Sunday, December 31, 2023


And so it's time to wrap up another year of blogging. Once again I've managed to post every day, which for me is a matter of routine. Every morning I get up, empty the dishwasher, make coffee and blog -- without fail. Consistency may be the hobgoblin of little minds, and if that's the case my mind is the littlest of them all, but for me the routine is a source of comfort. Plus it helps me keep track of my life, marking the days and augmenting my otherwise terrible memory.

As I mentioned recently, I'm reading Naomi Klein's book "Doppelganger," about the public's tendency to confuse her with "the other Naomi," feminist writer and lately conspiracist Naomi Wolf. The book isn't just about the two Naomis, though. It examines all the ways that we all struggle with our own doppelgangers, a German word -- spelled in that language with an umlaut, doppelgänger -- that means an unrelated double (sometimes an evil double) of a living person. For example, do we create something of a doppelganger in our online lives? Is the person that we present to the world via the Internet a reflection of our authentic self, or a curated, idealized mirror image?

It's made me think about my blogging, of course, and how "real" I am in this space. I'm trained as a journalist and I'd like to think I more or less adhere to journalistic principles, not making things up or distorting events or my feelings about them. But I'm sure I don't always mention things that might reflect poorly on me (citrus tree theft notwithstanding), not even by design but somewhat subconsciously. We all want to make ourselves likable; it's human nature.

And to that extent, maybe we're our own doppelgangers even in daily life, out on the street or in the workplace. Maybe our public personas are always somewhat at odds with our inner selves.

When I was in high school there was another guy in my grade who looked somewhat like me. We weren't twins by any means, but we both had sort of long faces and big teeth and we liked preppy Izod shirts and we're both (as it turned out later) gay, and people used to confuse us all the time. I remember once standing in the commons watching a video of him performing a silly song or musical number for some school event, and a student in front of me turned around and said, "Now aren't you embarrassed?" And I said, "No -- that's not me!"

It was a very strange experience, being mistaken repeatedly for someone else. I wonder if it happened to him too. He had a higher profile in the school than I did, so maybe not.

Anyway, this book is food for thought, that's for sure.

How do you like my new hat? I ordered it online a few weeks ago and it came while we were at the beach. This is one example of an Internet marketing algorithm that hit just right. The ad popped up on Facebook or maybe in my e-mail and I didn't even stop to think how creepy it was that some techno-bot KNEW my husband's name is Dave. I just thought, "Oh, I have to have that!"

Speaking of Dave, he had an appointment with an ENT specialist yesterday because of the allergy-like inflammation he's been experiencing in his face and eyes. (You may remember this is what prompted him to hire the terrible cleaners.) He wasn't all that happy with the appointment overall -- and he's still slated to see a rheumatologist at some point -- but he got some corticosteroids to knock back the inflammation, which is a good temporary treatment. They did an exam that involved putting some sort of orange compound in his eyes, and when he got home I said, "Have you been sticking Cheetos in your eyes again?!"

As for New Year's Eve, we'll be staying home. We were going to go to a party but the host -- a guy we work with -- decided not to have it after all, which is frankly fine with me. After our week away I'm content to stay here.

Happy New Year, everyone! May 2024 bring us all a healthy, peaceful and more harmonious existence. (Unlikely in a presidential campaign year but let's be optimistic!)

(Top photo: A patio in Cricklewood, about a week ago.)


  1. A good new year to you both...and Olga!

  2. So good to know where Liam lives. I love that knit cap. When I could only see the top portion, I thought “You got Dave to wear that?!?” It's perfect for you. What does he think of it? I've never met my doppleganger. I suppose one is enough.

  3. Happy New Year to you and Dave (and Olga of course).
    Great hat!

  4. Happy New Year to you both & dear Olga. I love your blog as it is always so interesting. Many years ago I lived in Cricklewood so I like your occasional pics. The new hat is fab!

  5. Will Dave be ordering a similar woolly hat... "Steve Adore"?

    Interesting what you had to say about authenticity and the versions of our selves that we present to the world both in blogging and in everyday interactivity. I guess there are parts of our true selves that are routinely hidden from view.

    We twa hae paidlet i’ the burn,
    Frae mornin’ sun till dine:
    But seas between us braid hae roar’d,
    Sin auld lang syne.

  6. I had a doppelganger who lived locally and was mistaken constantly for her. We eventually met and it turned out she had the same experience with me. To us we looked nothing alike, different eye color, size, but the mistakes went on for years. I've outlived her now, and I wonder if people get a bit of a turn thinking they've suddenly seen their deceased friend!

