Saturday, June 24, 2023


I have things to write about, but I also have a stack (digitally speaking) of miscellaneous pictures to blog -- so let's do the pictures today and I'll write a real post tomorrow!

First, I made this rather disturbing find on our high street while walking the dog. It's not often I find a human head lying around, even a plastic one, and especially with so much hair. (And a beard like Rasputin!) Do you suppose this is for the use of barber/stylist trainees?

A few weeks ago I mentioned going to dinner with Dave's colleagues, one of whom got a fancy dessert that looked like a cricket ball. There was at least one request to see the dessert -- so here it is. I wish I'd moved quickly enough to take a picture before the waiter poured chocolate sauce over it, but you get the idea. 

This small box from Amazon amused the heck out of me. I could just hear someone saying that. When I Googled the phrase, I realized it's a reference to Sir Mix-a-Lot's 1992 song, "Baby Got Back." Wonder if he's making royalties on it?

The Daily Mail produced a whole article on the generational consternation that's been caused by some people's failure to recognize this lyric.

Lots of free chairs out there for the taking this week. (I did not take them.)

This sign was propped up in the very reflective window of a local workout space. (I hesitate to call it a gym -- it's just a shopfront with workout equipment, but that's how a lot of gyms are nowadays, at least around here.)

I liked this very enthusiastic sign on someone's door -- especially their "gender neutral" reference to the "post person."

And finally, I found this guy near a produce vendor's cart while on my recent trip to Covent Garden. I got news for you, buddy -- fruit or not, we're going to end up like you. It might take longer with some fruit, I'll grant you that. (And why do you only have one leg?)


  1. Perhaps the missing leg is the fault of no fruit? Rickets or something?
    I like the turquoise chair.

  2. Oh. My. God. Becky. I read one of the dangers of not eating fruit is that you'll lose your right leg. And, oh. My. God. Becky. I can't. believe those wooden chairs didn’t go home with you.

  3. Deadhead is all hair. Who knows if she served a purpose.
    I had no clue about the lyric. Please, it was thirty years ago.
    The non fruit eater developed scurvy which turned into gangrene of his leg. It was amputated.

  4. A friend in Aotearoa NZ who teaches hairdressing has heads like that.
    Sad to see chairs out like that, looking fit for purpose but needing a new home.

  5. I have a child size red chair like that one. From the dumpster, and housing at different times teddy bears, dolls and currently a begonia. I think the chairs should have come home with you!

  6. You've got all sorts of finds in the streets. I love the "gym" sign and I would have dragged that blue chair home.

  7. We had one of these doll heads as part of a child's make up set. Ours was blonde and came as a gift a bit too late in my daughter's life to be entertaining but we used it to make some good horror greetings cards and once almost convinced an elderly relative hat there was a secret second daughter we had been hiding for years peeking out from the bed.

  8. Good Morning, or at least here it is morning.
    I just love the photos. Not sure of my favorite because they are all really great photos and yes that does look like a barber/stylist head. But I am going to go with the post delivery person. It is kind to leave a small note of appreciation to our service employees.

    Have an awesome day my friend and stay safe and well.

  9. I just love it when regular people express themselves in public, even if they are no longer present. I really enjoyed the skeleton, the postperson sign, and the goofy gym sign.

  10. I loved this post!
    Yes. You definitely found a practice head for someone in "beauty school." Or whatever it's called now.
    I probably would have grabbed the red and blue chairs if they were in good shape and not wobbly.
    And that sign to the postperson is sort of delicious.
    You are certainly correct about the fact that all of us will end up looking like that skeleton only hopefully, we'll still have both of our legs.

  11. Great random photos. I love the sign for the Post Person (gender neutral) and the skeleton with a very important warning sign.
    I saw a beautiful mural the other day and thought of you. I photographed it, and if I actually remember I will post it on the blog.

  12. That is a very fine head- students of hair enhancement pay hundreds for those! That one is in great shape. Chairs are one of my weaknesses- I would have hauled all three back to the flat and just had a room of chairs.A museum of street finds, charge an entrance fee and live comfortably without having to work. Great plan for you!
    The desert cricket ball looks cute, like a wad of diabetes. Bet it was delicious.

