Tuesday, May 23, 2023

And So It Begins

Here's Olga on our walk yesterday morning, in front of a blooming hawthorn tree. I'm putting this photo at the top of the post because I have a belief that the first photo in the post should be something attractive rather than practical. But it's not the big news of the day. The big news is...

...THIS! Our bathroom renovation has begun.

I got a call from the builder yesterday morning saying he'd obtained keys and asking if he could park in front of the flat. (Mrs. Russia had told me he could, thank goodness. She and Mr. Russia own the parking space but have no car.) So I had an indication he'd begin work today, and this is what greeted me when I got home.

He'd ripped out all the floor and wall tile and the panel in front of the bathtub...

...which I was amused to see is sitting (precariously) atop broken chunks of brick.

He also scraped down the wall in the hallway, which you may remember has a moisture problem from a slow leak in the shower plumbing. The paint had bubbled up and was flaking off. The wall still feels very damp, so I'll be interested to see how he solves that. I wonder if he'll have to come back to refinish it once it's had a chance to dry out.

So, yeah, we are on our way. And as of now we have no shower. Fortunately I showered yesterday so I can get away with taking bird-baths for a little while, but Dave has hair so he will probably feel the need for one sooner. That's where showering at school will come in handy. We still haven't figured out exactly how that will work. I'm letting Dave blaze the trail.

Speaking of Dave, he's usually up by about 5:45 a.m., but today (as of 6:49 a.m.) he's still in bed. I suppose he figures if he can't shower he may as well sleep. (He also had a fifth grade concert last night, so maybe that gives him the right to go to work later.)

Olga gave no indication of being stressed about all this, even though strange people were in the house banging away all day. Every time I checked her on the dog-cam she was sound asleep on the couch as usual!


  1. That looks seriously like it needed doing! Glad you now have some progress.

    Good for Olga. It would have been difficult for all if she hadn't accepted all the goings on.

    And yes..a lovely first photo..a dark flowered hawthorn?

  2. Could Olga be a bit deaf? Would explain why she is so laid back about all the noise. Do you have any choices of colour etc for the re-furbed bathroom or do you have to have what you are given?

  3. I believe you do possess a garden hose. As the weather is mild at present, may I suggest that you use it as a temporary means of showering. You can stand on a chair in the garden holding the hose over Dave for a a couple of minutes before he does the same for you. Swimming trunks are advisable as you would not wish to excite/offend Mrs Kravitz or The Banging Russians.

  4. Ooh, those later photos are a beautiful sight. And that first photo of Olga and the hawthorn. So glad it's not traumatic for Olga. She's full of surprises. Our cats would need therapy.

  5. Disruptive. Hope it's over quickly.

  6. When I saw the first picture of the bathroom I thought, "And this is why you do not clean the tub before the workers come to rip it out."

  7. In Australia we have camping showers that you fill up with hot water and hang over a suitable tree. I am sure you could rig something up in your garden.
    I am feeling slightly more amenable towards the russians for letting them use the parking area. Is it actually on the street?

  8. Exciting news. Obviously Olga is a most excellent guard dog:)

  9. At last. This is the stage you want to get done with fast. Funny how precarious the tub's been all this time.

  10. I imagine you're thrilled that the reno has begun. Put Olga in charge and it may be done quite quickly.

  11. Lol. Olga is a most Zen dog, is she not?

  12. Looks like a lot of very necessary work being done there. I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks when it's all done. Maybe Olga liked having company all day, even though they were probably very noisy.

  13. It's good to hear that Olga is taking this disruption in her stride. Many dogs would be having a lot of trouble with strangers banging around their house. I hope they can be just as fast with the build back as they were with the tear down.

  14. How exciting! You will be so happy when the bathroom is finished. Did you pick the finishes or does the landlord? I bet it will look very nice!

  15. They're not replacing the tub, right? You might leave a note asking the guy doing the work to see if he could move those brick pieces a bit so that the support is more centered instead of being right on the very edge! and I suppose they'll fix the leak in the shower plumbing before they repair the wall in the hall though it doesn't look like there is any easy access to the plumbing for the shower. Any idea what will replace all the tile or will that be a big surprise?

    That is a pretty tree in bloom.

  16. You're gonna love the new bathroom! Hope it goes quickly. I bet they will do a better job of supporting the new tub.

  17. Well, they've started, so they'll finish and it will be in the rear view mirror. In the mean time, it'll be bad. I am so happy Olga is not stressed by this, most dogs would be.

  18. If the source of the damp wall is fixed only time and/or fans and a dehumifier will dry it out. I'm glad it's getting done but would HATE the chaos and break in my normal routines. I've always had trouble with long-term thinking.

  19. Any photo with Olga in it is worthy of top billing. She's being such a trooper about all this.

  20. I think that the Russians have done such a quantity of renovations that Olga has learned to tune out construction sounds.

    I love that AlkaSeltzer advertisement!

  21. Amazing the shoddy construction you discover when things are taken apart.

  22. I'm so glad Olga is chill about the noise. May all go according to schedule! Construction is a gigantic inconvenience.

  23. GZ: I've seen white ones, pink ones and dark pink like this one. I guess there's a range?

    Frances: We have suspected for a while that she might have hearing issues, but as I say in the subsequent post, she still hears squirrels! So she may just be selective. :)

    YP: Now THAT sounds cold.

    Mitchell: Cats never take well to disruption!

    Tasker: Me too. I'm sick of it already.

    Ms Moon: HA! Exactly! By the time it goes out on the street it's going to look like hell no matter what.

    Caro: Now, if I'd thought ahead, I could have bought one of those. I suppose I could still get one but Dave is not enthusiastic about showering in the yard.

    Pixie: Ha! Yeah, oblivious is the word.

    Boud: Let's hope they put in the new one with more solid footing!

    Bob: Plus she could be paid in treats!

    Debby: She really is, for the most part!

    Robin: I'm not sure she likes it, but at least she doesn't seem to be too bothered.

    Sharon: Let's hope so!

    Ellen D: We gave them some opinions but they chose everything.

    Ellen: They ARE replacing the tub, actually. I'm assuming the builders will know to center it better. I have no idea what's going on the walls, but to be honest, I don't really care!

    Jim: I think so. The existing tub was a very old installation and who knows -- things may have naturally shifted since then.

    Allison: I'm more worried about the heat fan -- drying the damp wall -- and its effect on her (and our houseplants).

    Margaret: It's not too terrible yet but I have a feeling I'll be VERY sick of it by the time it's finished.

    Kelly: She really is!

    Debby: That's probably true -- she's used to all the banging! Dave found that old Alka Seltzer ad behind the paneling in his old house in Grand Rapids. It's vintage 1950s!

    Red: Yeah, and so much grime and dust. I considered trying to clean it but there's just too much. Maybe the builders will do it with their industrial vacuum.

    Jenny-O: So far that's definitely true!

  24. It looks like Etruscan ruins. Onward!
