Monday, March 13, 2023

Washing and Re-Washing

I was just reading about the Oscars. If it had been up to me I'd have given the top awards to the same people and the same movies -- so good results all around, I think, if a bit predictable. 

A ghost, or something, seized control of our laundry machine yesterday morning. I started a load of wash around 10 a.m. and at about noon I realized the machine wasn't running anymore. I went to empty it and it had stopped mid-cycle, flashing "Error F:13" on the screen. (Googling now, I see that this relates to "a faulty sensor within the dryer heater assembly.") I didn't know at what point the cycle had stopped, so I restarted the whole thing and just washed the clothes again. Somehow, though, I must have programmed it to run TWO cycles, because by mid-afternoon it was still washing! Those poor clothes! I stopped it manually, spun the clothes and hung them up to dry -- and now I suppose our washing machine needs servicing. Argh!

Add that to the other things going on in our flat -- an evolving plan to remodel the bathroom and repair and repaint the hallway walls, damaged by a slow leak in the shower; a plan to replace our range (or "hob," as the British call it) as well as the kitchen floor; repairs to a leak over the living room window; and repainting the dining room ceiling, damaged by a leak upstairs. This place is going to be chaos in the coming months.

We were feeling hints of spring yesterday. The temperature got almost up to 60ยบ F and the sun was out, more or less. We took Olga to Fortune Green and the cemetery, where I shot that picture above of those amazing crocuses.

Be prepared for lots of barking. I told Dave I was going to post this video and he said, "Ugh. My hair!"

Here's Olga at the cemetery. When I showed Dave this photo, he said, "She looks huge! Like a horse!"

So we had a good if muddy walk, and when we came home I opened up the house to let in some fresh air. It felt great to get those windows open, even for just half an hour or so. I feel like I've been living in a hermetically sealed box for months.

Today is our last day of Covid isolation, though both of us feel well. Like I've said, I think I detected my infection rather late so I'm probably well past the infective period now. I clarified my absence with my boss yesterday afternoon and she said she's still healthy, so that's a good sign that maybe I didn't infect everyone I work with. I'll find out more tomorrow.


  1. Olga is sometimes so puppy-like. Poor Dave gets no sympathy from me. He HAS hair. The final shot of Olga is classy.

  2. Great to see some Olga fun.

    While I can't remember F temps I remember the formula, subtract thirty and halve it, or was it halve it and subtract thirty. Damn. Google says 60 is 15.5 degrees. Not bad. Close to short sleeved shirts and no jacket.

    The crocus look beautiful.

  3. Was Dave the pitcher for his high school baseball team? The way he threw the tennis ball for Olga was impressive. Sorry to hear about the washing machine.

  4. I like Olga's version of fetch. It's more like you throw, I run and point, you fetch!
    It sounds as if you need to be away from home while all the work is happening.

  5. Olga is a great getter but not much of a fetcher!

    I try to make a point to watch every Oscar nominee for best picture. I'm rarely disappointed at them being nominated and I don't think I've ever been disappointed with an actual best picture winner.

    Before posting, I googled and saw that Everything Everywhere All At Once won. I'm not sure I told you that I gave it a second go and finished it the second time. I guess my mind hadn't been in the right place the first time I started it and stopped. I really enjoyed it the second time.

  6. I haven't seen any of the Oscar nominees so didn't watch the whole program.
    I'm glad that you and Dave have recovered and didn't get too sick.
    Olga has trained you two well! Good throwing!

  7. Olga can still run very well for an older lady dog. She's so pretty.
    I did not watch one second of the Oscars.
    Look at those beautiful flowers! Are you enjoying your iPhone camera?

  8. I love watching Olga run. She looks so good and healthy. Dave looks good too!
    The only part of the Oscars we watched was the opening. We like to hear the funny stuff.
    The crocuses are so beautiful, what a rich deep color.
    Hope everything works out with the washing machine. Oy.

  9. those crocuses are amazing. and so many daffodils at Fortune Green. I assume that line of yellow in the distance behind Dave is daffodils. glad you are both feeling well.

  10. Good luck with renovations. It's hard to live in a place when stuff is being repaired.

  11. The photo of the crocus is gorgeous. The color is stunning.
    I see there were a lot of daffodils on the green too. Things are looking very spring-like in your part of the world.
    I've got to get management up here to fix a couple of things too but I so hate the disruption it causes, I keep putting it off.

  12. Glorious crocus photo! It's nice to see that bit of spring now that we're back in the freezer (38 degrees at 10:30 a.m.). Brrr!

  13. I loved that video! She really moves for a senior girl and then -- no fetching. Just "come to me and throw it again." I think she and Lizzie are cut from the same cloth, different species! The crocus are beautiful and I'm so glad you are getting better. It looks like a great day.

    Good luck with the repairs. How annoying all around.

  14. Olga has her own rules for fetch. She picks up the ball and the thrower comes to her. Good dog!
    Will the property managers be scheduling the various tasks to run concurrently or consecutively? When we lived in West Seattle, we remodeled for about 5 or 6 years, and it was difficult. Sanding things was the worst, dust everywhere. Do you get a say on what the new hob will be?

  15. I was too busy admiring Olga to worry about Dave's hair. ๐Ÿ˜‰ She's such a good girl.

  16. Olga is a good runner! But she’s funny the way she chases down the ball and then waits for you to come to her. Wow it sounds like a lot of construction is in your future! I hope it goes quickly and well, and you’re going to really enjoy having a refreshed bathroom. Glad you’re feeling okay Post COVID isolation, and that every else is well too.

  17. Good to see the three of you out for a walk.
    Houses..there is always something needs doing!!

  18. Olga does look huge!:) 60 degrees would be lovely; it's still under 50 here although it looks sunny outside right now. We're not fussy about weather when we see the sun! The list of work on your place is daunting to the lifestyle and peace of mind. I hate disruption to my routines!

  19. Once a bloke gets above a certain age any complaints about his hair is just boasting!
    Olga certainly enjoys her walks and ball chasing. All those daffodils made me smile.

  20. You've had a lot of leaks! I hope the washing machine behaves better. Olga certainly had fun.

  21. Olga is still quite spry! I enjoyed watching her run to catch the ball. And as for Dave, I am with Mitchell, at least he has hair!

  22. Hi,
    Just a quick little post. I don't know if your aware but I have glaucoma now and it is hard to read and comment, so I try to catch you as early as I can in the mornings.

    My daughter is here this week and possibly next week, so I have not been able to use my laptop as I normally can. But I did want to comment on the cactus post. To my knowledge, the cactus on the right doesn't bloom flowers. It grows taller and rounder. It looks like it might need a bigger pot, but make sure you use the correct soil. Clay holds water so be careful when watering.

    I loved Winnie the Pooh. I had read all that you had posted about his life except for the cats. How terrible. My heart broke for all the unfortunate kitties.
    We knew people to put the kittens in a pillowcase and then swing it around and get the kittens disoriented and take them off somewhere and abandon them. The lesser of two evils is what I have heard before but that is evil and cruel no matter what. Hopefully the kittens had a chance of not starving out in the woods, but I would go crazy looking for people to swing around in a bedsheet if those had been my kittens. ARGH...

    I am so sorry that you and Dave tested positive for Covid but glad that your feeling much better and Olga looks happy and content and I don't think that she looks like a horse... lol.

    Take care and get well soon... xx
