Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Dancing Leaf

Now that Halloween's out of the way (and we had no trick-or-treaters here, as usual), I'll post photos from my walk with Olga on Sunday.

I just love seeing her out in nature, doing her dog thing.

As I said yesterday, we went to the West Heath, Sandy Heath and Hampstead Heath Extension, the first time we'd been on that full loop in almost a year. We haven't visited the historic Pitt House Gateway in a long time.

We also went to Golders Hill Park, where I took the last photo featuring Olga's tennis ball, because soon thereafter...

...she completely gnawed it apart and destroyed it. The girl was full of energy!

On the West Heath, we found a leaf dancing in mid-air. I was captivated by it, but Olga kept saying "Would you come ON!?"

She refused to look at me for this shot -- she was watching a flock of pigeons nearby. That tree at Golders Hill has been leaning for years but now I see that it has completely collapsed. I imagine it's not long for this world, but it sure is colorful.

Anyway, all in all, we had a terrific walk. I was glad to see her energy levels so high.

I also found another chip of interesting pottery -- this one featuring the lower half of a person. Looks like he or she is holding a fan or flower while grasping the hand of another. It would be interesting to see this pattern whole, but I guess we'll have to use our imaginations.


  1. That leaf was having a grand old time, I guess it was caught on a gossamer thread from a web. The pottery shard is interesting, the bloomers say Dutch to me and I think the figure is female holding the hand of a child.

  2. It's nice to see Olga doing so well. Did you image search the piece of pottery? It looks rather old. I just tried without a satisfactory result.

  3. The pottery shard is beautiful. Olga clearly was unimpressed with the dancing leaf. I enjoyed it.

  4. I don't speak dog but I'm sure she was saying more than just "come on." I could swear she was probably insulting your intelligence as well.

  5. AS River said, the leaf must have been caught on a long strand of gossamer. It is a phenomenon I have occasionally observed myself. You did well to capture that dancing leaf on video. Mesmerising.

  6. I love the before and after of the ball!!!

  7. What a fancy dancer that leaf is! Beautiful. Too bad Olga was NOT amused.

  8. That leaf! What a lovely video, Steve.
    That pottery shard could keep me searching on the internet all day! But I will restrain myself and let it go!

  9. That tooth must have been pulling her down, because the contrast now is great. Full of energy, she's a puppy again. Although she clearly has doubts about the humans.

  10. Lovely leaf-dancing video. I've seen similar dancing leaves here, hanging on a single strand of spider web. Olga looks happy and well. Yay!
    I love that shard.

  11. I love how colorful the trees and shrubs are. And, of course how cute Olga is posing and urging you to move on. I love the pottery piece. It does make me wonder about the full pattern.

  12. Yes, Olga looks full of mischief.

  13. That is so cool that you find those pottery shards on your walks. I guess Olga was feeling her oats on Sunday. My Minnie is not feeling so well today. She threw up during the night so of course I stepped in it on my way to the kitchen in the darkened house.


  14. The leaf video is very cool. Olga looks good, here's to more good years for her.

  15. The leaf that will not succumb to gravity, making the most of time left, with spider's help. That is a very cool video. Love the chip that you rescued.
    Olga is behaving like a young thang!!

  16. Olga has the energy of a much younger dog! Love being out in nature. There are so many small things to observe.

  17. It's nice to hear Olga's voice. It's rather high pitched, which I guess is feminine even in a dog. Penelope's voice is also higher than Franklin's.


  18. Whenever you mention Golders Hill or Golders Green I think of my great grandparents who I never met. I wish I had. The fall colours are lovely.

  19. I'm always pleased to see a dancing leaf like that because it spares me from plowing through a web with my face (which happens far too often). You're just showing off with all these wonderful photos of Olga now. (or maybe she's the one showing off) 😊 Keep 'em coming.

  20. What excellent photos of the Most Photogenic Dog of All Time!

  21. LOVE that chip of pottery you found. That's a pretty one! And also the photo of Olga by the arch at the Heath. Beautiful pix, all of them, in this post, Steve. What a great walk with your girl!

  22. Olga Girl , love Love LOVE Ya Girl
