Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Fridge in the Hall

The laburnum trees are blooming now -- I came across this one on my walk home from work yesterday. We actually have one right next door. Mrs. Kravitz planted it a year or two ago to replace the mulberry tree that she felled because it was "too messy."

Mrs. K has been super-chatty the last several times I've seen her. Yesterday evening she invited me over for tea and wanted to talk gardening. I demurred because I'd literally just gotten home and I wanted to try to get the house in some semblance of order after a day with the builders on site. I suppose I should be more open to her invitations -- I heard through the grapevine that she's complained to other neighbors that we're not as friendly as she would like -- but honestly I'd rather just steer clear of her. I think she's very transactional. Any kindness comes with a price, now or in the future.

At least we get along with her better than the Russians. They're not even on speaking terms with her.

Speaking of the builders, late yesterday morning when I was at work I checked in on Olga using our dog-cam to see how she was coping with all the commotion.

And there's your answer -- oblivious. Blog reader Frances suggested in yesterday's comments that Olga may be a bit deaf, a possibility we've also considered. She does seem slower to react to some sounds than she used to be. Then again, she still hears squirrels in the trees.

I think she's just very good at tuning things out, particularly when Dave and I aren't around.

This is the chaos that greeted me at the front door when I got home. That's our new bathtub in the foreground, and our new shower enclosure at left through the doorway. And you can see our kitchen appliances are all out in the entrance hall, including our refrigerator, which fortunately was still plugged in -- considering it contains a couple of packages of raw shrimp.

Here's everything from another angle. I cleaned the refrigerator after I took this picture. It was appallingly dusty and greasy in all the places I can't usually reach. And no laundry or dishwashing last night!

The appliances were moved because...

...the builders installed the new kitchen floor. It doesn't match our existing floors in the rest of the house, which was our hope, but it's much better than the wavy, warped floor that was in there before.

The bathroom, however, is still complete chaos. The tub is now dislodged and upended, and the builders have this weird heat fan blowing in the hall closet, trying to dry it out from our plumbing leak. I can't imagine it's going to be very effective in the short term. Particularly since I turned it off yesterday evening because the flat was beginning to feel a bit stifling, and we couldn't really be expected to sleep with that thing going, could we?

I bathed this morning in our bathroom sink, which is still connected and functional. It's a bit like being in the Peace Corps, bucket-bathing in the shed in my courtyard in Morocco. No scorpions, though.


  1. Great new floor. Progress! Progress in the bathroom, too, but it will be nice to see construction and not just demolition. What a mess. Shame about the lack of scorpions. That would bring back sweet memories, I’m sure.

  2. I had visions of you sitting in the bathroom sink with your knees up under your chin!!

  3. Maybe you should have moved into a hotel for the duration. After all, hotel prices in London are amazingly cheap. A bit like Laos or Mozambique.

  4. It sounds as though Olga has selective deafness!
    What chaos, but it will all look good when it's finished.

  5. Oh I remember my bathroom carnage of last year
    Never again

  6. At least you're seeing some progress. So often renos get halted midway and you live in a mess longer than you need.

  7. Well, things are coming along and that is good. I'm sorry you have to go through the mess of it all in the meantime but oh, won't it be lovely when it's all done?
    Do you suppose Mrs. Kravitz is lonely?

  8. Ms Moon has a good point re Mrs.K.

    Sad to see a good metal bath going out..but getting them re-enamelled won't be what a landlord would do

  9. That's a lot of chaos going on there. It's good that Olga can sleep through all of it. I hope the work proceeds as planned and is done soon. Take care there.

  10. I'd like to be there to watch how they get that tub out of the flat. when we remodeled our big bathroom I opted to keep my retro turquoise tub. I'd have preferred a stand alone walk in shower but I think a house needs at least one bathtub (what if the next occupants have small children?) nd this was it. Besides, they'd never have gotten it out of the house without having to cut it up I don't think. Good thing Olga seems oblivious.

    I think I'd be wary of Ms K too.

  11. It's inconvenient to live through but you will like it when it is finished and all new! Hope all goes well and it doesn't take too long.

