Thursday, August 24, 2023

Drawing a Blank

My mind is utterly empty this morning. Yesterday I had some ideas for what I might blog about, but of course I failed to write them down and now I can't remember them!

Here's one sign of seasonal change that we're seeing in the garden -- the asters, or Michaelmas daisies, are beginning to bloom. They always hit their peak at the end of summer. (Michaelmas is Sept. 29, hence the name.)

And here's the status of demolition at Emminster House. A gash has been torn through the center of the building right down to the ground, but the two halves are still standing. It's kind of a strange way to tear down a building, it seems to me, but what do I know.


  1. I hate seeing buildings being demolished. Even ugly ones like this one! So many memories hidden in those walls.

  2. What do you know? Absolutely nothing as your mind is utterly empty.

  3. Maybe they're planning to implode the two halves in on each other?

  4. I am not sure I know this demolition method, but I am not keen on gashes.

  5. I too suffer from forgetting what I had in mind to blog about which I suppose is why when I am in the zone, I keep writing and stock up on posts to publish at a future date. I find when I take the pressure off of having a post up at such and such time, finding things to write about is much easier. Currently I have enough posts to go the next two and a half weeks at my normal 3 times a week schedule.

  6. I usually have to edit out a lot of ideas so as not to end up tl;dr!

  7. That does sound like a strange way to demolish a building.

  8. Forgetting about blogging ideas is very common for me. Now that I am retired, it is easier though! Having to work gets in the way I think.

  9. I thought I was the only one who had a lot of good blog topics and then last them. And you're a young guy!

  10. That does seem like a strange way to demolish that building. I always wonder how much is salvaged from these tear-downs. It would seem like there would be lots that could be reused.

  11. I get ideas about possible blog posts and then when I sit down to type something a few hours later, they're all gone. I swear they would have been great!
    Interesting to watch a building being torn down like that.

  12. I always love how the asters begin around the time other things are easing out. They're so cheery!

  13. We've had goldenrod blooming since July, which seems awfully early, but research tells me it's not. I thought it was around September.

    I'm sure it's a pricy way to do it, but I've always been fascinated by seeing buildings imploded. I can remember seeing a couple on the LV strip taken down that way.

  14. How strange. Do you suppose they plan to implode them into each other? Or maybe just bulldoze them into each other. I've had great ideas that I haven't made note of. So I’ve been AWOL.

  15. I get days like this, but habit makes me write something, perhaps I should leave a gap

  16. I would start at one end, and be killed.

  17. That's a weird way to tear down a building indeed! If I don't have any words, I find photos or I skip a day or two.

  18. I hope you follow up on the building demolition. I am curious as well. Surely there is a plan...

  19. Caro: It's true! Especially residential buildings.

    YP: I'm very Zen.

    Bob: Oh, that's a thought. I'll keep tabs and let you know!

    Andrew: I'm not going there!

    Ed: That's pretty impressive! I don't plan that far ahead. In fact, I usually insist on writing each day's post that morning. Keeps my brain limber. :)

    Boud: I'm sure I've posted some "tl;dr" posts in my day but fortunately no one has been heartless enough to tell me.

    Ms Moon: It's almost like someone was having fun with the backhoe. "Look what I can do!"

    Michael: It DEFINITELY does! Especially when you're trying not to write about work. In the summer I have a much easier time.

    Red: I don't think it's a function of age!

    Sharon: I know. All those windows? I guess someone did strip the building, though, because the pub sign was gone.

    Robin: I do try to make a note sometimes when I have a particularly good idea!

    Jeanie: Yeah, and I'm sure they're important for the pollinators who need food to keep going.

    Kelly: I always think of goldenrod as an autumnal flower. It certainly was in Florida. I don't think I've ever seen a building imploded. Or have I? Hmmmm...

    Mitchell: Yeah, I have no idea! Stay tuned!

    John: I think it's good to challenge ourselves. So often I sit down to write and have no idea what I'll say but something comes out. I just didn't rise to the challenge in this post!

    Tasker: Ha! I definitely wouldn't want to try, since I have NO idea what to do.

    Margaret: I have become quite obsessive about NOT skipping a day. Probably unhealthily so.

    Debby: I'm sure there is. Stay tuned to see what happens next!
