Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Drying Out

It's a bit early for the leaves to start falling, but I'm already finding some interesting ones on my walk to work. At least, they're interesting to me!

Yesterday I had to race home in the middle of the day to meet with the contractor who's supposed to finish our bathroom/hallway renovation work. You may remember we had much of our bathroom replaced this summer, which fixed an internal leak in our shower. Since then we've been waiting for the hallway wall to dry out so it can be painted. (It's a very dense wall. I think it's plaster and lathe, but there seem to be bricks involved too, so I'm not sure of its construction.)

I went to work in the morning, because I had a noon appointment with the guy. Or so I thought until I checked my old e-mails at 11:30 and realized I was supposed to be home to meet him RIGHT THEN! How did I screw that up? I have no idea. But I raced out of there like a jackrabbit on bennies and/or dexies, and still managed to get home before the contractor, who fortunately was running late himself.

He used his little moisture-measuring gizmo to determine that although the wall is slowly drying, it's still too damp to paint. "It must have been absolutely saturated," he said. He's going to recommend scraping off the old plaster to give the wall more breathing ability, and they'll re-skim it before painting.

Meanwhile they're coming next week to look at the gutters and eaves around our patio. It's always something. At least I'm not paying for any of it (well, except through the rent).

I've been cutting back on my alcohol consumption for a while now. Not that I was ever a huge drinker, but at one point I was having a gin & tonic and/or a glass or two of wine almost every night, which really did feel like too much. I was modeling that behavior on my dad, who had a cocktail and wine each evening in his later life, but I've stopped the gin (except on Fridays!) and now I'm going for several weeknights each week with no wine either.

One thing I've noticed is that it seems to make a big difference in my sleep patterns. If I drink nothing, I sleep much more soundly and often through the night with no interruption. That doesn't seem to be the case after just a glass or two of wine.

Anyway, I feel better and I'm sure it's the right thing to do. Especially since Dave no longer drinks, having given it up because of his Crohn's disease. Wine used to be something we could enjoy together with dinner, and it went hand-in-hand with Dave's culinary training, but now it seems a little desperate for me to drink alone. (Dave actually encourages it, saying he's living vicariously through me. I tell him he's like the Bad Idea Bears from "Avenue Q.")

Last night I made a reservation for a little getaway during our October break. We'll be staying in a grand country house outside London, Olga in tow. It's good to have an escape to look forward to!

Speaking of Olga, I finally had to throw away her Union Jack dog bed. We've had it for about ten years, and it was quite faded, but after it recently developed a couple of huge holes I decided enough was enough. Olga has a replacement bed but she doesn't seem to like it as much. Perhaps she misses that connection with her sense of British patriotism.


  1. Good going on the less alcohol. Olga's new bed just needs to develop "her" aroma and all will be well again for her.
    The leaves are pretty.

  2. I also sleep better sans alcohol. My usual now is less than 3 drinks a week.

    I can't believe the damp in that wall. But it sounds like you've got someone who knows what he's doing.

  3. Did you ask Olga before disposing of her familiar Union Jack bed? Ever heard of the expression "Make do and mend"? You could have surely sewn those holes up.

    Co-incidentally, I have also been consciously reducing my alcohol intake and rarely go out to the pub any more.

  4. I really have lost interest in alcohol, apart from the occasional wee dram.
    People think it helps them to sleep, but as you have found it leads more to 3am wakefulness!
    I always made sloe vodka every autumn. Perhaps it will be a cordial this year.

  5. Funnily today I heard one tradesman telling another over brunch that if he doesn't drink, he sleeps so much better. I too am cutting back on alcohol, from a higher consumption level than you. I remember back in 2020 when I was in hospital for five days so no drinking, I had the best nights' sleep ever, in spite of the noisy environment.

    Your contractor seems to be good. It would be so easy to slap on a coat of paint and seek payment though the issue is not solved.

    Olga cared nothing about the state of her old bed. It was comfortable and smelt good.

  6. I've been cutting down on alcohol, too. Well, off and on! :) And you're right, even a drink or two leads to less sound sleep.

    Olga probably misses her old, comfy bed!

  7. Sycamore leaves (top picture) and sweet gum leaves (second picture) are often the first to color and fall off here. Sycamore leaves are easy to identify by the bell shaped end of the stem that covered next year’s bud.

  8. I've been watching Suits, and I'm stunned at the drinking! Everyone has a bottle in the office. It struck me the way smoking does in old movies, punctuating the dramatic moments!

    I used to have one glass of red wine each evening, really enjoyed it, switching to sparking white on holidays. But side effects of medication put paid to that, and I feel fine without, to my surprise.

    What you say about sleeping is true, too.

