Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Successful Return

Well, Olga and I made it back home in one piece (or two pieces, I suppose). She is now in bed with Dave and I probably won't see either of them for a couple more hours!

After finishing yesterday's post I tidied up the cabin, took out the trash, vacuumed and took the dog for one last walk on the beach. She will not miss those pebbles, I tell you. I hesitate to say it, because I might jinx myself, but I think I actually did everything I meant to do before leaving the cabin, and didn't forget anything either.

There's always the question of partially eaten containers of food. Do I bring back half a box of cereal? Half a bottle of tonic water? A quarter of a stick of butter? In my case, the answer was yes, yes and no. I wound up with a carrier bag of food as well as my small backpack (taken up mostly by Olga's pink blanket) and the dog, not too much to manage.

We took a bus and then a train and then the Overground to get back to West Hampstead. Overall journey time, about three hours.

Here's Olga at the Pevensey and Westham train station. She traveled pretty well, though she always gets antsy if she can't look out the window, and she can't look out the window if she's not on my lap. So that's necessarily where she spent at least half the journey -- and she weighs 40-plus pounds!

Anyway, she and I are both glad to be home again, as is Dave.

(Top photo: Zombie Games Cafe in Cricklewood, a little more than a week ago.)


  1. I’m laughing imagining Olga sitting on your lap for the entire trip! At least SHE was comfortable.

  2. Has the blood supply returned to your legs?
    Thanks for the non-publishable comments.

  3. I expect Olga's trotting about thinking this beats them damn pebbles! Do you still have more free days?

  4. The things we do for our pets ... but at least Olga had a good seat!

  5. Olga looks so noble in that picture.

  6. I'm sure it feels good to be home again. When do you go back to work? Happy New Year to you and Dave and Olga! May it be filled with good health and fun adventures!

  7. I love that photo of Olga waiting for the train. It sounds like she had a comfortable ride home.

  8. Olga looks as if she's a regular passenger on the train. She's watching for the train to come in.

  9. I love that dogs are welcome on trains. I also like the idea of her peering out the window. Welcome home!

  10. glad the trip home was uneventful. Minnie also wants to look out the window during car trips. if I'm not driving that means she wants to stand in my lap with one rear foot on my stomach. really dog?

  11. I just wanted to tell you that when I want some peace I read your blog and love every post. I once had a dog very similar to Olga. I miss her to this day.

  12. Olga is a great traveler. Her one requirement of a window seat, on your lap made me smile. 3 hours is a good chunk of travel time. You must be glad to be back in the comforts of your lovely home.

  13. I'm impressed that you vacuumed before leaving. Was that on the list of checkout rules? We have some rental properties and you'd be surprised (or maybe not) the shape in which they're sometimes left. I've heard some wild stories! Also... much to one child's delight (who cleans rentals between clients) there are sometimes some wonderful food/liquor items left behind! (unopened, of course, or they'd be tossed)

  14. I'm glad it was a good holiday. Olga looks most commanding there at the train station! I always have that "what to take and what to leave" dilemma, too. I'll bet yours was left very tidy!

  15. Welcome home. I just had a thought. Could you buy Olga a set of those little boots I hear some dogs wear and would that ease the pain of the pebbles on her wee tootsies?

  16. I think I would have brought the butter too (unless it was packaged in a way that would make a mess), but maybe I'm just more of a butter fanatic than you are. Ha! Glad you made it home safely!

  17. What a great getaway, Steve. Yesterday's and today's Olga photos are terrific. And now home and at least a few more days of freedom. Oh, how I envy the pet-friendly transit available to you...

    Chris from Boise

  18. It's wonderful to get away and have a change of scenery but also great to get home and comfortable in your own environment!

  19. Coming home is always the best part of going away.

  20. Mitchell: I'm not sure she was, actually, but at least she could see!

    YP: I hate that I am so skittish about expressing public opinion on certain subjects -- which relates a bit to my "doppelganger" post today, actually.

    Boud: I have another week, believe it or not!

    Bob: People around me must think I'm dominated by my dog. Which...I am.

    Ms Moon: She's a very noble looking dog, except when she's being goofy!

    Ellen D: We go back a week from tomorrow. Happy New Year!

    Sharon: As I told Mitchell, I'm not sure it was all that comfortable, but she liked the view.

    Red: She's an old hand at trains by this point!

    Debby: I'm not sure all the other passengers are that thrilled about having a dog next to them, but the railroads don't mind. (And usually people are very nice about it.)

    Ellen: Ha! I can totally imagine that pose. (And how uncomfortable it must be!)

    Yael: Well, THANK YOU! I appreciate those kind words. I do try to stay positive, though occasionally sarcastic. :)

    Susan: She travels well, overall, though she's getting to an age where it's becoming more difficult.

    Marcia: She's very well-bred!

    Kelly: No, vacuuming was an extra step, but since we have a dog I felt it my duty to contain the dog hair! (Even though Olga is not much of a shedder.)

    Jeanie: I must say, I think it was. We should get no complaints!

    Catalyst: I've never tried booties on her. Most dogs don't like them, at least at first, and I imagine she'd be the same though she might eventually learn to wear them.

    Bug: I was afraid it would melt, which would be a mess.

    Chris: The pet-friendly transit is a HUGE plus here! We have another week off, believe it or not. Seems excessive to me, too!

    Margaret: The best part of vacation is coming home, as the saying goes!

    River: Ha! Yes, as I just said to Margaret above. You and I had the same thought!
