Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A Different Brimstone

I am slowly, slowly chipping away at all the things I've been meaning to get done this summer. I'm about halfway through my reading stack, which isn't bad. (There's always more in the reading stack than can ever actually be read, right?) Yesterday I filed some claims with my insurance for work at the optician and the dentist, and I was proud of myself for getting that done. I thought it would be a tedious nightmare but it turned out to be incredibly easy.

I also sorted through my recently purchased rescued slides and chose some to get scanned, though I probably won't actually have it done until I get back from Michigan in mid-August.

Did you all see the news about Joni Mitchell appearing onstage at the Newport Folk Festival? She hasn't performed publicly since her brain aneurysm seven years ago, and her show was quite a triumph. I've watched several clips and they are remarkable. Perhaps the most poignant clip is the one of her singing "Both Sides Now," with Wynonna Judd sitting in the background, tearfully wiping her eyes. (Judd's mother Naomi died in April, and "Both Sides Now" is all about life and love and loss.) Joni also did a great job on "Summertime" and played an instrumental version of "Just Like This Train" on guitar. She's 78 and still rockin'!

Yesterday Dave and I were out in the garden -- he was watering and fertilizing -- and when he turned around, this bright yellow moth was sitting on the back of his sweater. I told him, "DON'T MOVE!" and ran to get the camera. It's a brimstone moth, which usually flies at night but for some reason was out and about yesterday morning. (Not to be confused with the brimstone butterfly, which I saw back in May but is obviously an entirely different critter.) Dave was very patient, standing still so I could get a picture. When I was done we have it a nudge and it flew up into a nearby tree.

Last night we started a new show, "Night Sky," with Sissy Spacek, on Amazon Prime. We've only seen one episode but it looks very promising. Apparently it's already been cancelled, though, because not enough people watched it after its release in late May and it's expensive to make. The one season we have is apparently all we're going to get. Why do I always discover things when they're already on their way out? This culture moves too fast for me.

(Top photo: A hoverfly on our orange crocosmia.)


  1. Ooh, Night Sky. Hadn’t heard of that. Will check it out. You get such a great variety of creatures in your garden. I did marathon yesterday of every video I could find of Joni Mitchell appearing with Brandi Carlile. She may have lost her vocal range, but she still can SING... and play the guitar. And what a joy to see and hear her. I get gooseflesh just thinking about it. Imagine being in the audience for that!

  2. I'm annoyed about the many, many shows that I haven't seen yet and don't have a hope of catching up on. There's just way too much out there.

  3. I saw something about Joni Mitchell. You've explained what it was about. It sounds like her performance is worth watching.
    It is a strange painted moth.
    We have those hover flies. But without a garden, it is a long time since I have seen one.

  4. Who was Dave fertilising in the garden? Not Mrs Kravitz I hope. As for Joni Mitchell's re-emergence - what a hell of a surprise but beautiful all the same.

  5. That clip[ of Joni and Wynonna broke my heart when o first saw it.

  6. Those clips of Joni performing just about broke the internet. What a beautiful and joyous thing to see her performing again. She has had a long road of recovery.

  7. Halfway through your stack in a couple months? Hah. The world could end tomorrow and I have a decade worth of reading in my "stack"!

    That is so cool about Joni. Thanks for the links!

    That is the one drawback with streaming. I am behind on several hits that are now cancelled. The ones I'm current on, don't seem to be big hits among my social circles.

  8. We started watching Night Sky but not every night. I think we've seen at least four or five episodes. I like it better than Marc who can't seem to figure out what's going on with all the scene and character changes that eventually come together. I'm sorry to hear it hasn't been renewed.

    Hard to miss the Joni Mitchell thing, it's been all over social media. I was never a big fan and haven't watched it but good for her.

  9. We watched many of the Joni Mitchell videos from the Newport performance. It was so wonderful to see her singing on stage again. I'll always be grateful I got to see her perform in the 1970s in Southern California. Her music was definitely part of the soundtrack of my younger days.
    Love that brimstone moth. What a yellow beauty!

