Thursday, January 11, 2024

Day and Night

I passed this shopfront on my walk to work a few days ago. It's in the same strip of shops with the former Mario's Restaurant and the now painted-over liquor shop ghost sign. As long as I've lived in West Hampstead, almost ten years, none of these places have been open. From what I can tell they're all part of an ongoing renovation project being done by one old guy, and he apparently feels no sense of urgency.

Here's the same shop at night. It's rare to see lights in any of these places so it seems something is happening with this one, at least. I see a backpack and some equipment in there.

Who knows? It's one of the mysteries of West Hampstead.

I've been having some more issues with my ongoing persistent cough. This is a problem I've had for many years and it drives me crazy. I'm trying to arrange to see a specialist but the insurance company wants the doctor to fill out a form for a referral blah blah blah. (I'm trying to do it privately, through my medical insurance, rather than through the NHS, both to expedite things and to save the public health service some money.) I'm also arranging another CT scan to see if there have been changes in my airways since my last scan more than a year ago. I think I have a mild case of something called bronchiectasis, a thickening of the airways that can be caused by acid reflux (which I've dealt with for many years), but I am no expert. All I know is that I have uncomfortable flare-ups now and then, and they seem to be getting slightly worse over time. Let's see what's happening!

Otherwise, it's life as usual around here. I watched a great documentary on Netflix last night called "Bitconned," about some guys from New Jersey who created a start-up designed to help people spend Bitcoins on everyday consumer products using something like a debit card. Problem is, they had no experience in or understanding of finance or Bitcoin or banking, and basically just made everything up as they went along, defrauding investors in the process. It is truly an astonishing tale.

We also watched two crime miniseries, "Fool Me Once" and "Who Is Erin Carter?" They were both entertaining if wildly implausible, and were so similar -- with dark-haired leading actresses in the main roles and plot lines involving secret schemes, family dynamics and gunfire -- that I kept getting them mixed up in my mind. My advice: Don't watch them both at once.


  1. I also watched Bitconned and apart from shocking I also found it extremely interesting regarding how easy it is for scammers to operate and con the internet users with slick websites, fake banking logos, fake board members etc. It was both fascinating and quite frightening at the same time.

  2. I would guess the rent would not be cheap for those empty shops, given their location. If like here, landlords prefer empty places rather than lowering rents to attract tenants.

    You are entitled to use the NHS. Just use it and let the system decide on your priority.

  3. Here, if a property owner spends months renovating, he can claim a loss of income for it, and use it as a tax write off. Question: (and I will sound like a know it all, but please don't take it that way). Have you ever taken ginger root and boiled it to make a tea? Add honey. It really, really helps me when I get into a persistant cough situation. Ginger is supposed to be a natural inflamatory. All I know is that I carried a mug with a large hunk of ginger root in it and kept adding boiling water to it throughout the day, stirring in another drizzle of honey. Good luck.

  4. I just started watching Fool Me Once last night and have only seen 2 episodes so far so I am glad you didn't have any spoilers in your post!
    I have a cough most of the time and think the dry winter weather just makes it worse. Do you use a humidifier to bring some moisture into your room? Sometimes that helps.

  5. Those two photos are excellent - I like the contrast.

  6. I wonder if those closed shops have been changing hands behind the scenes, each new party getting some sort of tax benefit. Whatever they become, it probably won't be shops. Too bad.

  7. Ever since you recommended "Beef" on your blog, I have been paying attention to your recommendations. I was glad to see "Beef" win several awards.

  8. It’s tragic how easy it is for these con artists to succeed. I can’t imagine how many are out there that don’t get caught and walk away with a fortune. I have Erin Carter upon our watch list. I hope you find happy and healthy resolution of your cough.

  9. Bit coin schemes seem to be the get-rich quick rage. It is best to stay away, far away. When something sounds to good to be true, it is usually just that. Empty buildings never look good. It does appear some renovation is underway. I hope you feel better soon. Navigating healthcare is never a simple task.

  10. I have two episodes left of Fool Me Once. At this point I suspect everybody. Who is Erin Carter is in my list. I'll wait a while before starting that one. I just finished Night Manager, another implausible story but entertaining nonetheless.
    Good luck with the medical tests. Hopefully you will get some answers.

