Saturday, August 26, 2023

Mug Shot Musings

Yesterday I was reading something about Donald Trump's arrest and the mug shot seen 'round the world, and the writer mentioned Richard Nixon -- the previous nadir of the U.S. presidency. It occurred to me that what Trump and Nixon have in common is adviser Roger Stone. Why is anyone listening to Roger Stone? Even he admits he's a "dirty trickster" and now it seems evident that he's so dirty his advice leads to potential criminality.

The mug shot is mildly amusing, with Trump's obviously practiced scowl unleashing comparisons to Stanley Kubrick villains, though I wish he'd been holding a sign with a prisoner number just to make it even more authentic. And wearing stripes. I guess jails don't really do that anymore, at least not in Atlanta.

I thought seeing Trump in an arrest photo would be more rewarding than it actually was. It doesn't feel like a victory -- not yet. It's just an accusation, and a somber moment for U.S. governance. It's depressing, more than anything. Maybe a conviction will feel more like justice. Unless Trump wins the next election, God forbid, and pardons himself, which will be truly surreal and justice thwarted.

Anyway, those are some of the thoughts rolling around in my brain this morning. I tried to sleep in but the dog wouldn't let me. She finally dragged me out of bed at 7 a.m., which is later than usual for me but not as late as I would have liked.

I was cleaning up some stuff on my work computer yesterday and I came across this photo, which I pulled off the web at some point. It's a 2003 piece of art pottery by Rachel Bishop for Moorcroft, and I love it. I'm not likely to buy one of these vases, since they cost about a thousand quid, but they sure are beautiful. I'm putting it here so I can save it without having it cluttering up my hard drive! (And so you can enjoy it, of course.)

Don't assume that I was having a leisurely day yesterday, though. It was actually pretty busy. We had 8th grade classes in the library and 5th graders checking out books for the weekend, as well as random kids wandering through. It looks like my gaggle of 9th grade boys are back to annoy me at break times, though of course now they're in 10th grade so maybe they'll be a little more mature. One can hope.

After work, Dave and I met via telephone with an accountant whom we may engage to do our income taxes. I've always done our own taxes but they're about to get more complicated with the settling of my mother's estate, so I think I need professional help -- especially since I may be required to file here in the UK as well as in the USA. UK taxpayers who make modest wages (like me up to now) normally don't have to file a return -- taxes are automatically deducted from your paycheck and that's that. But if you have other, more complicated income streams you do have to file, and it looks like I may be joining that camp. Fortunately the US and the UK have a tax treaty that prevents being taxed on the same income by both countries, so basically (as I understand it) it's a matter of deciding where to file and how. So yeah, I need assistance.

We now have a three-day weekend, our last national bank holiday before Christmas. (We have a couple of intervening breaks in our school calendar, in October and for Thanksgiving in late November.) Unfortunately it's cool and rather autumnal out there, so even though this is ostensibly a summer holiday, it doesn't feel like it!

(Top photo: Graffiti on a pedestrian bridge in West Hampstead.)


  1. I am hoping that the UK accountant will advise you that you do not need to declare inheritance from a parent who was not domiciled in this country and you do not need to file a tax return to HMRC.

  2. I suspect you'd be better off paying US taxes than UK taxes.

    I don't understand how Trumpet was allowed to pose for a mugshot with that expression. Surely it has to be neutral.

  3. "RETURN OF THE TENTH GRADE BOYS" by Stephen King.
    His latest chiller in which the protagonist, a school librarian, is pushed over the edge into a maelstrom of mental torment and self-doubt.
    "I liked it" - The New York Times

  4. The Mug Shots, all of them, were interesting, comical, and a sad testimony of the decline of a Party that used to stand for something and now will fall for anything and Kiss the Ring of a Narcistic Psychopath. He tried to look tough and instead looked constipated, demented and evil. I doubt he'll ever serve Jail Time, since a Secret Service Detail has to be assigned to him and he's such a Coward he'd give away National Secrets for Prison Snacks and Favors. The most disturbing part to me is his rabid Base is completely Sold Out and has become a Cult, and they never end well.

  5. I guess the one thing I have noticed is how focused everyone seems to be on his mugshot. This is the third post this morning I have read about it. I guess for me, it is just meh. I've known he was a shyster since before he was elected the first time so it is no surprise that he finally has a mug shot. The best analogy I can think of right this minute is like having the media report breathlessly over Ted Bundy's 37th murder. I feel like this is a story for below the fold on page three.

  6. That Rachel Bishop vase is stunning. I'd be tempted -- which is why we have no money.

    It's funny, I was wondering yesterday if (goddess forbid), P01135809 wins in 2024, will he be able to pardon himself in addition to all his cohorts (which you know he would do).

