Thursday, November 24, 2022

Off to Brighton

I know Olga's going to miss her garden while she's in Brighton. Look at her back there, barking away. You might think she's barking at squirrels, because that would make sense, but she's actually barking at her Kong toy which is somewhere in those bushes. God forbid she should just go get it.

I got a few things done yesterday to prepare for our trip -- mainly washing Olga's pink blanket, which is coming with us but was smelling way too doggy to be let loose upon a nice hotel room. I did a load of our laundry, too, and cleaned the place up a bit. We'll be catching a train right after lunch today. The beautiful thing about going to Brighton is we can catch a direct Thameslink train right here in West Hampstead -- we don't even have to get on the tube.

I did go to the doctor as planned. My chronic cough has been bothering me again, so more tests are in the offing. I think it's related to GERD, and I've started once again taking a generic equivalent of Prevacid. Too many birthday martinis, maybe.

I came across this on the walk back from the doctor. A dog? Looks like a male.

Oh, and I got word from Thames Water that our hosepipe ban has finally been lifted. Makes sense since we've had rain basically every day for the past month. They say even if we have lower rainfall than usual over the winter it should be enough to restore rivers and the local water table after our summer drought. Of course, the last thing we need to use right now is a garden hose. The ground is sodden.

Finally, I got some sad news yesterday. My uncle -- my mom's brother -- died in Virginia from a stroke he suffered just a few days before. Of all my parents' siblings he was the one I knew best. When I was a kid my mom, brother and I used to travel to my grandmother's house in Maryland for the Christmas holidays, and we'd often go to his house in nearby Virginia and spend Christmas itself with him and his family. He was a big fan of old Westerns. I visited him once in the aughts and we stayed up watching a movie starring Sunset Carson, who I'd never even heard of -- but it was surprisingly good, and now I can't think of Uncle William without thinking of Sunset Carson.

My mom may now be the last of that generation still alive, although I'm not sure about my dad's oldest sister, Aunt Jean, who lives in Boise -- I only met her once or twice and if she's still alive she'd be well into her 90's now. (I don't see an obituary online, though.)

Anyway, you may remember that I had our home movies digitized several years ago. That clip above is a very short segment of my uncle playing with me. I think it's Christmas 1968. He seems more into the toys than I am!


  1. The hosepipe ban lifting is still early. The ground may appear does ours...but the question is what is the ground water level, what are the reservoir and river water levels like?
    Despite all the rain, our rivers are only high after heavy rain...look at the normal flow and it is not good. And that is in an area of high rainfall, unlike the southeast of England.
    Olga is having a good time....and it's your job to go and fetch the Kong!! Hope you all have a good Brighton break. The travel plans look easy.

  2. Have a lovely time in Brighton. Not been there for years. Straight through on the train from here too as I expect you know. I remember that we went to the Pavilion, which is rather nice, but I doubt you can take Olga in there! Wishing you good weather..looks as if Friday and Saturday might be fine.

  3. Enjoy the trip and the stay. I hope Olga does, too. Sending condolences on the news of your uncle. The video is a treasure. Glad he enjoyed the toys so much.

  4. How can I stop a GERD cough?
    1. Maintain a healthy weight. Those who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop GERD.
    2. Stop smoking. Smoking can affect the way the esophageal sphincter functions. ...
    3. Elevate the head of your bed. ...
    4. Eat slowly.
    5. Don't lie down after you eat. ...
    6. Avoid tight-fitting clothing.

    In spite of the miserable weather we have been experiencing on this island, I hope you have a smashing time in Brighton.

  5. Your uncle playing with your toys created a strong memory, reinforced by the film. I hope us old uncles are remembered well.
    Lung problems, give up the Marlborough Reds and change to menthol.
    Yes, the dog does appear to be a male. Male dogs can be so embarrassing.

  6. I am sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope he had a good life.
    Now you and Dave have YOUR good life traveling to Brighton with your Olga.

