Friday, November 25, 2022

The Tempest

Dave and I hung around the house for most of yesterday morning. We couldn't check into our hotel in Brighton until 3 p.m., so I didn't see much sense in getting there too early. I walked the dog and did some minor cleaning.

After we finally packed, got the dog organized and headed out the door, we decided to have lunch at the new Chipotle that's opened around the corner from our flat. And it's a good thing, too, because we realized we'd forgotten Olga's anti-inflammatory medicine and her roll of dog poo bags! I headed back to our flat and grabbed them. As I told Dave, going to lunch was like a dress rehearsal for leaving town.

We caught the train in West Hampstead and an hour and a half later, got to Brighton in positively dismal weather -- driving, spattery rain and gusts that would collapse an umbrella. We walked from the train station to our hotel and when we turned the corner onto the seafront promenade we were hit with a wall of wind that made Olga stop in her tracks. She was like, "Where am I?!"

Fortunately our hotel was right there, so we slipped inside and soon made ourselves comfortable in our oceanfront room. Can you see the waves out the window? Crazy.

In fact, the wind and rain got so bad that it began leaking into the room -- I heard a drip-dripping sound and soon realized water was coming in around the window frame! It wasn't a lot, though, and we didn't worry about it. We had a gin & tonic instead.

Yesterday evening we headed down to the hotel bar and discovered major leakage there -- a pan was set out on a table in the corner to collect water dripping from the ceiling, and some of the furniture and floors were spattered with water. This is supposedly a four-star hotel -- at least according to Google Maps, and I'm not sure whose scale they use -- but it definitely has a problem with water intrusion. It's a Victorian building so maybe that's not surprising.

We were going to eat in the hotel, but apparently they were having some sort of function -- Dave saw people swanning around in tuxedoes and gowns -- so we walked down the street to a pub called The Walrus. Which makes me think of the Beatles -- goo goo ga joob. I had an overdone burger and then we came back and went to sleep and I'm happy to say that while the window may be drippy, the bed is fantastic.

This was the beach at dawn. Today promises better weather. You can see the pier and the Brighton i360, a sort of donut-on-a-stick that contains a rotating cocktail bar with supposedly amazing views. Olga seemed genuinely perplexed by all the pebbles!


  1. Some memorable experiences already! I am so pleased that today (Friday) you will be blessed with better weather. Perhaps the three of you can dive into the brine for a refreshing dip? Have fun!

  2. The view from your room is stunning. A nice place to watch the storm. But I’m so glad the weather has improved today. I hope Olga is having a good time. So nice that you could take her with you... and even better you did that trial run to Chipotle. The top photo is mesmerizing.

  3. While we haven't stayed there, we loved our visit to Brighton and our terribly posh and expensive lunch at the Grand Hotel. Is that where you are staying?

  4. Glad the weather has improved and less leakage will happen!

  5. I'm amazed at at how close Brighton is. Not being familiar with the South of England, I forget how far south London is.
    I love how a gin and tonic makes up for the weather! Way to go. Enjoy your getaway.

  6. I love that video of Brighton at dawn, and sweet Olga at the end! :) Enjoy your day.

  7. Brighton reminds me of Eastbourne. Glad the rain stopped.

  8. Not in Florida now, are you? And yet- the ocean. Different but the same. Beautiful. Did you feel like you'd stepped into a hurricane? I hope you get to go take some pictures from that bar.

  9. Drinking a gin & tonic is much better than getting upset.


  10. So wonderful to see that morning sunlight there after that rainy arrival last night. Looks like a beautiful place for a vacation.

  11. Oh my, that is some nasty weather. Hopefully today will be much better. That beach is very pebbly. I can understand Olga's confusion. I remember thinking when I saw it that it would be difficult to put out a picnic blanket on those pebbles.

  12. I love the ocean in any weather - but I'm glad your leakage wasn't very bad. Maybe Olga needs some booties (and if you were to put any on here we would DEFINITELY need a video because dogs in boots are hilarious).

  13. The sound of the waves is so nice! and I like Olga's big finish!
    Have a wonderful time!

  14. Olga saves the day- perplexed as am I. Brighton in the winter, your adventurous soul!Take a pebble home with you, Olga's keepsake.

  15. That was quite the storm. Here's hoping for better weather so you can get out and walk a little.

  16. I'm glad the weather is improving because holy cow! The rainy gusty weather is NOT fun. I know that from experience. Glad the bed was comfy!

  17. Nice view and I'd take a gin and tonic over worrying about a little drip any day. Olga is saying, what heck Steve, what are we doing out here in the dark?

  18. Where I live it can feel like that almost every day in winter! The west coast weather roars in from the Atlantic. Today the coast road was closed all morning until they had cleared it of storm debris. But don't we love the sea - it has a power and depth that draws us in regardless! Calm or stormy - I love it

  19. Gin and tonic fixes everything. And if it doesn't you don't care.
    Was this Olga's first visit to the seaside?
    The view from your window is fabulous. I would have sat and watched it all day.

  20. I always thought it was Koo koo ka choo! I love watching the ocean in winter, when the ocean matches the sky.

  21. I'm glad you had a great time, but I think the Hotel needs to get those leaks looked at and repaired.

  22. YP: There will be no brine-diving -- not in November!

    Mitchell: Yeah, sometimes paying a bit more for an ocean view is well worth it.

    Andrew: No, we're at the Brighton Harbour Hotel and Spa. (And the spa is closed for renovation!)

    Bob: Yeah, hopefully we won't go through THAT again!

    Boud: It could easily be a day trip from London. I don't know why we haven't come here more.

    Jennifer: Confused Olga, more like it. She still doesn't quite know what's going on!

    Pixie: Yes, similar south-coast feel. Bigger than Eastbourne, though.

    Ms Moon: It WAS very hurricane-like. I'd like to know what the wind speeds were, actually.

    Janie: Definitely. Sometimes you just have to roll with things.

    Robin: It's going to be a nice little break!

    Sharon: And yet people sit on it and don't seem at all bothered. It makes me realize why people rave about Florida's beaches, though.

    Bug: OMG. She would hate that.

    Ellen: Yeah, the calming sound of the ocean is the same everywhere, isn't it?

    Linda Sue: Well, you know how weather is in England. It's always variable but at this time of year, and especially on the coast, you can go from stormy one day to beautiful the next.

    Allison: Yes, we got some walking time yesterday and should get more today.

    Margaret: At the same time, there's something exciting and atmospheric about it -- as long as you're inside (and in a non-leaky place).

    Ellen: Yeah, she did not know what to think!

    Bike: I agree. I would love to live near the ocean at some point. It's invigorating and exciting and calming and I think there's something very instinctive about our human need to be near water.

    Merlot: This is her first trip to Brighton, but we've been to the beach before, in Broadstairs (which is much sandier and not so rocky).

    Debby: I guess you can sing it however it works for you. The meaning doesn't change! LOL

    River: I know! Seems like long-term it must be doing them some damage.