  10. Interesting that both a moth AND a butterfly are called "Brimstone". Honestly, neither look like I would expect with a name like that. (maybe a fiery red?)

  11. Good job, Dave! Holding still is a sign of true devotion!

    Well done for Joni. Loved this.

  12. The Joni Mitchell video is very emotional. What a triumph for her! I think my boyfriend watched "Night Sky" and liked it. I'm terribly far behind on watching everything.

  13. I'm like Margaret, behind on every thing. Love thhe top image. Great catch with the moth.

  14. Catching up on blogs after a long while away. Brimstone moths are rather beautiful aren't they - and delicate too. I have not seen one for a while, but it must be nearly 50 years since I recorded my first; I will have the record in a book somewhere.

  15. I believe I read that she taught herself to play guitar while she was recovering and from what I read she was triumphant at Newport. Dave is a good and patient poser. That reminds me of when we went to Butterfly Wonderland in Scottsdale and one lit on my Hawaiian shirt and stayed there the whole time we were walking around

  16. Joni Mitchell was one of my favorites. I saw that it was a good concert.

  17. I feel as if there is so much out there that...quite honestly, I am perfectly happy to turn off the television and pick a book, rather than to wade through previews trying to find something that appeals. Perhaps if we spent more time talking to others about what they are watching. It just never comes up, really.

  18. If I didn't have a stack of unread books, I honestly would feel panicky. Although I could just go re-read something, I guess. (The value of keeping at least a small library.) Dave made a great background for the moth, or perhaps I should say Dave's sweater :)

  19. What a pretty moth! I did see the video clips of Joni Mitchell. Pretty amazing.

  20. Mitchell: Her voice has been getting lower for years, mostly because she was such a heavy smoker.

    River: And the number of streaming services. I think this is why Netflix has lost so many viewers recently -- there's so much competition.

    Andrew: I never realized hoverflies were so universal. But I've had bloggers in North America tell me they have them, too.

    YP: I hope not too!

    Bob: Me too. Wynonna's reaction really seemed to show the power of the song.

    Ms Moon: I am so glad they're getting so much attention. I really didn't think we'd ever see her perform again.

    Ed: I do try to keep the stack manageable!

    Ellen: I've only seen the first episode so far so I'm not sure I know what scene and character changes you mean. I'll catch up!

    Robin: Seeing Joni in the '70s would have been such a privilege!

    Kelly: I know! I have no idea where that name comes from. The internet could probably tell us.

    Jeanie: Dave is very patient with my photographic demands, unless he is to be the subject of the photo. Then he becomes uncooperative!

    Margaret: Well, there's just no way to keep up. There's too much out there.

    Mage: Re. keeping up, we can only do our best! It was a beautiful little moth.

    Bike Shed: I'm impressed you've kept such records of your sightings! My blog is my record, I suppose.

    Catalyst: I've had butterflies do that in the garden. I think sometimes they're attracted by laundry soap and/or the color of the fabric.

    Red: I'm so glad it's received a lot of attention.

    Debby: It seems like there's TOO much out there, to be honest, but we usually have two to four TV series going at any given time -- which is far fewer than we'd be watching habitually on network TV back in the old days. I guess then they were spaced throughout the week whereas now we "binge."

    Jenny-O: I can't imagine not having a book waiting on the stack. I'm not sure I'd feel panicky but I am literally never without something waiting to be read.

    Sharon: It was pretty! Such a bright yellow.

  21. I enjoy the photos of Olga and all the different flowers. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  22. This Culture moves too fast for me too, I can't keep Pace. It seems all our Popular Icons are getting so Old now, how did that happen? *LOL* Mick Jagger recently turned 79 and Paul McCartney 80... glad Joni is performing again, she is Iconic and still Rockin' it in spite of her health challenges!
