Friday, August 25, 2023

Summer on the Wane

You all are way too kind, giving me 18 comments on that pathetic post yesterday. My brain just was not working that morning! I guess a combination of starting back to work with a new boss and trying to settle my mother's estate pretty much short-circuited my mental faculties.

I'm not writing about the estate for privacy's sake, but suffice to say it's a heck of a lot of work. And what I'm doing is nothing compared to what my brother, as my mom's executor, is going through. Dave and I are supposed to meet with an accountant this afternoon to get a sense of the tax issues surrounding all this. It makes my head ache. I know this is a very bourgeois thing to say, but I hate money. (I know, I know -- you'll be happy to take it off my hands!)

Work is going well, at least. We now have all the kids on campus -- in fact, today is our first day of regular classes in both the middle and high schools -- and I'm already getting lots of summer books back. You know nothing makes me happier than people returning books, and yesterday I put away more than two cartloads of them. Every book returned is one less book I'll have to chase later.

Remember how I surrendered "Demon Copperhead" to a library parent who wanted to read it over the summer? (It's still not back yet, by the way.) Well, I've done the same thing again. I had Gabrielle Zevin's book "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" checked out, and in fact I was about 20 pages into it. But a teacher asked for it on Wednesday and said he'd been unable to finish it when he borrowed it in the spring, and he only had a few pages to go. So I gave it back to him. Frankly, I am overwhelmed with stuff to read and do and I don't have time for it anyway. I'll get to it after he returns it.

In the garden, our sunflowers are still showing no signs of flowering. A few of them are quite tall, at least as tall as I am, but I don't see any buds yet. This is weird because last year at this time we had flowers. It's been much cooler and damper this year, so maybe that's what's holding them back? All I know is they better get a move on or it will be too late. Forecasters are saying our summer may already be over.

Also, check out the plums in that same post. I forgot about those! This year we didn't get any. Our tree produced a lot of tiny fruits in the spring but almost immediately they seemed to shrivel. They all looked like little kidney beans, hanging from the branches. I don't know what happened, but I hope it's not permanent.

I told Dave it's about time to start buying berries again. We are nearing the end of our blackberry season -- many of the berries on the vine are past ripe and the ones that are still edible are smaller and more sour. This was my haul yesterday morning when I picked berries for my cereal. They're not bad, but they're no longer at their best -- again, perhaps because of the cool and damp.

And now, off to work!

(Top photos: A blue tit on our hogweed, which as you can see has gone to seed. Hey, that's kind of a poetic sentence!)


  1. It is a bit weird that someone couldn't finish a book when there were a few pages to go.

  2. I've been named executor for my brother's will and I'm dreading the day I need to step up. He's younger than me and in good health so it will be a long while yet. Meanwhile I don't even have a will yet. I have no money to eave anyone anyway.

  3. That WAS a poetic finish. And I love the photo that inspired it.

  4. A blue tit on our hogweed
    Which as you can see has gone to seed
    And now Steve is off to work
    Something that he tries to shirk.

    From "The Wasteland" by T.S.Eliot

  5. The whole "estate stuff" sounds overwhelming to say the least. Your post sure captured the essence of the waning days of summer.

  6. I am NOT looking forward to handling my dad's estate when he's gone. He's tried to set things up to make it easy, but I don't think it really will be (especially because he has a provision to let his wife live in his house as long as she wants to - but my brother & I will be responsible for the taxes & insurance).

    I love photos of plants that are in their crispy state - I don't know why, but I find them very appealing.

  7. No matter how simple someone's estate is, it's still a whole lot of work. I do not envy you.

  8. I have never gotten so close to the end of a book and put it down unfinished; that seems crazy to me.
    I have however picked up a book to read, gotten to a certain point in it, realized I'd read the book up to that point before, and decided I didn't like it and put it down.
    I've done that with the same book at least twice more.

  9. Glad you are getting summer books returned and you are happily shelving them in your library. That's a good way to get your mind off the things that are bothering you. The estate business will all work out, Steve, and Fall will bring different beauty to your garden.

  10. We seem to be on similar paths. Because my mom died five years ago, I'm 25% heir of my grandma's estate and have been dealing with that this last week. I'm also waiting on an accountant to call about dealing with taxes. Also, my mom's brother is executor so he is bearing the brunt of it.