  7. And you are oart of my morning routine also. I get up, feed the cat, and then check my emails. Following that I check the three blogs that I follow each morning. I then start my day.
    Happy New Year to you Dave and Olga!

  8. Happy New Year Steve to you and Dave It's been a joy reading your posts throughout the year.

  9. I love your optimism. It gives me hope. I also love the hat. It's great. Your comment to Dave about Cheetos made me laugh out loud.
    A very happy new year to you and Dave and Olga.

  10. It's a coincidence, just this week the troll on my blog claimed I was a doppelganger, I didn't know the word and even after doing a little research I wonder if I understood. (Today he called me an old woman, that's at least understandable), I saw an interview with Naomi Klein on YouTube and it's definitely an interesting topic.
    I wish you a wonderful year and thank you again for the blog I am so glad I found it.

  11. Reading "Shadows & Light" is a regular part of my morning routine. Thank you!

  12. We're staying in tonight as well, though we will get together with some neighbors tomorrow for food and cheer.

    Meantime, Happy New year to you and Dave and the all-important Olga!

  13. I used to look like someone everyone knew. I can't tell you how many times I was mistaken for someone else. I guess I was just pretty darn generic. I did once meet a doppelgänger when I was a teenager and we were both freaked out. So were our parents and siblings.
    I don't think I've ever had a new year's where I've been less concerned about the changing of the number on the last two digits of the date.
    You know what? I'm glad we both blog, otherwise I'd never have gotten to know you even though our lives have run close at times, geographically speaking, at least. We were fated to have met!

  14. You found a neat hat. I read one Naomi Klein book and liked it. I guess it's time to read another one. All the best to you and Dave in 2024.

  15. My new grandson's middle name is Liam!
    Love your new hat. I bet it made Dave smile!
    It's good you are staying home for NYE as so many are coming down with Covid. Now you have a week to relax before you head back to work.
    Wishing you and Dave a terrific 2024!

  16. That hat is great...and I'll bet Dave likes it too.

    I think that you are very real. I've thought about that a lot. I think that after following a blog for a few years, you DO know the writer. Or else they are exceedingly skilled at covering up their pathological tendencies.


    Happy New Year to you both and your little dog too. I will spend the day housecleaning. I got a bit behind this week, and want to start the year fresh!

  17. Happy 2024 to you Dave and sweet Olga. With Covid on the upswing, a quiet eve will be just fine. I've not met my twin yet, maybe the universe believes one of me is enough. Love the hat. Our computers are becoming all-knowing. It is a bit spooky when the computer knows what each of us will buy.

  18. I like the Dave hat! I saw a whole thing about that style of headwear on Instagram recently. Do you call it a toboggan, a toque, a knit cap, or what? I've always called it a watch cap.

    Happy New Year to you, Dave, and Olga!

  19. Love the hat! My older daughter and a friend of hers got mixed up a lot in elementary school but I've never had that experience. Hope Dave feels better! I'm staying home for NYE but John and a couple friends are coming over. We'll probably play Quiddler or a board game--nothing too exciting.

  20. The orange drops are used to numb the eyeball for testing the pressure in the eye!
    Wishing you, Dave and, of course, Olga, a fabulous New Year 🎊! Yes, we shall see how that all works out as the days pass!
    Meeting a friend for lunch at a local Chinese restaurant and then back home and making a pot of chicken soup! It will be a quiet night for me, however, I shall toast the New Year in prior to going to bed at my usual time! 🥱😴

  21. Your record of daily posting is impressive. I'm currently in a slump. I guess we need a major construction project to provide some blog fodder. Happy New Year to you and Dave. The hat is great.

  22. Steve, I have been reading your blog daily ever since Allison mentioned you to me. I find it amazing that you can blog every day and keep it so interesting. I enjoy your portrayals of everyday life in the city you live in. London is a special place.

  23. I am over from Catalyst site. I enjoy your photos and writing. School Librarian? That would be so wonderful. I taught school for 20 years and was surrounded by books.

  24. Love the hat! Wishing you and Dave a happy and healthy 2024.

    Irene in Arizona

  25. What a great hat! I'm sorry Dave wasn't happy with his appointment, but hopefully the treatment will help.

    I have been told many times that I look like someone (including Valerie Bertinelli!!), but that has diminished over time.

    I am supposed to go to a party tonight, and my friend called (after reading my blog post) to encourage/bully me into going. We'll see.

