Sunday, March 19, 2023

Badger and Backscratcher

No, that is not a real badger -- as I'm sure you can tell. Olga and I came across it yesterday at the cemetery, perched on its rock. If it were a real badger it might well be culled, as the UK has been on a ferocious years-long campaign against badgers for ostensibly carrying tuberculosis that could infect cattle. Don't get me started on what I think about that. Let the poor badgers alone, I say.

Thanks for the comments on yesterday's post. You may have noticed it got shorter over the course of the morning. I said little to begin with, then I rethought it and said even less. At any rate, most of you seem to understand what's happening, and I think many of you can infer where I'm coming from, which was my immediate goal. Eventually I'll be able to talk about it all more freely.

I just found 11 comments in my spam folder. What's up with that? It's more than I've ever found before. Two of them really were spam, but the rest were simply short comments on old posts, including many by me. Blogger apparently suspects comments of just a few words, like "Very cool!" and "Woo hoo!" I approved them all so the folder is clear once again.

Yesterday morning was gray and rainy, so I spent it cleaning the dining room. I wiped down the baseboards and the windowsill and washed the windows on the inside. Then I moved the bookcase (which hadn't been moved since the carpeting was replaced) and cleaned beneath and behind it, and I went through all the books and filled two bags to donate to Oxfam. Whew!

At 1 p.m. or so I walked Olga to the cemetery. Here she is scratching her back on a favorite bush:

Hopefully Nellie doesn't mind.

In addition to the badger, we found a wayward toy owl. It's lying on the ground next to Olga in the photo above, but here's a closeup:

Another dog's plaything, I'm guessing.

Today Dave is having a colonoscopy, and I've got to accompany him in order to bring him home. That all happens right in the middle of our day, so there will be no Thames Path for me this weekend. Maybe next week.


  1. Loads of ordinary daily comments went in my spam folder last week. You may recall I even had to release you. I also had to release my own.

  2. It looks like Olga loves that spot, and what a beautiful day for a walk.

  3. A lovely walk. With reading !
    Hope the matter gets sorted soon.
    Yes, leave the's not called Bovine TB for nothing!

    Sending good thoughts for Dave. Pirate has one on the 31st

  4. Sheffield Wednesday's nickname is The Owls so the small stuffed owl may indicate that a Sheffield Wednesday supporter has walked that way. I missed my vocation... I should have been a detective or private investigator.

  5. Badgers get a bad press, I read that it is possible that they are not responsible for tb in cattle but thats for debate.
    Once again, love Olga video.
    As for Library content, don't get me started, I'm fed up with the whole correctness business.

  6. I often find old comments of mine, responses to other comments, marked as spam and filed away.
    I think, This s MY blog. I don't spam my own blog.
    I missed yesterday's post so 'll have to go back and see what's what.

  7. I find my own comments, responses to readers in spam. Why,why.

    I don't know which version of yesterday's post I read, but whichever it was, I feel for you. You're not the target but your department is.

    Good luck to Dave on what they call the procedure! I love that term, could be anything!

  8. You should plant a bush like that for Olga in your garden. She would be so happy to have her own back-scratching bush.
    I had no idea that badgers were being vilified. And culled.
    Best of luck for Dave! He will need a little R&R time when he gets home.

  9. I had to chuckle to myself about your last post. Yesterday, as I was driving someplace with Jack, he started talking about boys who want to be girls. He turns four in three weeks. The conversation was initiated by him, don't know where it came from. I told him that sometimes people feel they are born in the wrong body and want to change that. It doesn't happen that often, but it can happen and that's ok. I also told him that no matter what, nana will always love you. So to those who think that small children don't think about gender or sex, you're wrong. The important thing is love and love knows no gender, it's our souls that love.

  10. I don't understand why humans have so much trouble sharing this planet with other life forms except, of course, the ones they raise for food.

    we got rid of 75% of our books when we moved to this house. we had them, we had read them, we weren't going to read them again so best to pass them on. now we don't buy books but use the library. if they don't have a book I want, they can get it for me through a loan program within the state.

  11. Oh wow, Steve, I just read your post from yesterday. What a mess! I'm sorry that nonsense has made its way across the pond. I'll be interested to hear more about it when you feel free to talk more.

    Good luck to Dave, I hope the colonoscopy went okay.

  12. Poor Dave. At least the colonoscopy should be over by now. The worst part is the prep. Hope he gets good results.
    I would like a bush like that for scratching my back!?! Olga is so clever!
    Nellie was my grandma's name - although her actual name was Ellen - I'm named after her.
    Good luck at school!

  13. Looks like you and Olga had a nice walk there. Hope all goes well with Dave's colonoscopy. It's always good to get that done and great when it's over!

  14. I loved the video! One of my dogs does the same thing under the bush right outside my office window. She's very vocal about it so I can hear moans coming through the closed window. 😂 I love the photo of Olga amidst the graves, too.

  15. I really loved Vicki from Texas' Ray Bradbury quote. IU hope he's right. I hope this can't last forever.

  16. I check my spam almost every day and several times I find comments.

  17. Olga looks happy. I think I'd like to reincarnate as a much loved family dog. What could be better? Are badgers native to the UK or are they an invasive species? Culling native species (like wolves) generally has unexpected consequences that are not good. All the best to Dave.

  18. Badgers are cute animals. I understand you not wanting to say too much; I think we got the gist of the situation. Commenters with unusual or made up names often end up in my spam so I check it periodically. I too have a colonoscopy coming up. I'm not looking forward to it.

  19. We all do hate colonoscopies, don't we? Hoping for good results for Dave.

  20. Once again back with an afterthought, it's getting to be a habit, I see you've scored your century! Followers, that is.

  21. I love how Olga is enjoying that back-scratch. I'm sure Nellie would approve.
    I almost always get at least one comment in my spam box that was from a few weeks ago and which I remember seeing on my blog. It think it sometimes sweeps the comments looking for something block. Who knows how it works. I don't Blogger even knows.

  22. I had that spam issue a couple of months ago - very weird!

    I have an Indiana friend who is amplifying a local (to her) library under fire for Gender Queer. So far they're standing firm & keeping the book on the shelf.

  23. A colonoscopy on a Sunday? Not sure if that's enlightened or barbaric.

  24. Olga has found a friend in nature. Good for her. And tell Dave I hope everything comes out all right. (;^-)

  25. Olga seems to have scented something but can't find it. She's such a beautiful girl.

  26. I get to "enjoy" the treatment Dave is getting in a few weeks. The prep is worse than the occasion. I hope all is well. Love Olga and of course always happy to see her sweet face! We will all await the next chapter of the story.

  27. I've been finding lots of spam comments too, mostly my own because as you theorized in your other post, they are often the shortest comments.

  28. Olga Girl Rocks!!! Little Dubious About Reading Yesterdays Post - But Here I Go

    Stay Strong