  11. Many plants have slowed down and are ready to do the things they do to get ready for winter or just die.

  12. It's starting to feel like fall here too. We're even seeing some trees with leaves beginning to change color already. The kids are already back in school here. And the seasons they go round and round...

  13. I wish I could say that...summer on the wane. still having triple digits but I guess we're supposed to drop back to high 90s in September.

    I have two beeks checked out but am not finding any time to read. I suppose I should just return the one I haven't started and get it again later.

  14. It's surprising how much is involved in even a supposedly small estate. I ordered ten copies of husband's death certificate and used all of them. And there was virtually no money involved. Even a tiny insurance payout, less than 10k, requires the exact same paperwork as a huge payout. However when serious money is coming your way, that's a big consolation, which I didn't have. It was all taxes going out.

  15. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow was recommended at our last book club meeting. I tagged it at the library, but it still has a pretty long waiting list. You'll probably get to it before I will!

  16. death is so NOT simple for the folks left behind. Accountants, banks, taxes - not to mention objects- it can be tedious- and then some folks get all weird about money when they have no right to. (family experience)...Anyway. I hope that you can let it go and that you are not troubled too much.
    the berries look wonderful- the usual Steve breakfast on the usual table cloth- all is well....

  17. The US certainly makes it difficult to die, doesn't it.

  18. I loved, loved, loved "Demon Copperhead." A friend recommended the other book but it sounded like it would be more enjoyable if I were a gamer. Zevin's "The Storied Life of AJ Fikry" is one of my favorites. For the past 2 1/2 years I've been dealing with my step-grandma's estate as her personal representative. It has been a real PITA. Fortunately, the other three heirs besides me (two cousins and my brother) have been incredibly supportive and easy to deal with.

  19. It's interesting to hear that weather forecast since I'm in the throws of planning an October trip to London. I haven't been since 2016 and I'm itching for another visit. I'm just hoping my extreme heat saturated body can stand the much cooler temperatures. I haven't purchased the tickets yet but, I'm planning to do so this weekend. I was going to use miles for the airfare so it takes a bit of research to find the days when seats are available.

  20. We were very fortunate to have an excellent solicitor handle my parents' estates. She found shares I think they had even forgotten about! All I had to do was sign things. When the husband's parents died their solicitor was useless and we ended up having to track things down. I guess it is the luck of the draw and the country where the estate is being settled.
    Your berried look delicious.
    It's been a while since we have seen Olga. Is she becoming a diva and refusing to pose for the camera?

  21. Andrew: I thought so too! Definitely not the way I would read a book!

    River: It can be quite a task, even for someone with a relatively simple estate.

    Mitchell: I'm a poet and didn't know it!

    YP: That Eliot always hits the nail on the head.

    Michael: Overwhelming is the word!

    Bug: That DOES sound like a potential minefield. So you're liable for the house's expenses but can't make any money off it?

    Ms Moon: I really don't envy my brother. He's bearing the brunt of it.

    Bob: Ha! I don't think I've ever tried to read the same book twice -- unintentionally, I mean.

    Ellen D: I like shelving books. It appeals to the "organizational" side of my personality.

    Ed: We ARE on the same page! I am so unsure about all this and it's nerve-wracking.

    Red: They are definitely turning a corner.

    Robin: Joni! I'm not seeing leaves changing yet, but it won't be long.

    Ellen: There does come a time when returning them is the best answer. I've done that a couple of times myself -- checked things out and then just given them back without cracking the cover.

    Boud: We ordered 17 copies of my mom's! I'm not sure whether or not my brother has used them all.

    Kelly: I've heard good things about it but yeah, it's hard to get ahold of!

    Linda Sue: It CAN be tedious. Fortunately we haven't experienced the money weirdness yet. But I can see how it could happen.

    Allison: Well, difficult to be a survivor, really!

    Margaret: Having other supportive family members is a huge plus. That's what I tell myself when I try to help my brother out!

    Sharon: Excellent! Give me a holler if you come!

    Caro: Olga is still here! I'll be sure to put up a picture sometime in the next day or two. :)

  22. In response to: “I'm a poet and didn't know it!”
    But your feet show it because their long fellows.

  23. Potentially, yes - although this did occur to my dad too so he's talking about setting up some kind of escrow account.

  24. I'm glad the kids are back -- that's always a good thing. And you are generous to share the partially read books back with others! Those blackberries look good. I think our summer is over, too. Its 2:20 here and only 64 and gloomy as all get out.
