Friday, December 22, 2023

Cow and Lizard

The colorfully painted bovine outside the Cricklewood train station is decorated in holiday finery. This fiberglass beast has been there since 2018, apparently because the station stands on land that was once known as "Cow Green." It was donated by a local business and painted by kids at a nearby school.

I would have thought it was a bull, given the horns, but apparently cows have horns too.

I saw it yesterday when I took a walk through Cricklewood, for no particular reason other than to get out of the house and get some exercise.

The doorway next to the minimalist antique store on Mill Lane, which doesn't appear to be an antique store anymore, is decorated with a gigantic, eye-catching bow.

And here's how our high street looks in the early mornings, when I walk Olga and no one is out and about.

Today we're going to pack up and head on down to Pevensey Bay, where we'll be spending the next week on the pebbly, wintry beach. The weather calls for rain, which sounds fabulous to me. Lots of reading time by the fire! Olga will go with us on the train as she did in June.

I got happy news yesterday from Linda Sue, who bought the stuffed lizard that we saw in a Dulwich charity shop a few days ago, and that I regretted leaving behind:

"He is yours," she wrote. "Hand woven, hand dyed, hand stitched!"

Christmas has come early for me! Thanks, Linda Sue! As you can see, Mr. Lizard is temporarily resident at the Spider Hole until she and I meet up again.

Dave and I also exchanged our gifts last night, so we don't have to schlep them to Pevensey Bay. I got him a couple of kitchen gadgets that he wanted/needed, and he got me a shirt and a very bizarre book related to some YouTube channel he follows. I think he's the one who wanted the book, but anyway...the shirt has lemons all over it, which he said was a tribute to my recent citrus tree crimes. (The tree is outside now, by the way, where it will remain for the time being given that we're having relatively warm temperatures, only reaching the mid-40s at night.)

And now, off to the beach!


  1. Have a lovely time at the beach, and please send sea pictures. I can imagine Olga trying to kill that lizard when it gets to you!

  2. Frances: One of Olga's best qualities is that she never chews anything except tennis balls and Kong toys. We've tried to give her animal-shaped toys and she won't have anything to do with them! I think the lizard will be very safe!

  3. Minimalist antique shop, is like a one cake bakery. Good luck getting to your holiday destination, the news would have you believe that travel is impossible. Merry and bright , weather by the sea. It will be just right. Olga’s little brother will be waiting patiently for your return.

  4. I love that lizard. Now you need to get a cow of your very own. Have a great trip!

  5. I hope that you have a peaceful getaway down at Pevensey Bay and that the predicted tsunami connected with volcanic activity in Iceland does not materialise.

  6. A beach break sounds good, even if you spend most of it relaxing indoors!

  7. I hope that the three of you enjoy your holiday getaway. Wintry beaches are under appreciated. What’s your thing with shirts? Was there a post in the archives about that?

  8. Yes, us country kids know there is a more accurate place to look on the external body of a cow to get a sense of sex.

    Have a good break! A week reading by the fire while it rained sounds quite nice to me as well!

  9. Enjoy your time at the beach! I am going to the beach myself for Christmas. I love the photo of your street in the early hours of the morning. For me, that's the best time of day.

  10. Love the quiet street at Christmas.

    Safe, fun travels.

  11. Have a lovely time at the beach and enjoy your reading. I'm going to watch some movies on my break.

  12. Love the Lizard! Three cheers to Linda Sue!

    Have a great time in Pevensey. Fun to do gifts early and then enjoy the holiday. Books and beaches -- can't beat it!

    We're leaving today for a few days with kidlets so I may not be back to visit till after the holiday. So, I send Merry Christmas greetings to you and Dave. Thanks for all your visits and comments and Marmelade Gypsy. have a glorious holiday! (And I love that High Street photo!)

  13. Linda Sue is a jewel, isn't she?
    And that lizard will have a happy life with you and Dave and Olga.
    All righty- you guys have the best time at the beach. I can't wait to see pictures.

  14. I love the lizard. He has such big eyes! You don't see any streets in London without people on them so that early morning shot is unique.
    Safe travels to the beach!

  15. I had a feeling Linda Sue would get the lizard for you - I'm glad I was right. It's fabulous!

    And I LOVE the citrus crime shirt. You guys are hilarious.

  16. Enjoy your time at the Beach, relaxation, good food and wonderful company! 🎄🎁

  17. Have a wonderful time at the beach. It sounds so relaxing!
    I have a new grandson born yesterday 12/21 and his name is Adam Liam DeBerge. I've been mentioning that when he turns 73 (my age) it will be 2096! Isn't that hard to imagine?!