  7. Sorry to read about the loss of your Uncle!
    Happy Thanksgiving and happy trip to Brighton!

  8. Sorry to hear of your uncle, but that little clip was delightful. I think every child of that generation had the Tupperware animal puzzles. I've got a set of them upstairs this very minute!

    Say hello to Cro and Billy while you're there!

  9. What exactly is a GERD cough? I've never heard of it.

  10. Sad news about your uncle's passing. That's quite a sweet video of him playing with the very little you.
    Hope you, Dave, and Olga have a wonderful time in Brighton.

  11. I have the same cough, GERD irritates the back of the throat. I take pepcid, sometimes. If I take pepcid for a week, it pushes me over the edge into feeling suicidal. Not a fun place to be. I use it sparingly and take tums as well.

    Things that make GERD worse, alcohol, caffiene, chocolate, high fat foods, spicy foods, basically all the good stuff.

    Hope you guys, and Olga, have a wonderful time in Brighton.

  12. Well, I had to look up GERD - new to me, but sounds nasty. Let's hope the sea air does it some good

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, but that video clip made me laugh. He was definitely having more fun than you were. Very cute!

    Hope you have a fabulous time!

  14. How nice that you have sweet memories of your uncle to comfort you now. Sounds like he had a good long life. Enjoy your trip!

  15. Such great memories you have of your uncle.
    I'd say safe travels but I'm sure you have arrived by now so enjoy your weekend by the sea! I'll look forward to some photos!

  16. I have a cough too but I think mine is viral. There is something going around in my family that originated in my grandson's daycare. From whence all (not) blessings flow. Sorry about the loss of your uncle. I've lost two of mine and have one left.:( Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing time in Brighton.

  17. Here's hoping for good weather in Brighton. We went decades ago and there were high winds and it was freezing cold. The whole trip was really cold - long underwear was required.

  18. You are so lucky to have films of baby you and an uncle that looks like a great guy, playing with your toys, I love him!

  19. Have a great time in Brighton despite your GERD (which I had to look up). About that 'dog', I think that's a tail .. she said primly.

  20. GZ: From what I understand, they're saying that although rivers are low now, even if we get something like 60 percent of the usual winter rainfall they'll return to normal. I don't know what's right. I'm glad I'm not in charge!

    Frances: Yeah, you can't beat the Thameslink train for ease of access!

    Mitchell: In all our home movies I believe this is almost the only time my uncle appears.

    YP: Thanks for the hints. Fortunately none of that really applies to me, except possibly the need to elevate the head of the bed (which I have not done).

    Andrew: Yeah, thank goodness Olga is a girl and I don't have to deal with that in public.

    Ms Moon: He did have a good life, and a very full one. I feel bad for my mom, who will probably never even know or understand that he's gone.

    Marcia: Thanks on all counts. :)

    Debby: Were they Tupperware? I didn't know that. I remember them vividly, though. I think my younger brother played with them too.

    River: Gastro-esophageal Reflux (GERD) can cause coughing when stomach acid backs up into your airways. It sounds painful but you may not even know it's happening.

    Robin: It IS a cute video. It's the first thing I thought of to post when I heard the news.

    Pixie: Yeah, if it's a choice between giving up alcohol and coffee and living with GERD, I'm choosing GERD.

    Red: Thanks!

    Bug: It's funny, isn't it?! He practically grabs the toys out of my hands. Fortunately I didn't seem to care.

    Ellen D: He did have a good life, no question.

    Sharon: Yeah, I do have good memories of him.

    Margaret: Day cares are great incubators of infection! I caught chicken pox at a day care way back in 1975.

    Allison: Oh, it's not THAT cold now, by any means. Maybe you were here more in the winter? Or climate change!

    Linda Sue: I'm so glad my dad made these movies!

    James and Brigitta: Oh, I disagree. I think the tail is sticking out to the right, beneath the object in question. But nice try. :)