  13. lots of amusing signs this go round. and I'm in that generational gap. don't know the song but I think I have a dim memory of the band? singer? there's a full fledged 24 hour gym here but lately two new places have cropped up that are basically a storefront with some gym equipment, one CrossFit and the other has a banner out front, something about nutritional tea something. I don't know what the deal is with that place.

  14. I think the colorful blue and red chairs would look good out in your garden among the blooms and bushes!
    I didn't get the Amazon box until you explained it but I do remember that song...

  15. I am in that generational gap. And I am not even interested enough to go see what I am missing. That head is startling, but the red and blue chairs looked as if they needed to be together.

  16. Great post! That head though, eek. I was and am not familiar with those lyrics. After a bit of research, I do sort of know the song, Sir Mix-a-lot is from Seattle and he shares my birthday. :)

  17. That head on the sidewalk is a startling sight to come across. I love the dessert, I hope it tasted good. And the "Becky" quote went right over my head. I am from the tail end of the boomers so I guess that makes sense. I've never seen anything like that on Amazon boxes here. I'll keep my eyes open on that one. I'm pretty sure that red chair is from Ikea. I had a set in blue and green a few year ago. That note to the post-person is fantastic. Very creative.

  18. That first photo put a scare into me. The second one made me drool! And those red and blue chairs would look good together.

  19. Every one of these is a winner! Loved the signs especially but that first one was a bit of a fright!

  20. Those chairs look like they had potential. Did you test them to see if they were wonky or not? The skeleton's chair looks kinda nasty, but he's cute, even with one leg.

  21. Great photo roundup! I'm laughing at Sabine's secret extra daughter - ha!

  22. I.m wondering re the photo of the children eating at a trestle table if it was 1953 the Queen’s Coronation where the children had street parities and the adults stood nearby and watched —-rather like the photo here with older children. Jean in Winnipeg

  23. I love the post person sign! You get a real sense of the writer’s personality. Sounds like a fun BFF for sure. And that dessert looks deee-vine.

  24. River: Ha! Does one lose limbs with rickets?!

    Mitchell: You do that so well. LOL

    Andrew: I think Deadhead is a he, with that beard, although admittedly those rules are no longer as firm as they used to be. :)

    GZ: The chairs disappeared pretty quickly. I think someone grabbed them all.

    Boud: We already have four random side chairs I've found here and there. It's surprising how many chairs wind up on the street!

    Bob: The blue one was my favorite too. I considered grabbing it but Dave vetoed the idea.

    Sabine: Ha! I hope your relative had a sense of humor!

    Beth: I liked that note a lot too!

    Colette: The skeleton was eye-catching, for sure. What a way to market fruit!

    Ms Moon: I didn't try them for wobble, but geez, we have so many chairs already. If I picked up every chair I saw we'd be able to cater a wedding!

    Robin: Yes! Do post the mural! I'd love to see it.

    Linda Sue: "A wad of diabetes" -- LOL!

    Ellen: I didn't really know the song either, though when I watched the video I remembered the "Becky" beginning.

    Ellen D: I think unless one was a very specific age in the early '90s (probably around 20) that song would have passed one by. I was just a bit too old and un-hip, though I do remember it sort of!

    Debby: Ha! The opening of the video is actually pretty funny. You don't need to hear the whole song, though!

    Margaret: Well THERE's a bit of trivia I'd never have known!

    Sharon: Maybe it's just on European Amazon boxes?

    Catalyst: Someone could definitely have fun mix-and-matching chairs found on the street.

    Jeanie: It was a fright for me too!

    Kelly: I did not test them, no. I'm trying to curb my impulse to bring stuff home from off the street. But they disappeared quickly so I think someone rescued them.

    Bug: Yeah, that is a pretty funny gag!

    Jean: That is VERY possible! It would have been just about the right time period, wouldn't it?

    37P: Yeah, I love that they put so much effort into a sign that could easily have been much simpler and more boring.