  7. He tried to portray himself as a tough guy, but he looks more like a scared orange, er, strawberry blond, rat.

  8. It just occurred to me that since the very second that that man entered the political arena I have not had one good thought about him. Not one. He has not done one thing that showed any sort of decency or intelligence or kindness or caring about anyone but himself and his rich cronies or cruel dictators whom he loves to emulate.
    Everything he has done or said has only made me hate him more.

  9. What a lovely vase, Steve!
    It's ridiculous that there are still people who support him.
    Enjoy your 3-day weekend!

  10. That is a beautiful vase. I have a vase, covered in flowers, that looks like a woman's body in a dress. I love it.

    I had to laugh at trump, as do we all, that the tweet he put up with his mug shot was, NEVER SURRENDER, after he had surrendered. I guess he doesn't get irony. Aren't you thankful you're not related to him?

  11. I had forgotten that Roger Stone was a supporter of Nixon all those years ago. That's a half century of his ongoing BS. Ugh.
    It's good to have an accountant handling this stuff. It will make things easier for you.
    That is a beautiful vase.

  12. The sad Trump story seems to go on and on and get worse and worse. I don't think I'm going to like the ending.

  13. that is a lovely vase. there are several artists whose work I would love to have but far too expensive for me.

    Trump may have been going for a mean if looks could kill scowl but he looks more like a pouty four year old with mean thoughts. but that's him to a T, childish pouty mean as fuck. and why hasn't Roger Stone been indicted for his part in the attempt to overthrow the election. and besides that, he owed/owes (?) the IRS a couple of million in back taxes and was never brought on charges of tax evasion while Hunter Biden owed $200,000 and has already paid it in and still they want him going to jail.

  14. I do love that vase.

    Taxes are too complicated for me these days and it would seem that they are getting too complicated for our accountant. Tax deadline: April 15th. We got our taxes back last Wednesday (August 23rd)

  15. Oh dear. Sorry your summer's over, but at least you were reunited with some of your wandering books.
    I enjoyed the fact that during his booking, idiot T chose to lie yet again, claiming to weigh 215 pounds. Sure, on the moon, maybe.

  16. You definitely do need professional help on taxes. My brother, an employee of a British newspaper but for many years bureau chief in DC, was constantly being harassed by both governments for taxes. Both agreed you didn't have to pay both, but both insisted they had priority. So yes, if your mother's estate will result in continuing income, it's complicated. Easier if it's a one time inheritance.

  17. Any one of the GOP hopefuls can pardon trump IF , big IF, he is ever convicted and sent to the slammer. NOT holding my breath!

    I need an accountant - I do not understand money, taxes, balancing check book, or numbers. I am a dream client!

    That vase is drool worthy! Thanks for putting it here!

    It is 64 degrees here this morning.

  18. I like the Kubrick analogy. Give him a bowler hat and false eyelash.

  19. I love the vase but I agree, it is a bit expensive. That mug shot is of course all over the internet now which seems fair since he is making money off of it. That's another mystery, why so many people are willing to spend their hard earned money on someone like that. I cringe every time I hear him say "if they can come after me, they will come after you". I want to add "yup, if you break the law".

  20. Estates and federal taxes are tricky. My state has an estate tax for large estates which I had to deal with (not with my own money of course); I'm not sure what Florida has. It's complicated for sure!

  21. Sounds like a smart idea to get tax help under the circumstances. Especially when you have to deal with international issues. But even if not....

    And I love that vase. That's a beauty.

    I had similar feelings with the mug shot (the shot seen around the world.) I had visions of him practicing for hours in the mirror with different scowls or that over-confident FU look. I'm amazed he didn't wear a pin-striped su9t just for effect. Which reminds me of when (while working for our public tv station) I had to attend the Jackson Prison dinner dance with two other colleagues back in the padded shoulder 80s. All three of us women wore pin striped suits -- not intentionally; they were just 'in' at the time. We were too far along our way when we realized it might be a poor sartorial choice.

  22. PS -- I hope Dave's parents and all are OK with the storms. Thanks for your comment and visit. Since I don't have your email I don't respond as often or as much as I'd like but I always appreciate your visits and comments!

  23. I saw that Kubrick meme - made me laugh. This period of US politics just seems so surreal to me. I know that we've had crazy before, but I think we've gone next level (squared).

    That really is a lovely vase! I like pottery that tells a story.

  24. I've already seen that mug shot way more times than I care to!

    I heard an interesting question put forth this week: If you could "eliminate" either Trump or Putin, which one would you choose? (I'll let you decide how to interpret the word "eliminate")

  25. I can not believe T is still getting donations. The mug shot shows a snarling face. The courts are finding guilt and T is being held accountable for his actions...I'm grateful for that.

  26. "Unless Trump wins the next election", I'm very firmly of the opinion that he shouldn't even be allowed to run! How can they allow a known criminal conman to run for president???