  12. Holy cow, that is a lot of disruption to contend with all at once. But I guess the thought of a sparkling new bathroom makes it worth it. I'm still amazed that Olga sleeps through all of that.

  13. Home reno is a pain on a good day -- even just painting. But when a bathroom AND kitchen are torn up -- so frustrating. Hope you can still do the basics. At least they were smart enough to keep the fridge going!

  14. upended much? I hope they work quickly! Bucket bathing can get tedious though look at how much water you are saving!! My bathroom took four years to get working- still not finished really but I can use it.
    Olga is calm!

  15. I like the floor, but it would have been nice if it matched. I've been there with the drying out leaks and the fans and dehumidifiers blasting day and night. Very tedious. It's fun to have before, during and after photos!

  16. I think Olga is just tuning it out rather than not hearing it. With all that commotion, she'd be able to "feel" the sounds! I hope the renovation stays right on schedule!

  17. Steve, the endless optimist! Surveying devastation all around, washing out of a basin, and he says, well, no scorpions!

  18. No scorpions is always a plus. I do wonder how they'll get the tub out, it must weigh a ton. Olga looks so relaxed, actually she is relaxed. Good girl!

  19. It seems to be going fairly quickly so far, which is good (knock on wood that I didn't just jinx it). Last fall I had a shower unit installed in our half-bath on the main floor. They took out a hall closet to accommodate it, and extended the other side of the hall wall, put in a French door at the end of the hall, and painted the hall and bathroom. All told, it took about two weeks. But they were local, they came recommended, and they were awesome workers. I wish for you the same results :)

  20. Mitchell: Yes, we finally now seem to be in the building rather than destroying phase! I'll be happy if I never see another scorpion. They give me the willies like no other creature.

    Caro: Almost!

    YP: We talked about it. I think if the work isn't done by the weekend we'll try to go away for a night or two, but of course it's a bank holiday weekend so who knows if that's even feasible.

    Coppa's: We joke about how she's used to construction noise because of our (constantly renovating) upstairs neighbors!

    John: I agree. We're living with this for the duration! (Unless we get kicked out, which could happen if the landlords sell the place.)

    Bob: God forbid!

    Ms Moon: Undoubtedly. She's married and has a child but who knows what another person's family life is like.

    GZ: We actually asked first for re-enamelling, but they said they couldn't find anyone to do it! Then we discovered the slow leak and it became clear that more was needed anyway.

    Robin: So far, so good!

    Ellen: They managed to get it out and down the front steps, but they scuffed up the floor a bit.

    Ellen D: That's what I keep telling myself -- eyes on the prize!

    Sharon: She looked a little less relaxed yesterday (when I checked on her via dog-cam). I think she wanted to go outside and lie in the sun.

    Jeanie: Yeah, thank God for that! If they just hook up the kitchen again I will feel like we've made huge progress.

    Linda Sue: Yes, there is an environmental plus, I suppose!

    Margaret: I've never seen a fan like this one that blows heat. Tedious AND hot!

    Kelly: It seems like it's doing pretty well so far!

    Boud: Ha! Well, when life gives you lemons...

    Allison: Yeah, I don't know how they managed it, but they did!

    Jenny-O: That sounds like quite a bit of work, maybe more than we're having done. They said this job would take a week and I was skeptical, but who knows?

    Catalyst: Tell me about it! (TMAI?)

  21. Well one thing is for sure! Cahos abounds at your flat!!! It's going to be much nicer than before the renovations but can be very annoying.
    I guess some construction things change. I cannot believe that they waited so long to put in the heat dryers because in my experience, the leak damage has to be completly dry and kiltzed and that usually takes 3-4 days if the leak was a significant one, then the kiltz needs to dry, otherwise mold can continue in the wood.
    Just strange to me, but I have been out of my field for over a decade now and they could have better ways of doing things now.

    I love how Olga is just a chilling lol. I lauged at how you said that she might have some hearing issues but most likely just tunes things out except hearing a squirrel in the trees. Yep sounds like every dog I know haha.

    That is one beautiful tree and I think that your gut instinct with Mz.Kravis is spot one. Listen to that gut feeling. I really like NOT knowing any of our neighbors. It is easier that way!

    Have a great day and evening.
