Friday, June 16, 2023

The End, and None Too Soon

Bob wins the prize (there is no prize) for solving the mystery of the photo upload button on Blogger. Apparently I had inadvertently increased the type size on my screen, which made several of the controls slip into the drop-down menu behind the three dots. I decreased the type size by just one click and they all reappeared again. Thanks, Bob!

I have no idea how I managed to do that. And sorry for inflicting that conversation on those of you who don't blog and thus don't care.

Yesterday was a day for tidying up at work. I took down displays and re-shelved all our remaining books. I also had to move four bookcases' worth of books, because the maintenance guys have to break into the wall behind them in order to remodel an air conditioning system. (There's always something like that happening over the summer at school.) I had a father come in to pick up some last-minute books for his son.

We also had a meeting with our head of school to debrief about the end of the book challenge, and how that all worked out. It was nice because I got a shout-out -- she said she'd talked to a parent who praised me for giving good book suggestions. Woo hoo!

And there was an all-school meeting at which the head-of-school gave us a moving goodbye, because she was serving on an interim basis until a new permanent head was hired. He will begin this summer and will be on board when we reconvene in the fall.

Today there's more tidying before our big year-end luncheon, and then we're officially done. And none too soon, either. I always feel like the end of the year just drags on and on. It's a long, long goodbye, which is silly because most of us will be back in two months.

(Photo: A Hampstead street scene.)


  1. Good to know that there was a simple explanation, and no problem!

  2. Yes, what you described for photo uploading sounded so alien to me. There had to be a simple answer.

  3. That Bob is a genius. May the day fly by.

  4. I suppose that the car has been wrapped up as a surprise gift for a loved one. Personally I would have made it look nicer with a big red ribbon and a gift label.

    Well done on surviving another school year and for the praise that was lavished upon you during the meeting with the head of school. The other librarians must have been seething with jealousy!

  5. Your shout out is well deserved. I hope your new head of school doesn't dive in feet first and try to fix things that aren't broken.
    Do you have plans for the holiday?

  6. Well deserved break! Your post today brought back memories from the not to distant past when my man was a science teacher at the local international school (20+ years) and all that stuff at the end of the schoolyard, the speeches, awards and the dinners and the goodbyes to people leaving, so many people coming and going, students, staff, parents. Always such a sense of relief and possibility when the holidays started - and then passed much to quickly. Make the most of it!

  7. I only knew the answer because it happened to me and I literally stumbled onto the solution.
    Glad it helped but, yeah, where's my prize?? No prize??? 😈

  8. I'm glad you got some credit for your part in helping navigate the book uproar. I still think the evil actors were the cheap newspaper reporters driving a scandal. Glad you all made it fizzle.

    And the blog issue was an easy one after all. who knew, well, aside from Bob, that is.

  9. You're right- the way the end of the school year is celebrated and noted, you'd think you were never going to see each other again. But I am very glad you were given a shout-out. Always nice to hear good things about ourselves.

  10. Good for you for getting recognition at your job! It's very gratifying that it was a parent who took the trouble to give you a good word.

    I used to hate the end of school too - and not just because of exams. When I was in Zambia we called it short-timer's disease - the missionaries who were getting ready to go on furlough back to the states were usually already mentally checked out, and that was me in school too.

  11. Really glad things worked out with your blogger issues. Always good to get advice from someone with the right answer.
    Enjoy your two month break, Steve. Ah, the true gift of summer... all that time to spend in the garden!

  12. Great Job Bob for helping to fix the three dots dilemma. So sorry that there is not a prize, but maybe the satisfaction of helping a fellow blogger will be reward enough.

    Steve You Made It!!!!! Congratulations for surviving yet another school year. It is so good to have the break, as the time passes so quickly.
    Glad that you were recognized by the school head.
    I hope that the new school head will be a good fit and that he will do a good job in his leadership role.
    Moving 4 bookshelves of books doesn't sound to thrilling but having a working air conditioner is important!

    Have a wonderful day and evening!

  13. Enjoy your summer break, Steve! Relax, rest, have FUN! School will start up again before you know it!

  14. So many jobs o finish at the end of the school year. I usually went back the day after school closing and finished cleaning up my classroom.

  15. nice to know some people appreciate your efforts. and what exactly is that arrow supposed to be pointing at?

  16. What a great feeling it must be to have all the free time ahead of you. I'll look forward to reading about your summer adventures.

  17. How nice to get that positive feedback! By now you should be home, celebrating the start to your summer holiday. Enjoy!

  18. And Let's Slip A Just Because Treat Under A Certain Pink Blanket From Uncle T

    Happy Friday ,

  19. Happy Summer! I'm surprised you're only off for 2 months, in the US it's 3.
    Here's hoping for an excellent summer.

  20. I've had that issue on my laptop too when things are off the screen so I can't close boxes or do various things. Frustrating! It is not 3 months in my region. My district gets out on June 26th and the staff goes back at the end of August. Students come after Labor Day, so early September. I am happy to be retired! That's great you got a shout out for good book recommendations.

  21. GZ: I'm kind of embarrassed that it's so simple.

    Andrew: When I saw that I was pretty much the only one with the problem I knew it was me!

    Mitchell: He IS. He knew it right away!

    YP: I am the least formally trained member of the team, meaning I don't have a library science degree, so it was nice to get some recognition for my innate skills!

    Caro: I hope not too. I have a feeling he'll be plenty busy without dealing too much with us.

    Sabine: The summers do inevitably pass way too quickly.

    Bob: Ha! Your prize is your shout-out on my blog. LOL

    Boud: Absolutely, the right-wing media has a lot of culpability in this issue, particularly its prominence in America. As I said, it hasn't quite caught fire here, thank goodness.

    Ms Moon: Yeah, it's all a little crazy, to be honest.

    Bug: It was similar for me in the Peace Corps. My last couple of months I felt less and less productive.

    Robin: I am SO looking forward to it!

    Beth: I wonder if the tools are behind the dots for you as well (as you mentioned in your comment on my previous post) is because your screen is also enlarged?

    Ellen D: It's true, alas! The summer will end all too soon!

    Red: Well, that's kind of what Thursday and Friday were for us. The kids left Wednesday.

    Ellen: That's part of the mystery of the photo! I have no idea. There was no obvious damage or construction in the road that I can remember.

    Sharon: Woo hoo!

    Kelly: Yes, it has finally arrived!

    Padre: Oh, always. The treats come in a steady stream around here. :)

    Allison: Well, for the kids it's closer to 3, but really 2.5, I guess. We come back a couple of weeks before they do, for orientation and opening meetings and planning and stuff like that. (Setting up the library, in my case.)

    Margaret: June 26th is quite late to get out! I think many school districts have longer school years now than they did when we were kids.