  18. Enjoy your time at the beach.

  19. Have a good beach time. Well, fireplace time! I'm not surprised that the lizard is making its way to you. It's great that Olga sticks to official toys for chewing.

    Cows have horn buds at birth, but are often dehorned very young, for safety around farms and farmers.

  20. I'm a minimalist myself but that shop looks empty! Hope you have a wonderful trip and time. Dave and Olga too! Cows with horns? What is this madness?

  21. Enjoy your time at the beach. Winter time makes a beautiful beach and you often have the entire place to yourself. Ideal! You were meant to have the lizard and thanks to Linda Sue it all came together.

  22. I'm chuckling at Ed's comment. All our cattle were naturally polled except for one random cow who had horns. I don't think we had her long. I love the painted cow here AND your lizard!

    I look forward to your posts from the seashore. I hope all three of you have a wonderful, relaxing holiday!

  23. Do have a terrific time away. Walks on the pebble beach in driving rain will be invigorating.

  24. May you have a happy holiday, my friends.

  25. Walks on a wintry beach followed by reading by a fire. Sounds like a perfect way to spend Christmas.

  26. Gotta love that lizard, that Spidey Freak pillow not so much. Safe travels to the three of you and do enjoy your vacation at the beach. Happy Christmas to you & Dave.

  27. Merry Christmas, Steve and Dave! Enjoy your time away.

  28. Early morning High Street looks lovely. I love the lizard.
    Have a great time on those pebbles and by the fireside.

  29. I've been reading but not commenting, but I did want to ask: did you consider if you had any new plants in the house that Dave might be sensitive to?

    Have a great vacation away and a happy Christmas :)

  30. Linda Sue: I saw that news. I think unless you're on the Eurostar or using Euston Station you'll be fine.

    Mitchell: I think I'll just visit the Cricklewood cow!

    YP: Ha! THAT would make things interesting!

    GZ: Doesn't sound bad to me! As long as I can LOOK at the ocean.

    Don: You mean, why do I like unusual and/or colorful shirts? I don't know. I always have!

    Ed: Well, I know that too, but I must admit I didn't inspect this one that closely!

    Michael: I agree. I love the early morning, both indoors and out. I get a lot done then.

    Bob: Thank you!

    Pixie: No doubt we'll be indulging in some movies as well.

    Jeanie: Thank and Merry Christmas to you too!

    Ms Moon: She IS a jewel!

    Sharon: I guess the "lizard" is probably a chameleon, technically. They have eyes like that. Yes, a quiet street in London is a rarity!

    Bug: I thought the citrus shirt was pretty inspired! Dave is a better gift-giver than I am.

    Marcia: Thank you!

    Ellen D: CONGRATULATIONS! That's exciting news! Yeah, I can't even imagine 2096. I remember reading Ray Bradbury many years ago, and one of the stories was set in 2026, and even THAT seemed impossibly futuristic. Now it's just a few years away!

    Red: Thanks!

    Boud: Well, that makes sense. I knew I'd seen cows without horns. Apparently they're part of the animals sinus cavity. Who knew?! (I read that online so it must be true.)

    Margaret: Well, it IS empty now, but even when it was ostensibly open it only had two chairs in the window. Hence, minimalist.

    Susan: Yes, Linda Sue rescued me from my own practicality! LOL

    Ellen: Thank you!

    Kelly: Thanks! We will, of course, keep you posted. :)

    John: RIGHT?! Who could resist? (Well, I did initially, but then regretted it.)

    Andrew: Ha! Or insane!

    Catalyst: Thanks, and the same to you and SWMBO!

    Caro: Doesn't it sound ideal? I think it's a shame that so many people think beaches are only tolerable in sunny weather.

    Jim: Ha! Yeah, I wouldn't want that pillow, but it DOES fit the theme of the Spidey flat.

    Debby: Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!

    River: The high street is nice when it's so quiet. A rarity!

    Jenny-O: Hmmmm! That's an interesting thought. I can't think of any new plants that would be a likely culprit -- most of them are duplicates of plants we already have (like our rescued rubber tree, which joins an already existing rubber tree). And I doubt that he has a citrus allergy because it's not blooming and Dave eats citrus with no ill effects. But who knows!

  31. The Kids did a fine job of painting and Arting Up that Cow.
