Friday, August 4, 2023

Hoofing It Through Willesden

We had a brief respite from our rainy, cool summer yesterday. The sun came out and I got a chance to take a long walk up through Willesden Green and around Gladstone Park. I hadn't been up that way in ages, since Olga can no longer walk that far, and I went about 7 miles altogether. It felt good to get out and exercise.

I feel guilty going on such long walks without Olga. In fact I usually wait until her dog-walker comes to collect her to go to the park -- that way I know she's outside too. She would love to come with me but I just don't think she could do it. I walked her around the neighborhood early in the morning so at least we had an outing together.

I had to get out of the house and away from all this Donald Trump news. It's not that I'm not glad to see him indicted -- of course I am -- but I am so cynical about the possibility that it will make any difference. Dave is watching every pundit and Democrat-leaning vlog he can find on YouTube, and I am just exhausted with it all. Trump's supporters are already simply writing all this off as a Democratic plot, with even the Republican Speaker of the House speaking up in his favor, and I'm not sure anything is going to change their minds. We are going to be in the unbelievable position of possibly electing someone under indictment -- or even convicted of federal crimes -- in the next election cycle. It blows my mind.

Anyway, I don't want to talk about that. It makes me despair.

Let me talk about cleaning the house instead. I got on a roll yesterday morning, cleaning out the silverware drawer. (These are the sorts of obscure, mundane and yet essential tasks I am now confronting as my summer break draws to a close!) You know how the tray in the silverware drawer has a tendency to collect weird dust and crumbs and other stuff that my erstwhile blog pal Sally, aka Lettuce, once dubbed "spong"? Well, our silverware caddy had spong, and I spent yesterday de-sponging it.

I also cleaned out the awkward little alcove in our front room  next to the front door, which houses my now-prospering Rhipsalis cactus. (I learned as a child to call it a "bird's foot cactus," but apparently it has many common names.)

This is the kind of useless space you wind up with when you carve a single house into two flats and build a whole new staircase in the front room. The Russians' entrance door is just on the other side of that left-hand wall, with the stairs leading up to their flat.

Anyway, we have another large plant -- a ZZ plant -- that sits in front of this alcove so I don't often get in there to clean the windowsill and dust the vases and vacuum the floor, and I did all that yesterday -- as well as wash the windows. So from the front steps our flat now looks neat and tidy. Which it more or less is, I guess.

I discovered yesterday that my first day back at work is Monday the 14th, and not Thursday the 17th as I initially believed. Argh! Only one more week of summer break! And Dave is leaving for Indianapolis on Sunday -- he's going to Drum Corps finals again -- and will be gone that entire week, so for better or worse, it will be my time to use as I wish.

(Top photos: Street shots from Willesden Green, yesterday.)


  1. Its too easy not to take a decent walk when you find that your companion walker can no longer keep up. I am guilty of that..but one finds plenty of things to do instead...

    That was a decent walk you took.. interesting but sad to see

  2. I would love to join you on one of your walks (at this point, I'd simply love to take any kind of walk). Sorry about the 13th surprise. Our housekeeper regularly cleans the spong (I love that). I used to be something I found very satisfying to do, but she never lets it get that far.

  3. As a music teacher, Dave certainly gets to travel a lot. In a professional sense, music teachers in the state schools where I taught never went anywhere. The same with librarians.

  4. I see striding man is heavily clothed so perhaps not so warm.
    The English summer got off to a great start when we were there, but now everyone complains about the 'nothing' summer. Here's hoping you have an Indian Summer.

    Trump Schmumk. Who cares. I expect this time next year we will be having a good laugh at him.

    Bit of a bugger having to go back to work earlier than you thought. I'd be saying some bad words after learning that.

  5. I certainly could identify with lots on this post! I remember when Murphy really slowed down, and I couldn't really take him far, I would walk him, and then sneak out to do a run or a long walk. He'd invariably discover my attempt to escape and I would be laden with guilt. As far as Trump goes, the whole thing depresses me too. I want him to get his comeuppance, but I don't think it will happen. All of those GOP people defending him. If he had been a Democrat doing this, they would be singing a different tune. My (former) school system begins on the 14th for teachers. Though I don't have to go back this year, I feel your pain about the summer quickly coming to an end! Enjoy your last days of freedom.