  9. I don't drink alcohol, but I'm sure there are some habits that I could change so I could rest better. For example, leaving my phone in another room!

  10. I love the leaves and am looking forward to our Fall colors.
    Drinking is one of those things that can sneak up on you; having one drink each day doesn't seem like much, but it does affect your life, AND sleep.

  11. Our leaves have not yet begun to turn at all. Well, except for the Sycamores. They are always early.
    Good for you for taking control of your alcohol intake. You are wise.
    I can't wait to see the grand country house where you and Olga will be staying!
    Poor Olga- her beloved bed. I can just imagine her looking at the new one thinking, "Why? Oh dear Lord, WHY?"

  12. I have one bourbon and water with my supper every day. It lasts for a good 4 or 5 hours due to the ice melting and then I go back to the ice water for the rest of the evening and overnight!
    I sleep 💤 just fine!

  13. I quit drinking in the 90s and haven't missed it.
    I love to see the leaves changing color. Fall is my favorite season.
    Maybe a new Union Jack dog bed would make her feel better. Or does she miss her old smells? I saw some Union Jack pillow cases so you could cover the old bed - new cover, old smells still there! :)

  14. Now I'm wondering if I should stop having wine with dinner to see if it improves my sleep. And I'm wondering what it is about alcohol that interferes with sleep. A new journey of information seeking is about to begin.
    Love seeing those fall leaves.

  15. Rather alarming when you find out that you're late for an appointment. However, most contractors run behind time.

  16. I imagine that Olga misses her old bed because it already had her shape impressed in it and smelled comfy.

    I keep seeing news articles (that I haven't bothered to read) that says the airbnb thing is over. at least over here.

  17. I'd noticed her bed was quite faded in recent photos. Like Olga, I'll miss it.

    I don't drink as much anymore, either. My husband has never (or very rarely) joined me, so I had to get over that "drinking alone" business years ago! It's not like I ever have more than one beer or the occasional margarita.

  18. I agree--I've made drinking a couple beers more of a special occasion thing instead of a regular occurrence. I seem to sleep better in general although it's not the only variable. Getting a heat pump so that I can sleep cooler has made a difference too.

  19. Sorry Olga lost her favorite bed,like a security blanket . All this talk of not drinking alcohol has made me thirsty. Gin and tonic please.

  20. I am looking forward to autumn myself, and your leaf photos put me in the mood. Sorry about your wall. That sounds like a major repair. I too have cut back on my drinking. I don't need the extra calories either!

  21. You just have to remind Olga that thebed may be gone but there'll always be an England.

  22. River: We put the old bed on top of the new bed for several weeks, thinking some of the "aroma" would rub off!

    Mitchell: I'm surprised too, because there are no obvious signs of damp aside from the peeling paint -- no mold or anything like that. (At least not that we can see!)

    YP: I'm a big believer in mending, but these were beyond that!

    GZ: I remember your adventures with sloe vodka!

    Andrew: Yeah, I think she LOVED how tattered it was! But she got her head caught in one of the holes at one point and I thought it might actually be a bit dangerous.

    Jennifer: I guess it's always good to cut back a little.

    Ed: I've noticed that little bell before but never realized it was covering a new bud! Trees are amazing.

    Boud: It IS astonishing how much people drink on some TV shows, even when they're not portrayed as alcoholics. Unfortunately I think that can help normalize overconsumption.

    Bug: Screens in bed are a big no-no! (Say I, who often reads the computer in bed.)

    Bob: You're right -- having one drink can easily lead to "just a drop more" and before you know it you're like Nicholas Cage in "Leaving Las Vegas"!

    Ms Moon: Ha! I'm not sure Olga is capable of that kind of lament, but she does seem unsure about this new one.

    Marcia: It DOES help to space out the drink. I usually do that with mine. A G&T and a glass of wine will last a couple of hours.

    Ellen D: I tried to buy an identical replacement bed and I couldn't find one! She probably DOES miss the smells.

    Robin: Yeah, that's a GOOD question. I would love to know too. I should read up on it!

    Red: Fortunately!

    Ellen: Well, it's not an Air BnB. It's a "country house" (which means mansion) that has been turned into a fancy hotel.

    Kelly: It's not as fun when you're just one person drinking! It's an inherently social activity.

    Margaret: Yes, temperature makes a HUGE difference! I always feel overheated at about 2 a.m.

    Linda Sue: Well, I will never turn them down completely!

    Michael: Yeah, calories are part of it as well!

    Catalyst: Ha! I really do need to find her a new Union Jack, to indulge her patriotic streak. :)

  23. Rick and I might share a bottle of wine over the weekend but usually not lots or daily. But I do find I sleep better without! I liked her Union Jack bed but I guess there's a time for everything.
