Monday, January 16, 2023

A Birthday of Sorts

The sun was out yesterday, so Olga and I seized the opportunity and went to Hampstead Heath. Carpe diem, right?

We walked all through the West Heath and visited the cafe at Golders Hill Park for a coffee and a piece of carrot cake. (Even Olga got some carrot cake -- not a whole piece, just some of mine.) Then we walked to the Extension and back through the woods of Sandy Heath. Olga is much slower than she used to be, but she still chases her tennis ball and barks at the squirrels.

It occurred to me while walking that we got Olga in January 2013, ten years ago, but I couldn't remember the date. So when I got home I checked the ol' blog, and believe it or not, we got Olga ten years ago TODAY! I wrote here about picking her up from the All Dogs Matter rescue shelter. That was back when we weren't even sure what to name her.

I remember when I first saw her, leaping around in her pen, that I was surprised by how big she was. We had a neighbor at the time with a staffy named Charlie, but he was much smaller and I'd expected Olga to be about that size. She was wearing a black, metal-studded collar provided by the shelter, and she looked...thuggish. It freaked me out a little. I remember calling Dave and saying, "This dog is huge." She was so excited that I ran up and down the parking lot with her on a lead to work out some energy.

So this is the closest thing to a birthday that old dog's going to get. When we adopted her, All Dogs Matter said she was three years old. Our vet at the time put her age closer to two. You can all do the math -- she's 12 or 13 now.

Last night, Dave had a dinner meeting with a job candidate, so I stayed home on my own. I scrounged up dinner from the pantry -- tuna fish with rice and peas -- and binged the Netflix documentary about Bernie Madoff. That really is a crazy story, and as one of his victims said, a tragedy worthy of Shakespeare. I'm not sure I appreciated how huge it was at the time.

I also brought in all our tender plants yesterday, to prepare for a couple of nights of below-freezing temperatures. Above, packed in next to the avocado, cacti and ficus that normally live by the back door, you can see four geraniums, our Amistad sage and a fern. (Which might not be tender but I'd rather not risk it.) The plectranthus and another geranium are in another room, and the small canna lily is in the shed. We covered the banana and the big canna. It's supposed to be 22º F tonight (-5º C) with possible snow and ice. We're as prepared as we'll ever be!


  1. I'm glad you and Olga found each other all those years ago and I'm happy to see her still going strong now.
    -5C is way too cold for me!

  2. You have given Olga a good life. She couldn't have asked for more. Happy Adoption Day to the old girl.

    I hope you didn't bring any slugs and creepy crawlies inside with the pots.

    Have a fun week at work!

  3. Happy Gotcha Day to Olga. I can't imagine that sweetheart with a metal studded collar.

  4. Unrelated to this post, I was able to retrieve the deleted move "Everything Everywhere All At Once" movie on the DVR and we started watching it yesterday. About five minutes after the place I quit the first time, I really started getting into it, especially the seen where the two guys um.. inserted objects to get their powers. Unfortunately my wife had a phone call from home so we couldn't finish it but perhaps later this week we will. I'd have missed it all if it hadn't been for your post so thank you!

  5. Happy gotcha day to Olga! She's doing very well. Must be in a good home or something.

  6. Wow! 10 years. I remember when you got Olga. My plants are all still either in the house or the garage even though we are having temperatures in the 70s. It's still just January and the weather can turn on a dime.

  7. Just think- if Olga had been a human child when you adopted her, she'd be in middle school now. I mean, disregarding the dog-to-human age differential. What an incredible life you have given her!

  8. I loved reading the story of Tinsel/Mona/Olga, although I cannot think of her with any other name than Olga. LOL at Tinsel though. Mary, maybe as in Mary and Bright, but Tinsel? How funny.

    Olga is a lucky dog.

    And I didn't know you had a fireplace!

  9. Olga is one of the all time great dogs.

  10. Happy Adoption Day! I wonder who got the best end of that deal -- you guys or Olga? I'd say win-win. You got a winner, that's for sure.

    The Madoff doc is on my watch list. Glad to hear a good review.

  11. How time flies. I can't believe it's been 10 years. Olga is a lucky, sweet girl.
    I just heard on the news that we are possibly getting a freeze later this week. This has been an unusually cold winter for the desert southwest.

  12. Happy Adoption Day! Olga is such a lucky doggie to have found her way into your heart and home. All these years later she's still enjoying every moment of it.
    I think we may have to watch the Bernie Madoff doc... thank you for the reminder.

  13. I don't know how you settled on Olga, but it suits her. She looks so young in that photo taken on her adoption day, because she was young:) She's had a good life with you two. She's a lucky girl.

  14. Olga has given you a lot of fun over the years. I hope she gives you many more good years.

  15. Happy Adoption Day, Olga! She has a wonderful life thanks to you and Dave!

  16. I cannot believe it's been ten years! Wow. She has certainly had a fabulous life with you guys.

    Your dinner sounds really good - I might have to make something similar to take for lunch tomorrow (yes, sometimes I'm "that" person who eats tuna at work).

    Ice does not sound fun. Be careful!

  17. Olga won the dog lottery when she got you. Adopting her gave her a wonderful life.

  18. Happy Happy Day, Olga.
    You're lucky to have her and she's lucky to have you.

  19. Happy Gotcha Day to Olga!! Look at all the years of enjoyment you've brought to each other! Sweet girlie.

  20. Happy Adoption Day to Olga! And yes, carpe diem and sun too. (whatever that is in Latin, sol?) We have to grab every non-rainy moment here too. Sounds like you're in for some more winter!

  21. TIME!!WOW, I remember Ruby and Ernie- the brave old boxer dogs that had to be quarantined! I remember the search for a name and OLGA fit so perfectly. I can not believe time has sped by so rapidly! I hope I am remembering that correctly- one never knows as age creeps up and steals not only memory but muscle mass and functioning bladder...(joking...not joking)

  22. Awww, that's sweet. January 16th is my birthday, too, so I'm pleased that I share it with Olga.

  23. A well deserved piece of carrot cake, then. Olga is doing very well for someone of such senior years. It is great she still enjoys the ball and the squirrels. May she have many more pieces of cake.
