Tuesday, July 26, 2022


You may remember that last summer, I took a few odds and ends to an antique dealer to be appraised, and he wound up buying a couple of things from me. Well, I noticed not too long ago that the same dealer was holding another series of appraisal days -- this time in the suburb of Wallington, in South London -- so yesterday morning I gathered up a few remaining items that I forgot the first time around and boarded a train.

Specifically, I wanted to show him that mysterious silver wine jug thingamajig that I found on the street many years ago, and also the remaining five bottles of my found bottle bonanza. (I already sold the others through eBay and gave several to friends.) I knew these were not extremely valuable items -- after all, I found them after someone threw them out -- but I thought he might go for them if he was looking for stock for his shop or something like that. Besides, it gave me an excuse to see another part of London, and something to do besides sitting around the house.

It turns out the silver thingamajig is actually a stand for a bottle of soda water, and as I suspected, it's not really silver but silverplate. Now that I know what to look for, I see lots of photos of similar ones online. He called it "ordinary" and said I might be able to get £10 for it somewhere. The bottles might sell for slightly more, he said. But he didn't want any of it himself. "It's not my type of thing," he said.

So now he's dead to me.

No, I'm kidding -- it's fine. I just brought it all home again. At least I now know what that silver thing is.

I also had an opportunity to walk a little bit around the high street in Wallington, where I photographed the Whispering Moon pub, above.

Yesterday morning, before I set out, I took this photo out the back door. Let's play "find the fox"! Can you see it?

Otherwise, I spent yesterday reading the news, catching up on blogs and cleaning up around the house. There's never any shortage of things to do around here. Dave and I are planning to leave for Michigan in less than a week, and our friend Warren -- who's going to dog-sit Olga -- is going to visit again tomorrow so we can familiarize him with feeding her and watering the plants. Not that any of those tasks are very hard. (I'm not going to ask him to climb the ladder and water the Russians' plants. If he can spray them from below, that's fine, but otherwise they'll have to fend for themselves until I return ten days later. I still don't even know when the Russians are coming back!)


  1. You don't even know when they are coming back????!! Those are some secretive people. I wouldn't worry about those plants. It is quite reasonable to say 'i didn't have a key. Nothing had been discussed as far as a time frame. I had a holiday of my own planned for one thing. Surely you did not mean for me to climb your balcony to water them.'

  2. The Whispering Moon looks inviting. The garden photo is another keeper (I found the fox — in front of Waldo). The Russians are still really pissing me off. They didn’t even tell you when they’re coming back?

  3. The fox..playing I can see you but you can't see me...

  4. So, now he's Dead to me... LMAOROTF! It is interesting in Europe what isn't even given a 2nd look and here across the Pond they'd go gaga for tho', isn't it? I remember my Welsh Mom thinking it was absolutely Amusing what an American would consider an "Antiquity" or valuable, compared to European standards. I just Love the Images Today, I do miss those types of Scenes we enjoyed when living in Europe, so much History... and Preserved! Here they tear everything down and don't respect the Natural World either, which I think Future Generations will regret since once gone, it's Forever Gone. Glad you found out what your thingamajigs were tho'.

  5. Pro tip: if it's silver there's a hallmark. About the fox,hm maybe I can, then again maybe not. I join in the general indignation about the Russian neighbors. Maybe they're moles recalled permanently to Moscow..

  6. At least he didn't make you "an offer you can't refuse!"

  7. "So now he's dead to me."
    Thanks for my morning giggle.

  8. Yes. We all feel that the dealer is dead to us now.
    The Russians may be as well. I hope they're not really.
    Beautiful garden and that pub is a delight to the eyes.

  9. It is surprising that someone would make a fancy silver holder for a soda bottle! Weird!
    I love seeing all of the lovely blooms! Oh! and NOW I see the fox and had to enlarge your photo! Fun!

  10. Is the fox behind the yellow flowers? IS there a fox?! The pub looks like a nice one.

    Had to smile big at "dead to me!" A great way to start my morning.

    (If you are within striking distance of Gaylord, MI, let me know! I am about an hourish from Alpena.

  11. What a great looking pub you photographed. All those flowers are amazing.
    I see the fox hiding in the plants. It was fun looking for him.

  12. Interesting photo of your fax. The area in Wallington is very well decorated by flowers.

  13. I saw the fox, but it took a minute. Ha! Sorry your loot wasn't worth very much, but it was interesting to find out what the silver thing was. As I recall, I had thought it was something from a church to hold a candle.

  14. I found the fox in the flowers ... Much better then a snake in the grass!

  15. I saw the fox. It's so interesting that you get that fox in your yard.

  16. I see the fox! I did't realize you were STILL watering the Russians' plants. (ditto everything Debby said...) I guess Olga is use to "fox scent" in her garden?

