Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Bigger Scaffold

There's a tree on my walk to and from work that's already dropping very colorful leaves. It's pretty early and most trees around here are still green, but I'm loving these little bursts of color I find on the sidewalk.

Thank goodness it's the weekend! But it's not going to be a peaceful one. We came home last night to find this:

That's a MUCH larger scaffold than the one erected to replace the Russians' window. I opened my e-mail to find a note from Mrs. Russia saying that the workers determined the first scaffold wasn't enough to repair the roof and they needed a bigger one for safety. Well, this thing is gigantic, with pulleys and huge bracing poles that extend all the way to the other side of the patio.

It's so big it's hard to photograph.

Anyway, she said the workers were going to spend today and Monday repairing the roof. I guess I shouldn't be too complainy about it. We definitely don't want a leaky roof.

Meanwhile, I'm going to make myself scarce. I'm planning to walk another segment of the Thames Path. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. We had rain yesterday and we're supposed to have rain tomorrow, but I think today should be relatively dry. Photos to come!


  1. Looks like the Russians are seriously planning to annex you. If they ask you to vote, don’t trust them. Have a very nice walk.

  2. I hope the roof is done asap. You're living on a building site.

  3. Knowing how much you, Dave and Olga love your garden, this unwelcome intrusion must be pretty upsetting. Where ever builders are involved, scaffolding tends to hang around much longer than expected. Enjoy today's walk old chap.

  4. What an intrusion. I'd spend the day way, too.

  5. This is getting serious. Whoa, man!
    I don't think they erect scaffolding around here to fix a roof. But what do I know? Somehow I just don't trust this process.
    Our pecan leaves are dropping. They are always the last to arrive and the first to go. I've also found a few of the Virgin of Guadalupe-looking leaves from the Bradford Pear. I keep meaning to take a picture.
    Enjoy your walk!

  6. Well, any work to the roof above you will help keep your place safe and sound. At least you don't have to pay for it.
    Have a great walk!

  7. Definitely a good day to go on a long walk. Then have dinner out. Maybe a movie. Or save that for the next time. What a mess. I hope the work can be done quickly, no weather interruptions or supply issues! Hang in there. (And that's a gorgeous leaf. We aren't seeing that much color yet but hopefully soon.)

  8. That is huge scaffolding. Hopefully they'll be able to get the work done and get all that out of there soon. It does sound like a good day for a nice long walk.

  9. Always err on the side of safety.

  10. It's funny how when the leaves are hardly changing you still find beautifully colored ones on the ground! It's that way here.

  11. there is no bad weather, only bad has been said. Don you foul weather gear and go out , have a great walk and a coffee and a good time. That monstrous jail you are under/in must be removed at the end of business, which means tomorrow! Our neighbors roof took three days to complete but it is four times the size of the Russian's. have you ever been into their flat? I would wager that it is roomy and pretty nice.

  12. Your Russians put the F U in fun. Hope you have a good walk today.

  13. That is some scaffolding! I like Pixie's comment. Scaffolding around here is made from saplings lashed together with the occasional 2x6 laid across the levels. The one your garden looks much safer.

  14. I hope you are enjoying your escape from the scaffolding and another long walk. That is quite a contraption but I guess they need all that stuff to get the materials up and down.

  15. F U in fun, Pixie's comment made me laugh! That scaffold is quite something; the roof must be steep? Here most modern houses have tie downs and aren't as steeply pitched. Hope it gets done quickly since it will be noisy. My new roof took only one day but during that time I thought I would go insane.

  16. At least the builders are thinking of safety... Don't blame you for taking a walk though....looking forward to a report on that!!

  17. Beautiful leaf. I'm going up North for a few days next week and very much looking forward to cool weather and autumn color. As for the scaffolding, it would be funny if it wasn't so annoying. Sheesh.

  18. I'm with Ms. Moon - I don't remember seeing scaffolding for roof work. I guess those Londoners do things differently!

  19. Good grief! They're building the Eiffel Tower out there.

  20. Mitchell: Annexation from above!

    Boud: Well, as it turns out, there will be no progress this weekend. :(

    YP: I'm mostly just worried about the plants. The footer for one of those support beams is right on top of an aquilegia!

    Bob: I wish I could go away and just come back when it's done.

    Ms Moon: The scaffold is a very British thing. I think it's because the houses are so tall and the roofs steeply pitched.

    Ellen D: That IS true. It keeps us dry and we pay nothing.

    Jeanie: Too bad we can't just leave for a week or two away somewhere else!

    Robin: Our patio isn't very neat but it's not normally THIS much of a mess.

    Padre: I did!

    Red: It's definitely better for the roofers, no question about that.

    Kelly: I guess some get an early start -- and we probably notice them more because they're unusual, standing out from the others (as opposed to later in the season).

    Linda Sue: Dave has been inside. Apparently it's very minimalist and white. I think they're perfectionists.

    Pixie: HA! OK, that made me laugh. :)

    Wilma: Well, it might be safer than saplings, but I always think these scaffolds look a bit jankety too. They've been known to collapse in a high wind.

    Sharon: I wonder what they'll be hoisting up and down. I don't get the impression this is a very large job (despite the size of the scaffold).

    Margaret: Yes, the roof is quite steep and it's tile, so it gets slippery. I totally understand why they need the scaffold. I'm just surprised by its size.

    GZ: Yeah, and fortunately we'll be at work during the week!

    Colette: It is a heck of a thing, isn't it? We can laugh about it, fortunately.

    Bug: Yeah, it's a thing here. For almost any external house repair you first put up a scaffold.

    Marty: Ha! Maybe I could charge people to climb it and look in the Russians' windows?

  21. I'm shocked at the nature of the scaffold! The poles appear to be lashed into place. I haven't seen a scaffold like that in probably 40+ years. Now they are are all symmetrically bolted together things that are assembled like a giant erector set.

  22. You have my sympathies. We lived with such scaffolds outside our New York apartment building for literally years!
