Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Indy and Snoop

I took this photo while on a short walk near my hotel yesterday morning. I was trying to get some exercise, which is hard to do at this time of year. It's so bloody hot outside that any activity is limited to the morning or evening, and even then, you feel swaddled in a damp towel. I talked with Dave on FaceTime and that took my mind off the temperature.

My brother and I did some more family business, blah blah blah, and then we all went to the new Indiana Jones movie. (I'm just realizing I don't even know what it's called, and somehow, not knowing the title seems perfectly fine.) It was fun and fluffy and full of digital effects and pounding, relentless action, though it does make brief, cursory attempts at character development. I always feel slightly brutalized after modern action movies. Also, for an archaeologist, Indiana Jones wantonly destroys a whole lot of antiquities.

Speaking of being brutalized, I mentioned my brother's dog, Snoop, and how he loves to growl. Here's what I'm dealing with. He loves to play tuggy with his Kong toy and make lots of threatening noises. He also growls when I'm sitting in a chair not paying enough attention to him, because he wants to play, or when I'm petting him and he suddenly tires of it. As with a cat, you have to know when to stop!


  1. I, too, don't have a clue what the new Indiana Jones movie is called and it also doesn't bother me.

  2. Hmm...Snoop needs training as well as attention!

  3. Snoop is kind of cute and very frightening. I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable with so little distance between my fingers and his teeth.

  4. Snoop looks a lot like our new dog, Charlie, except Charlie has a ridge down his back. Snoop sounds awful but you can see his tail just wagging.

  5. I wonder why Florida is so popular with its terrible weather? Maybe its winters, does it have one, are nice.

  6. That sounds like a very serious growl. Coming from a dog with a wagging tail. Talk about mixed signals!

  7. It's a good thing that you know Snoop and that his growl is his way of ... what? Laughing? The growl is a bit off-putting!

  8. I don't envy your having to be there right now. Although we're about to have a feels like 105°f period the next couple of days.

  9. The name of that movie is "The New Indiana Jones Movie."
    Alternatively, "The Last Indiana Jones Movie."
    Snoop would scare me to death.

  10. When you need quiet time to reflect upon your mother's life, you have got Snoop there growling at you and begging you to play with that rubber kong. A better name for him would be Satan.

  11. Snoop reminds me of me - I want attention! No - leave me alone! Wait, where did you go?

  12. I see what you mean, that is a lot of growling.
    I have that movie on my list but I want to see Barbie and Oppenheimer first.

  13. Snoop does like to growl. As long as he doesn't bite, he seems very playful.
    I hope the temps cool down there, it does sound way too hot. Is it humid too?

  14. I have not been to a movie since I don't know when and won't be going to any soon. I'm happy to watch on my little TV.
    I would be afraid to play with growling Snoop.

  15. Your heat has moved up to or extended to my region today with temps hovering near 100 degrees the next three days. By eight o'clock, I declared it too hot to be outside.

  16. 40 Seconds Of Pure Joy - Well Done Brother

    Walk On,

  17. I LOVE that video!! I go through that on a daily basis with my Boston Terrier mix. We use to have a Rottweiler that played that way, too, and we would scare folks by leaning down to kiss her head while she was growling. It was harmless. A "parlor trick" with another Rottweiler we had was for me to pass a goldfish cracker from my lips to his. He was very gentle, obviously.

  18. silly dog. when I take Minnie with me to some of her favorite places like the Feed Store, she will give a little growl if she thinks someone isn't paying her attention. then I have to explain that she's not really growling so much as saying hey, why aren't you petting me?

  19. Snoop really does sound menacing. Here's hoping enough people eat the Lionfish and they're removed from the environment. They're terrible fish.

  20. I don't regard that as growling. It is more like a throat noise. I am terrified of dogs but that noise did't scare me. I have had dogs that are supposedly the "sweetest dog you could ever meet" growl at me in a truly frightening way. Snoop didn't scare me.

  21. My Georgie growls just like Snoop when we play tug o war, and it's only meant as play. You can kiss him right on the snoot when he's "growling" like that and he'll wag and wiggle. It's all in fun.

  22. That's it, Steve, you animal lover, just slam his head into the cabinets! (I caught you.)

  23. I'm a little nervous of dogs that growl. I couldn't stand that humidity; I'm not used to it and hate being cooped up inside. Florida is not for me!

  24. Well, you are being kept busy but it's a good busy.