  17. It's crazy to me that you have a fox in the backyard. Who knew such wild life exists in London.

  18. Good that your friend is going to house/dog sit for you while you're gone. And yeah, the Russians didn't say when they'd be back?

  19. I think I see the fox, but who knows? I see things all the time that aren't there. A tree branch on the ground from a bit of a distance appears to be a dead duck. Lights that I think are those of a car turn out to be coming from alien space ships. Well, probably maybe not. I would love to visit The Whispering Moon. Such a poetic, romantic name.


  20. I can see the fox, much clearer when the photo is opened larger. It is a wonder foxes hang around when there is a resident large dog.
    These Russians don't expect much, do they.
    The flower baskets in London, especially at pubs are a delight. Mind, not bad in some parts of Canada either.
    I remember when I sold some LP records, a grumpy old dealer looking at each one and repeating 'rubbish' umpteen times. I did sell about half elsewhere, as well as the turntable.

  21. The link to the post about the soda water bottle stand has a picture of Olga from 2015 - she doesn't look a day older now, and you can tell her I said so :D Nice to know what that thing is. I wish we had an evaluator here. I also wish I was able to see the bands Dave will be seeing. Big bands and bagpipe bands honestly give me goosebumps. Even watching them on YouTube will do it. I got tired of bagpipes years ago when they were used in our area as a tourist attraction everywhere, even at the grocery store. Now it's much rarer to hear them and I've come to like them again. Maybe it's the same for marching bands. Are you a fan or no?

  22. Too bad for the Russians. They're rude and inconsiderate. If their plants die, they die.

    That photo with the fox is amazing. I love it. I've only ever seen one wild fox and it was in Newfoundland. It was eating a hotdog, without the bun, and when it was done it just lay down and looked at us.

  23. The flowers outside the pub are so amazing! You're so good-natured about making a trek to sell some stuff only to find out that it's not worth much! I hope one day you find and sell some really amazing, expensive thing!

  24. Debby: They may have told me but I just can't remember. For some reason I'm thinking mid-August. I did tell them that we'd be away for a while too.

    Mitchell: You and Dave both! He's super-annoyed about this whole situation.

    GZ: It thinks it's hiding, although it's surprisingly brave.

    Bohemian: Yeah, Europe operates on a whole different time scale, doesn't it?

    Boud: Well, there is a manufacturer's mark (is that what a "hallmark" is?) but it doesn't say anything about sterling. I was pretty sure it was plated.

    Padre: I wish you lived closer! We'd have you dog-sit!

    Ed: Actually, I'd have taken it. I was almost ready to give him the stuff for free.

    Bob: You're welcome! LOL

    Ms Moon: I hope not too! Would I then be responsible for their plants forever?! Or I could just stop watering them, I suppose.

    Ellen D: Soda water used to be a big thing on a bar. You know how they had those fancy spray bottles with the nozzle for dispensing soda water? This is kind of the same idea.

    Jeanie: There is indeed a fox! Directly above the birdbath and slightly to the right. We're going to be pretty tightly scripted in Michigan, unfortunately -- we won't have a car and will be at the mercy of my in-laws!

    Sharon: The flowers were really nice all along the high street.

    Red: They had boxes of petunias hanging from the railings along the main drag, and from a couple of the pubs.

    Bug: Yeah, it was good to get a definitive answer on that!

    Marcia: I would take a fox over a snake any day!

    Robin: It comes around quite often. Of course I'm sure there are actually numerous foxes. It's probably not always the same one!

    Kelly: Oh, this watering thing is going on for weeks. LOL

    Allison: They're all over the place here!

    Ellen: I think she told me and I forgot. I e-mailed her to clarify.

    Janie: It's good to have a vivid imagination. :) I also loved the name of the pub, though I have no idea why the moon might be whispering.

    Andrew: I guess dealers DO see a lot of junk, but still -- you'd think they'd be just a little more respectful. LOL

    Jenny-O: I went to one Drum Corps event, and it was interesting to see the artistry of marching bands elevated to its highest level. But I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, no. That's why Dave goes by himself these days. :)

    Pixie: I don't mean to demonize the Russians. They did ask, and I said yes, so it's on me for accepting this challenge! And as I said above, I think she did tell me when they'd be back and I just can't remember.

    Elizabeth: Well, I knew when I started out that there was a good chance I'd get nothing. So I didn't have high hopes!

  25. I found the fox, but my eyes kept going back to that stone birdbath, it's so pretty.
    How can the Russians expect you to water their plants for and indefinite time? That's unacceptable.

  26. Yeas, I found the fox. Where did the Russians go?
