Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A Cake Day Mystery

The flowers on our Thanksgiving cacti have started opening. I guess this particular plant is really more of a Halloween cactus, given the timing! (It's done this in past years, too.) As I said the other day, when I posted a picture of the unopened buds, the two bright pink cacti are far ahead of the salmon and white ones.

I love those flowers, looking like flying Asian dragons or exotic Amazonian birds.

I spent much of yesterday down an Internet rabbit hole trying to identify that pottery chip I found on the Heath. (The last picture in yesterday's post.) The only reason I feel compelled to do this is because it seems like it should be possible, given that we have a recognizable section of the design and also, on the back...

...a piece of the potter's mark, which seems very distinctive and unusual. Unfortunately I got no words with the mark. Not even a complete letter!

Some of you asked about Google Image Search and I tried that. It didn't give me any satisfactory results. I then Googled green transferware antique plates and scrolled through dozens of images with no luck. Through the clumsy magic of photo editing I made an approximation of what I thought the complete mark might have looked like and tried searching that:

But I got nothing. Google thought it was a tattoo and kept giving me tattoo designs back. Even when I specified pottery marks I didn't get anything similar.

So, yeah, I'm open to suggestions! I think my only option might be to find a book of British pottery marks (there were booming pottery industries in Britain in the Victorian era, particularly around Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire) and see if I can find one that looks similar. Of course, it could have been imported, in which case all bets are off.

Still, the quest is kind of fun. I love a good mystery.

Today is a big day for me. As of this evening (I think?) I have been on the planet 56 years. Yes, it's my birthday. Dave and I have no plans today but we're going to celebrate this weekend with a little dinner outing.


  1. my search presented a bunch of "all seeing eye" images, with the same sort of writing. Whatever it is , it is very cool.
    As are the flying dragon flowers of your cactus. Happy Birthday, Young man!

  2. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day.

  3. Happy Birthday. The sun is shining for you!

  4. Wishing you a very happy birthday and a great birthday weekend.

  5. That's an interesting marking on the back. May I suggest sending the images, front and back to several reputable antique houses to see if anyone "in the know" recognises it?

  6. Happy Birthday. I rarely comment, but I do enjoy your blog so much. Thank you.

  7. The pottery is so distinctive and so it is a strange that nothing comes up when searching.

    A very happy birthday and it sounds like you will have to wait until Saturday night for a special human moment with your loved one.

  8. I played around searching for the front side yesterday for awhile. I kept coming back with dutch pottery but nothing that matched.

    Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy birthday Steve, keep it up with the walks and the pictures, saving plants and collecting bits of pottery!

  10. Happy Birthday Steve! And remember, 56 is the new sixteen! Next year please give your adoring fans a few days notice so that we can send you presents. If I had only known, I would have sent you a brand new taser to use on The Overdues.

  11. Happy Birthday to you ...🎡🎢🍧🍰🍷

  12. Happy birthday, dear friend Steve! Friend in blogland, friend in Florida, friend in the jungle in Cozumel.
    I am so glad you are here.

  13. Happy birthday deArheart
    Have a lovely day x

  14. Happy Birthday, Steve! Best wishes for a terrific year filled with fun adventures!

  15. Happy Birthday Steve. You're just a youngun.

  16. Happy birthday, Steve! Enjoy your birthday dinner.

  17. I love that you tried to identify that pottery chip. It really is such an interesting piece.
    Happy trip around the sun day to you, Steve. The flowers bloomed in celebration of this day!

  18. I'm surprised your search came up blank but that fraction of the maker's mark doesn't look 'english' to me. And happy birthday.

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The cactus flowers are gorgeous and really do look like Chinese dragons!

  20. Happy birthday! That mystery is the kind of thing that Mike loves to try to figure out. Maybe I'll put him on the case too (probably not - he's not feeling the sharpest right now).

  21. Happy Birthday!!
    Your pottery search sounds like a good excuse to make a trip to the British Library. There is lots to see in that building along with lots of books.
    I love the blooms. They do look very exotic!
    To answer your question about the gold marigolds, they are part of the Day of the Dead tradition. I'm not sure why but they are used in all of the decorations.

  22. Happy, Happy Birthday!
    Here's to another year filled with love, laughter, adventure, accomplishments, and all that brings you joy and peace.

  23. Happy Birthday, Steve! I hope you enjoy your special day, all day long!

  24. Enjoy your birthday dinner and have a great day today. Happy Birthday.

  25. Happy Birthday Steve. Dinner out is a good celebration. Enjoy!

  26. Happy Birthday! We are so glad you are here to write your entertaining blog. Are there societies (for lack of a better work) that track the history of pottery? Librarians?

  27. Ah, Steve, I hesitate to tell you that your birthday falls on the second day of the Day of the Dead but there you are. You probably already knew that anyway. May you have the happiest of birthdays, my friend.

  28. Happy Birthday, Steve! The planet is lucky to have you.

  29. Happy Birthday Steve! So many of the best men I know were born in November. It must be a Scorpio thing. :)

    I hope you've had a wonderful day!

  30. Happy birthday, Steve, from a regular reader rare commenter. Your blog is on my daily list and I love your way with words.
    Have a wonderful day.

  31. Happy Birthday, Steve, and may you have many more!

    My mom's cactus that's the same colour as yours is also blooming. I remember it did the same last year.

  32. THANK YOU, everyone, for your birthday wishes -- including from some readers who don't often comment. I appreciate all your kindness and positive thoughts, and apologies that I'm not responding to each of you individually. I had a big ol' birthday martini to celebrate. :)

    I've put the pottery chip on the back burner for now but I'll try to follow up at some point by researching more pottery marks.

  33. Happy Birthday, Steve! Belatedly, I'm sorry to say, but nonetheless heartfelt. I hope your day and evening were lovely, no matter how you celebrate. I like the idea about finding a book on British pottery marks. Is there some British Pottery association or group of people (you know, like Beatrix Potter fans or other collection type of things). Someone has to know -- it's very interesting.
