Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Home Again, with Daisies

Olga and I sat out on the patio of our hotel yesterday morning, taking in a final view before our departure. At least, we sat out there for part of breakfast, before it got too chilly and windy and we moved inside.

Reflections in a coffee urn -- can you find Olga?

Then I went for a quick swim in the hotel pool. I bought a new bathing suit several years ago at the Istanbul airport on our way to Egypt, but I never used it there or anywhere else. So I was determined to break the inaugural seal on the bathing suit on this trip. I used to love swimming as a kid, but for some reason I'm now pretty indifferent to it. I don't much care whether I never get in the water again.

I did feel refreshed when I got out, though, just in time to throw everything in a bag and for all of us to pile into a taxi to the train station.

The Micheldever train station has some pretty impressive daisies growing right in the middle of the platform.

The train trip and tube journey home were uneventful and soon we were back in our flat, where we were greeted with the news that our renovations are almost complete. Yesterday the builders did caulking around the new tub, and apparently we'll be able to shower this morning! They still have to do a bit of work around the edge of the bathroom floor, as well as a final cleanup because everything is dusty as heck. But we're getting there.

The kitchen was all hooked up and I was able to run a load of clothes and a load of dishes.

The builder, however, did sound a note of caution about the laminate floors in the bathroom and kitchen. He said they can't be allowed to get very wet (!) and that the flooring, although water resistant, isn't really made for those rooms. He thinks we should have vinyl flooring. As you know, I asked the landlords to consider putting down tile. But they chose laminate, and the builder thinks it will eventually become damaged by water no matter how careful we are. He thinks it will last three years. I wrote the landlords and told them that, which will probably annoy them, but hey, if they chose the wrong floors I don't want to be held ultimately responsible.

Also, we have to wait about a month before everything can be painted. Apparently the hallway wall is still too damp owing to the longtime slow leak from the old shower plumbing.

Someone is very happy to be back in her garden. (This was after lying out in the sun for an hour or so -- she got hot and sought out the shade in the flower bed!)


  1. That was a worthwhile break..and good that you could have Olga with you to share the holiday!

  2. What was Micheldever like?
    Plenty of new houses I suppose...I ought to go and have a look sometime, at the old bit anyway. All I have are a couple of photos of me a couple of months old!

  3. It's been pretty cool here with the east wind. I have been reading about how warm it's been on the south coast. I guess it has been warm out of the breeze just like here. The station looks like a pretty deserted one in terms of usage. Daisies are never allowed to grow here on platforms even in the middle of nowhere.

  4. We will see in three years if the builder is correct. I am surprised at the landlord's choice. Vinyl would surely be cheaper.

    Britain doesn't seem to have the cowboy builders that we at times have here. They still take some pride in their work.

  5. Silly of the landlord to choose the cheaper option instead of tiles.
    I lived five minutes walk away from a beach when I was a child and spent a lot of time in the water although what I did probably can't be called swimming, more of a splashing about and jumping from the jetty thing.

  6. I immediately spotted Olga in the coffee urn. Such excitement. That setting looked truly beautiful. Glad the work is almost done. Such poor judgment on the landlord's part with the flooring.

  7. The objection to laminate in any room that involves water is why I have it everywhere except kitchen and bathrooms. I have roll lino in the kitchen, and it's survived a couple of dishwasher related floods. It's a lot cheaper here than laminate, so I wonder if the landlords just got a great deal on the laminate in order to arrive at that choice.
    Anyway glad it's almost done.

  8. What a sweet and pleasant surprise to find the work almost done when you got home! Nothing like having running water to shower in in your own home, right? I love that picture of Olga in her garden. She has the prettiest smile.

  9. How great to come home and find the job almost done. Your little get-away worked out perfectly.
    I do see Olga in that reflection and I see her hiding in the flower bed too. She looks quite content.

  10. It does always feel so good to be back home after a getaway! Especially with your renovations almost done! Welcome home!

  11. We don't use laminate for that very reason. I am surprised that in a rental, durability is not your landlords' first consideration.

  12. A nice weekend away and a good surprise to come home to... the work almost done and you can shower there. Things are almost back to normal. Yay!

  13. welcome home and especially welcome home to a nearly complete renovation. the floors should be just fine. roll vinyl or tile would have been better but unless you're in the habit of getting water everywhere on the floor when you shower or wash dishes and leave it standing for hours it shouldn't be a problem.

  14. Hello,
    Being home again is so awesome. We seem to love getting away but coming home again is one of the best feelings. Olga seems to be very happy to be in her own surroundings.
    I did find Olga in the reflection of the coffee urn.

    I am very happy that most of the construction was done and that the shower and kitchen and laundry are working properly. I really hope there are no more leaks.
    Doing laundry, dishes and taking a real shower at home! You hit the jackpot!
    I bet I know that you will be doing some good cleaning to get it all back to how it should be. Welcome Home.

  15. Where's Olga? Yup, I spotted her.
    Glad y'all had a nice time away.

  16. I did spot her! I too am indifferent to swimming. I blame that on my thick hair and how awful it looks wet. I don't think you have that excuse, Steve! Floors are tricky. I have tile in my master and vinyl in the other bathrooms.I'm not sure what laminate is--wood? That wouldn't be good where there is moisture. I

  17. Now that's the way to have home repairs done: go away for holiday and let them work.

    I know Olga is a sweetie but the way she's guarding that ball in the first photo . . well, I wouldn't try to take it from her!

    Welcome home!

  18. We have laminate and love it, but it's not in the kitchen or bathroom. That really wouldn't be practical. Tile is pretty, but it sure is hard on the feet. I think about things like that at this point in life.

    Olga sure seems happy these days! 😊

  19. Lots going on in your life. Good that the renovations are almost finished.

  20. Very cool that the reno is just about done. Olga looks happy to be home.

  21. That last picture of Olga is a wall hanger.

  22. Not that it's going to change at this point anyway, but the landlord probably picked laminate instead of tile because it's quite a bit cheaper (at least here it is). As long as you don't have a pipe burst or something like that, it shouldn't be a problem, though. (I assume you use a shower curtain!) A good surprise to have the work nearly done when you got home. Olga pics always welcome :)

  23. I see OLGA!
    I am not sure the builders know how long a laminate floor will last- I was told that mine would last ten years MAX! It has been nearly 29 years- no damage, no buckling from water...must be good laminate.

  24. Your renovation sounds so much less stressful than mine felt. Nice to have it almost done! Welcome home.

  25. Welcome home! And what a treat to which to return -- a shower that works! Odd about the floor -- you were wise to alert the landlord. They were pretty darned fast! Olga had to be a happy girl in her garden again!
