maybe I'll try The Trauma Cleaner.

  13. That pigeon is pretty amazing. It must have been rolling in blackberries. Olga does look proud of herself for finding that skinless ball.

  14. That book sounds fascinating! And I LOVE that last picture of Olga - she looks SO pleased with herself!

    Regarding the pigeon, I'm pretty sure that really was blood and that you'll find out there was a pigeon murder spree in the neighborhood. I hope you noticed which way it went so you can alert the authorities. Ha!

  15. Glad to get the thumbs up on The Trauma Cleaner! I tagged it at the library when I was looking for the earlier book.

    That's either a tiny birdbath or a huge pigeon! I absolutely love those photos of sweet Olga.

  16. I'll have to check out the Puppet Master. Olga! Oh, that's the biggest smile I've ever seen. That's the smile of a kid getting his favorite toy on Christmas morning or someone getting the happiest news in all the world. Absolutely fabulous!

    There's a tongue twister somewhere in the purple pigeons!

  17. Olga has the nicest smile, particularly with a new ball. The bloody pigeon is just priceless. After the berries ferment, do they all get drunk?

  18. It may have been blood male pigeons do fight

  19. I'm left here just grinning away.

  20. Olga has an irresistible smirk! That author does sound excellent and her topics fascinating.

  21. I love Olga's smile. She just looks so happy. When I first saw that pigeon, I thought blood too. Blackberry juice is a much nicer explanation.

  22. I am not sure I've ever seen a dog grinning so widely. What a trophy!

  23. Olga Girl - Best Day Ever - Happy As Can Be And Smiling From Ear To Ear - You Go Girl

    P.S. Olga Girl Would Prefer A Biscuit Dripped In Peanut Butter Please

  24. River: Well, if you ever come across a copy, you'll know now to pick it up!

    Frances: Funny how these things just turn up sometimes! I found a baseball in our garden not too many years ago -- figured out it came from some American neighbors a few houses down.

    YP: I'd rather watch my dog play football than any professional team!

    Mitchell: I know. I still have several books I was hoping to plow through before school begins in August!

    GZ: They do seem to be having fun, but I think that pigeon really wants to get cleaned up!

    Colette: She is a very smiley dog.

    Bob: I agree! It cheers me up just to see her having so much fun.

    Ms Moon: Finding something interesting is always a nice surprise, for both me and the dog!

    Ed: Do it! You won't regret it!

    Susan: She's such a ham, honestly.

    Ellen D: I'm trying to figure out how someone managed to remove the entire cover from a soccer ball. I've never seen such a thing.

    Robin: It was a good walk. Olga was exhausted by the time we got home.

    Ellen: Give it a whirl! It's kind of like watching "Hoarders" but in book form.

    Sharon: Either it was a very messy eater or, as John Gray said, it really IS blood from some kind of a fight. Seems like a lot of blood for a bird that didn't seem at all harmed, though.

    Bug: The pigeon needs a Trauma Cleaner!

    Kelly: I didn't even notice the relative size of the bird bath! I guess it is a little small.

    Jeanie: LOL! That COULD be a tongue-twister. I could have come up with one if I'd thought about it more.

    Allison: I've never seen pigeons get drunk from berries, but I have seen birds in Florida get drunk from fermented holly.

    John: It seems like a lot of "blood" on a bird that appears relatively unscathed, though. Besides, what was washing off in the birdbath appeared more purple than red. I could be wrong, but my money's still on berries.

    Mage: That dog smile is contagious!

    Margaret: I wonder how she found the woman who features in "The Trauma Cleaner." She really does have a heck of a life story.

    Pixie: It's nicer, but I suppose it's possibly wrong, given what John Gray says above.

    Andrew: She was very happy! It's funny how much she loves football. I think this is something she learned as a puppy before we even got her. (We certainly didn't teach her about football!)

    Padre: Ha! I'll give her a peanut butter biscuit, I promise. :)

  25. Olga looks so Happy! She's Smiling in every Image. Will she be crestfallen when you're visiting Michigan? Or, will she be spoiled rotten by whose gonna be Petsitting her? I had Friends here who used to go to Ireland Yearly for their Vacays and left me to Petsit their Border Collie, they said Addie lived for me Petsitting her, I spoiled her rotten and so she didn't even miss them, which they said was both a Blessing and hurt their Feelings. *Ha ha ha*