  11. Wow! Your throat condition sounds like mine. They won't look at me either.

  12. I'm not a fan of bitcoin and stay far away from it. My son-in-law had a job for a while in the biz and he said that most of his fellow employees were anarchists and reveled in bypassing the regular and safeguarded banking system. I haven't seen either of those but am finishing up "Lessons in Chemistry." Not a mystery/thriller and not as good as the book, although a decent adaptation.

  13. Will Come Up With A List Of Herbs For Them Lungs Of Yours - Olga Girl Needs A Dog Walker , Not A Dog Hacker - Stay Strong Brother Man


  14. Since I still like using real cash money, I sure don't want to deal with bitcoin!

    I hope you can get some answers to your cough problem. I know several folks who've been dealing with a similar situation (for years!) and I know it gets old.

  15. I was amused by something: you're in England watching a program about New Jersey con men. I'm in Arizona watching The Great British Baking Show and my wife has been an avid watcher of The Crown.

  16. That persistent cough must be both annoying and slightly worrisome. It's another of "The Mysteries of West Hampstead"

  17. Rachel: It was AMAZING how easy it was for them to secure millions in financing with simple deception! Bitcoin really is the "wild west."

    Andrew: I don't know how shop rents work here, but it seems landlords would want ANYONE in there more than an empty space. As for the NHS, the system is under a lot of strain -- if I can use my insurance that's better for all of us.

    Debby: I have never tried ginger root! Maybe I should.

    Ellen D: I would never give anything away! We don't use a humidifier -- if anything we have too much moisture in our house.

    Bug: I thought they worked well together!

    Boud: I don't think they've changed hands. I see the guy (who I presume is the owner) working on them from time to time and it's been the same guy for years.

    Ed: Neither of these shows is as good as "Beef"!

    Mitchell: I won't give anything away, but I will say that the last episode of "Erin Carter" fell over the line into outright absurdity. Entertaining but silly and beyond implausible.

    Susan: I agree. I wouldn't buy Bitcoin under any circumstances!

    Sharon: There's nothing wrong with implausible TV, I suppose, when it's just for entertainment purposes.

    Red: It's frustrating when you can't get a doctor's attention, isn't it?!

    Margaret: I want to read the book before I watch "Lessons in Chemistry."

    Padre: Yeah, let me know if there's anything else I should add to Debby's ginger root tea!

    Kelly: Most of the time I feel fine, but occasionally I have flare-ups when I genuinely feel like I am dying. It's very uncomfortable.

    Catalyst: English-speaking TV is very transatlantic! I love how the BBC has such success in the USA with many of its shows.

    YP: And before that, a mystery of New York. And before that, a mystery of Sarasota! (It's been going on a long time.)

  18. I'm in the States and have bronchiectasis. From my exhaustive research if you do have it, your country is heads above the U.S. with help and protocols. We can't even get all our states to agree to have registries. I get decent help now but it took awhile. ( and a hospital admission ). Best of luck and don't worry.

  19. I hope you see your comments even after they come in late like mine today. I have had bronchiectasis for about 20 years, starting when I was about 50 or so. It can't be cured but it can be managed with inhalers and some meds. It's progressive but the progression is slow and people can live full life expectancy with it. The most annoying thing about it is the chronic cough (which tends to be productive) -- especially in the winter when everyone thinks you have Covid or the flu. And at least for me, the coughing tends to be worse at night, which is a pain for your bed buddy and sometimes makes it hard to sleep. But that worsens in later stages. You do have to be careful of any lung infection you might get -- especially pneumonia but also bronchitis or other respiratory infections. You need to get on those right away. You might also ask the docs (if they don't suggest it) that you do a sputum sample from the gunk you cough up to assess if there are any other issues. There are other strategies that can help remove the mucus (compression therapy, compression vest, etc.). Those are helpful. I periodically get a bronchoscopy that helps "scrape out" some of the mucus build-up too.

    You're really smart to be getting on this and being proactive with getting a full diagnosis. A chest CT can give your docs the best idea of the lungs, as you know, and if it is bronchiectasis or something else. But the main thing is if you have it, don't panic! It's annoying over time but it is not life threatening, so long as you watch your infections should you catch anything.

    When I first got this, I didn't know anyone who had it and it felt pretty scary not to have anyone to talk to. So, if that's what it turns out to be and you need to chat, email me

  20. J Mineo and Jeanie: THANK YOU for your comments! I appreciate the information and support. I think if I have it, it's still a mild case. But I'm aware that it does progress and it definitely helps to know others who are in a similar situation!