  6. I just added a task to my phone: Despong silverware caddy - for 11:40 tomorrow morning. We'll see if I actually do it. Ha!

  7. Be a music teacher, see the world! Amazing how much Dave gets around. Here there's a month before schools go back after Labor Day. MT neighbors are all still in India and the neighborhood is too quiet. I miss their kids.

  8. I know how you feel about walks without Olga. It's too hot for walks now, but when Princess first joined us I felt terrible about heading out the door with her and leaving Franklin behind. He was my walking buddy for so many years. He can't do it now. I'm just glad he's still with us. And I'll be happy when it's cool enough to walk again. I cleaned out all of my kitchen drawers. They are so lovely and well organized now. No spong for me. Sorry you go back to work sooner than you expected. I have to get started in 4 minutes.


  9. You are certainly using your time constructively.
    And you do have an interesting apartment. I bet people walk by and think, "I wish I lived there."

  10. You really do get a lot of stuff done there and take a seven-mile walk. I wish I had that kind of energy these days. I'm a bit more like Olga.
    I had been wondering when your summer break would be over. I am surprised that it is so soon. Enjoy all the rest of your summer vacation!

  11. Your summer break seems to have gone by in a hurry.

  12. Hope you enjoy your last week before work begins, Steve!

  13. I love that you plan your departures for when you know Olga will be out and about, too. That says so much about you as a person, Steve!

    The little nook appears to be perfect for plants!

  14. I hear you on Trump, I wish he would just go away, toxic people him leave a stain wherever they go. He's a lifelong criminal, con man, and all-around lowlife. He's dangerous.

  15. It is poignant when an animal starts showing her age. My cat isn't playful like she used to be but she's also less destructive. (a good thing) I feel the same way you do about 45. I can't bear to think that we've fallen so far in this country.

  16. Wow, summer school breaks seem to be getting shorter and shorter. A young woman I work with was preparing her child for school this last week.
    Yes, the Trumpian news is getting overwhelming. I really can't believe the number of elected officials willing to subjugate themselves to the liar in chief. The PBS Newshour did a rather lengthy interview of Bill Barr on last night's news show. Obviously there's a man trying to claw his way back from some very dodgy decisions made during his tenure.

  17. I don't understan America at all. HOW is an indicted, possibly soon to be convicted man allowed to even try running for president and if he is jailed he is still allowed to run? Doesn't make any sense at all to me. With his level of criminal history he shouldn't be allowed to even campaign.

  18. GZ: Yeah, we have to recalibrate when our companions can't do what they used to do! That's life, I guess.

    Mitchell: You'll be walking soon, I'm sure!

    YP: Well, the school isn't paying for Dave's Drum Corps trip. That's coming out of our pocket. It's more for fun than for professional development.

    Andrew: Yeah, this has been a very cool summer. And not in a good way. It's 55º F this morning! I hope you're right about Trump.

    Michael: It's hard with old dogs, because they WANT to go, but then when they're walking they just don't have the energy!

    Bug: De-sponging is a vital household task!

    Boud: He does, but in this case, he's paying for it. The school covered his Seattle trip but not this one.

    Janie: Old dogs must struggle to understand these changes -- which you've captured brilliantly in your posts as Franklin.

    Ms Moon: Either that or, "Thank GOD I don't live there!"

    Robin: I'm surprised it's this soon, too!

    Red: They always do, as you know!

    Ellen D: Thanks, Ellen!

    Kelly: I do try to make her feel like we're always here for her!

    Jim: I agree. He is a scourge.

    Margaret: Yeah, there can be upsides to aging pets, too! I no longer have to worry about Olga catching any squirrels! (It only happened once.)

    Sharon: It seems to be a trend to make summer shorter, and then add or lengthen a couple of other breaks throughout the school year.

    River: I agree -- especially since in many states citizens with felony convictions are prohibited from voting! So you can't vote if you're convicted of a crime, but you can be president?!

  19. Summer break. Way too short. And your front area looks lovely. I know just what you mean abut DT. It's so distressing and depressing that this could happen in the first place, much less that so many still support him and rally to his defense. I want to see hard, swift justice but I know that will come with a price, too. So, I'm on a bit of a news moritorium (apart from the newspaper online) -- although if GA comes through with another indictment, I'm turning it on,