  26. Love the hat! Thank you for making my morning coffee and toast so much better. Wishing you and yours all good things in 2024. From the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

  27. Your hat is great. I've been told I have a doppelganger here in the hood. She's said to resemble me but I'm told she has a personality the opposite of mine in that she is very grouchy and humorless. I'm glad the people who told me about her thought highly of my character. I have never come across her and hope I never do. 2024 will be a rough year so we all have to hang on!


  28. I always stay home on New Year's Eve, it's safer, for me anyway, since I can no longer run to get away from any trouble that might be out and about looking for a victim.
    I do hope Dave's inflammation isn't anything sinister.
    Love the hat!

  29. I compromised due to my oldest going out with friends. I stayed up to the unheard of hours of 10:30 last night before going to bed. Now here I am up at 4:30 am with probably a handful of hours before she is up.

  30. GZ: Thanks! :)

    Mitchell: He likes it, though I think he was afraid I expected HIM to wear it!

    Frances: Happy New Year to you and your family and Alexi too!

    Tasker: Thanks, and same to you. :)

    WendyAnn: Thanks for the comment and good wishes! It's funny that I'm now photographing your old neighborhood!

    YP: Absolutely. No matter how open we are we never reveal everything.

    Boud: Oh, that must have been a weird situation! Yeah, I wonder if people think twice when they see you now?

    Peter: I'm so glad to be part of your routine, as you are part of mine!

    Briony: Happy New Year to you too, and glad to have you back in blogland!

    Sharon: You have to have some hope, even though it seems difficult from time to time.

    Yael: Who is this troll? I don't understand why people would spend precious time in online trolling, unless they just have no lives.

    Jonboi: That's great to hear! So glad you're out there!

    Bob: Olga really IS all-important around here. To a ridiculous degree, I'd be the first to admit.

    Ms Moon: I am SO glad we met, blog-sister! I do love the fact that we share some common roots.

    Red: Was it "The Shock Doctine"? I think that's her most famous one.

    Ellen D: Yeah, staying out of Covid's way is definitely a fringe benefit of staying home, though that wasn't our reason!

    Debby: I just don't have the time or energy to be fake or erect facades. I agree that reading someone's blog over time gives a good sense of who they are. You also seem very real, which I appreciate!

    Susan: It IS a little freaky, and some of the recommendations my computer makes are WAY off. But this one hit home!

    Kelly: I call it a yarn hat or beanie. So many different names!

    Margaret: What is Quiddler? That must be some Washington State thing. :)

    Marcia: I'm glad you know what drops I'm talking about! Hope your Chinese lunch was good, and your soup. :)

    Allison: It helps to make it a routine element of the day, as I said. I used to keep a handwritten journal daily so this comes naturally to me.

    Jim: I'm SO glad you find it interesting. Sometimes I worry that I'm boring people with daily tedium, but I do try to be at least a little bit entertaining!

    Susan Kane: It's a great job and a library is a wonderful place to work, even given the current pressures facing schools and libraries!

    Irene: Thank you and same to you! Thanks for commenting!

    Bug: Well, if you've got to have a doppelganger, Valerie Bertinelli is a good one to have!

    Regina: Thank you for including me in your morning routine! Happy New Year to you too!

    John: Same back atcha. :)

    Janie: That really IS a doppelganger -- a sort of "evil twin"!

    River: Well, that's a good point too -- it's safer to stay home, though London usually feels pretty safe.

    Ed: You're as bad as I am -- sometimes I get up at a ridiculously early time. (Usually if the dog wakes me up.)

  31. I'm a bit behind. Happy New Year. I love the hat. Very amusing.

    I think we 'curate' ourselves a little when blogging but when I've met bloggers, they are very much like they seem online. Of course if they aren't like they are online, perhaps they don't meet other bloggers.

  32. What a thoughtful and really interesting post, Steve. I thought long and hard about how much I wanted/needed to share online and I pretty much decided that as long as it wasn't the social security number or bank info, I was pretty good with most all of it. But I tend to stand more or less clear of politics and religion, although I suspect in 2024, I might have a bit more to say on that. I just don't like to offend people. And yet, sometimes you have to go there. Most all of the bloggers I've met in person have been "who they seem to be" online, and I find that a good thing. For years, I was fairly public locally and when I retired it felt nice that (after awhile) I could go to the store or shopping without having to have a conversation with strangers to hear good or bad things about our television station or to go out without make-up or always be cheery. Here, it's good, bad and ugly, for the most part. I really enjoy your blog, how you think and what you share. And I'm not mixing you up with anyone else!
