Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Bed Manatee

Here's Olga on our early morning walk yesterday. She's doing that scratching thing that dogs sometimes do in the grass. I think I've read that it has something to do with spreading the scent on their paws. It's certainly very vigorous.

Dave is fond of coming up with nicknames for the dog. Years ago he dubbed her the "Bovine Croissant," after she curled up on the couch displaying the heifer-like spots on her back. Last night he called her "Bed Manatee," which made me laugh and laugh. You know how dogs who sleep with their humans seem to double in size and weight in the night? Well, that's Olga -- big, oblong and impossibly heavy.

My boss and my co-worker are both out with Covid. So far I'm fine, but it's only a matter of time. I guess everyone who traveled for the holidays is bringing back their airplane germs. If I'm going to get it, I hope it happens soon and not when we're about to leave for California in February.


  1. One of our dogs used to like to sleep with either of us on the bed but come the hour or so after midnight, would decide humans weren't great sleeping companions and go off to his basket bed. He was a lean medium sized dog and not bother on the bed until he decided to start scratching.

  2. Take very good care, mask, vitamins, you are not allowed to get ill. I bought a nasal squirt that seems to have been keeping bus virus at bay.

    nicknames. Dave could start a business..

  3. I have read this blogpost but cannot think of a witty riposte. I bet you are glad about that!

  4. Pirate has a saying about "shit things happening " in life...."act like a terrier...scratch grass over it and walk away"😄

    Better than being like a terrier and worrying to death the things you can do nothing about.

    Hope you can steer clear of Covid

  5. I'm undecided about what is topping the fence near Olga. I can't decide if it is some holiday garland or some sort of new fangled security addition like razor wire but perhaps more human and still a deterrent. I've never seen anything like it.

  6. Dogs are the greatest creatures in my mind. I am finding that I am fascinated continuously with all of Shirley's antics. Hopefully no Covid for you. I am substituting tomorrow and Friday before I fly up to Boston to help my mom go to Maryland for the rest of the winter. Hopefully I will not bring any Covid germs with me!

  7. Bed manatee - ha! Here's hoping you either don't get COVID, it's mild, or it happens pretty quickly so it doesn't interfere with your plans!

  8. I certainly hope you escape covid, in general, not just about the trip. Even a mild case can have repercussions later.

  9. Hope you don't get Covid but if you do, get an anti-viral to help you recover faster. Dave is clever with his nicknames.

  10. Keeping my fingers crossed that you avoide Covid this round. So far, I’m happy to say I’ve been spared on this trip. Just a few days left! Dave is a genius when it comes to those nicknames. I can see in photos how solid Olga is. Bed Manatee exactly! Bovine Croissant is tres chic.

  11. Ugh. I hope you don't get it -- you had the most recent vax, right? That might help or at least make it easier. I love that name -- it sure fits. Dave's names are pretty brilliant!

  12. I thought dogs kicked grass to 'cover' their poop or pee.but maybe I'm wrong. she doesn't do it after she poops just when she stops to smell a spot and then squirt a little pee on it but not always so maybe it does have something to do with spreading scent.

    and yeah, hope you don't get covid.

  13. Love the nickname, it made me laugh too. We had two people out with Covid last week too but since I go into the office very rarely, I think I'm okay.

  14. It's sad that we let covid get going again. If it's here it keeps on changing and I hate to be a pessimist , but one of the variants could be a rapid killer . So don't wish covid on yourself.

  15. Now, I am curious about what is on top of that fence, too!
    Always carry a mask 😷 with you and just be extra cautious!
    Poor Olga ... Her Dave daddy thinks she is part Holstein! 😆

  16. Covid and the flu are making the rounds again. It appears Winter, holiday gatherings and plane travel often invites illness. Dave has a stellar sense of humor...

  17. I can remember having battles for space with a miniature schnauzer years ago. We've never really been tempted to let any other dogs sleep with us, even though our Rottweilers would have loved it!

    I've taken to wearing a mask again in select locations (like the doctor's clinic!).

  18. We used to have our beagle Lucy and she took up far more room than a small dog should. Now we have a med/large dog, 65 lbs with very long legs, and he's taken over my side of the bed.

    I was reading an article last night about viruses and apparently right now, people are often dealing with more than one viral infection at a time. It feels like we are. I've had a cough for what feels like a month and it's slowly getting better but now my eye has something going on. Sigh.

  19. Love That Olga Girl Photo And Keep Pounding Those Vitamins


  20. Yep, it's definitely going around. My boyfriend got it but I escaped because he was infected two days after I last saw him. Hope your trip to CA goes off without a hitch or a virus!

  21. Bed Manatee is exactly the term I would have thought of for Olga if I'd grown up in Florida! Stay well.

  22. Bed Manatee is a perfect nickname. You go, Olga!

    Stay healthy! There are a ton of respiratory germs out there right now.

    Chris from Boise

  23. "Bed Manatee", an apt description. :)

  24. Yael: She is full of personality, even if she is a bit manatee-like.

    Andrew: That's interesting, that he sought out his basket after a while. We couldn't get Olga out of our bed if we wanted to.

    Linda Sue: "Nicknames R Us"

    YP: I'm sorry I've failed to inspire. I didn't have much time this morning. :)

    GZ: That's a great way to look at things!

    Ed: It's for security, to keep people climbing the fence -- strips of aluminum (I think?) installed in rosettes with the edges sticking out. It's pretty common in England, but I have no idea what it's called.

    Michael: Dogs ARE amazing creatures. They really are man's (and woman's) best friend!

    Bug: So far so good, but yeah, we're still far enough away from our trip that if it's going to happen, now's the time!

    Boud: Well, we'll certainly get it at some point, probably repeatedly. It's not going away.

    Ellen D: He really is funny, the stuff he comes up with!

    Mitchell: I'm glad you've avoided it so far! Apparently the US is experiencing quite a surge. I hope your luck holds!

    Jeanie: I get all the vaccines I'm offered here, but the most recent round of boosters only went to elderly or infirm people, so I wasn't offered one.

    Ellen: It might be that but in this case I don't think Olga peed or pooped. I think she was just scratching!

    Sharon: One of the benefits of working from home!

    Red: Well, I'm glad we haven't seen that variant yet -- but you're right, it could always happen. (Just like with the flu.)

    Marcia: Yeah, it's a security fence. See my description to Ed above. The other side of the fence is railroad tracks so they don't want anyone climbing over it.

    Susan: I'm sure all the family togetherness and travel during the holidays didn't help matters.

    Kelly: It would be hard to share a bed with a rottweiler, and especially MULTIPLE rottweilers!

    Pixie: I guess winter is always a bad time for illness, but it does seem like there's a lot of viral activity happening out there right now.

    Padre: The only vitamins I pound come from my food!

    Margaret: Well, THAT was a lucky break! Good timing on your part!

    Catalyst: The funny thing is, Dave grew up in Michigan! I guess enough of my Florida-ness rubbed off on him that he's picking up on our state wildlife.

    Chris: If only she ate lettuce like any other manatee. We'd probably save a lot of money.

    Jim: He hit the nail on the head with that one, for sure!
