Saturday, February 10, 2024

Animal Encounters

This is the day/night building that I blogged a couple of weeks ago. I walked past it yesterday and noticed that someone has added some graffiti to the front. REZ, I think it says? And "Don't Do Drugs." (Nancy Reagan as graffiti artist...)

If the angles in that photo look weird, it's partly because the building itself is wonky.

Dave and I are off this morning on our journey to Los Angeles. We're not packed yet but I've gathered everything together, so it's just a matter of putting it in a bag. Olga isn't bothered by us stacking stuff up, but when we get the suitcases out she knows what's coming and she goes into a funk. So I wait until the last minute.

I had some interesting wildlife encounters yesterday.

While walking the dog I passed a tree that was positively alive with slugs. I think they're green cellar slugs (but I am no expert) and they appear to live in the cracks at the base of the tree. It was rainy yesterday, so I guess on damp days they come out and climb the tree in search of lichen or fungus or whatever it is they eat. They seemed to all be on their way home when I came across them.

I know some people are squeamish about slugs so if you'd rather not watch, I get it. I did, however, find a pretty funkadelic musical sountrack to accompany that video, thanks to iMovie jingles -- if that's any inducement to give it a try.

And then, while walking to work, this fox was coming toward me on the sidewalk. It crossed the street to avoid me, but then found itself in the path of a man walking a dog, so it went past me and crossed again. I was close enough to get a very good video, because the fox was more worried about the dog than me.

Work yesterday was fine -- it was a very quiet day. My boss asked me to write a thank-you letter to some authors who visited recently, which I did pretty quickly, and she seemed quite happy with the result. My New York Times journalism training is good for something!

Last night, I checked in online for our flight. What a fiddly process that is! Uploading documents, answering questions, blah blah blah -- I'd almost rather just do it at the airport. I'm dubious that it saves us much time but we'll see. At least it guarantees us a seat (hopefully).

Of course, the process might have been complicated by this:

But I tell you, after this week, I needed it. (OK, I admit it -- I had one Thursday night too.) Yes, those are sweet pickled onions and gherkins in my glass! They were left over from our lunch with our friend Josh a couple of weeks ago, and to finish them off I've been using them as a martini garnish. They're actually delicious that way. Who knew?

You can see some of my LA-themed reading behind the glass. I'm not sure I'm taking all of those books with me -- we'll only be there a week, after all -- but I wanted to get in the mood!


  1. I see Angels Fall by Michael Connolly, I've read that.
    Have a safe trip.

  2. The slug video reminded me of a Spike Milligan poem,
    "Who's that tickling my back" said the wall,
    "It's me" said the caterpillar, " I'm learning to crawl"!

    Safe journey and enjoy your holiday.

  3. It is one reason that we use our friendly helpful travel agent to do all the details...she is doing it all day every day and we trust her!

  4. Do you think the slugs using gravity to slide down the tree faster say "Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!"

  5. Looks like you stumbled upon the Slug Olympics! I hope the flight to Los Angeles is on time and uneventful. Have a great time over there!

  6. The slug music makes all the difference. Is that what is meant by a slugfest?

    I’m still amazed that foxes are common in London neighborhoods. What a great view of this one.

    Buen viaje!

  7. Have a great time, Steve. Can’t wait to read of your adventures. But, I have to admit, sitting here reading about Olga going into a suitcase funk and the whole airline checking-in process makes me get travel anxiety. As I’ve gotten older I have begun to like travel less. If I can’t be back home that same evening I don’t really want to go.

  8. Wheb U was a kid as soon as suitcases came out our dog Rod would go out and sit by the car. If the car door opened he would get in and refuse to leave NOT LEAVING WITHOUT ME!
    Have a good trip.
    Cheers Peter

  9. It's amazing that you managed to photograph the fox like that. Have a good trip.

  10. gin or vodka? I prefer vodka martinis. have a good uneventful flight.

  11. I would worry that the fox would bite if I got that close.
    I was reading a New Yorker this morning and thought of you. Do you ever submit a caption for the cartoon at the end of the magazine?
    Have a great trip!

  12. That fox tickles me. He looks so at home in the big city! You got surprisingly close.

    Slugs. I know you have written about a slug tree before, but ew. EWWWWWWWWW! If that tree was near me, I'd be out there with a salt shaker.

  13. Okay. That fox video was amazing but the slug video- perfect. I loved it! That last shot with the music was absolutely stellar.
    Okay, dearheart! Travel safely and have a great time! Leave all your troubles behind.

  14. I have never heard of a slug tree!
    I hope you have a safe trip, but wonder what you will be greeted with when you land in SoCal!

  15. It's a party, slugs be cruisin'.
    Only a week, really? That is like going to Disney land for five minutes! Stay well, wear a mask- airports are the worst they say.
    I hope that your sitter bestows much love on Olga- a week to her is about a month.

  16. I'm always a little amazed by your "city foxes". They're very shy creatures in my neck of the woods. That one clearly knows where it's headed.

    Hoping your travel is uneventful and I look forward to your California posts over the next week.

  17. Like Kelly, I was surprised at your bold fox, as ours here in SE Wisconsin are super shy, though we do see them from time to time trotting across the lawn.

    You don't want a fox living by you, as we had under our deck a few years ago. The kits are adorable but you find gnawed animal limbs lying in the yard, which attract ants, and when the foxes vacate their den, animals skunks are one of the animals that like to move in.

    Bon Voyage! I, too, am looking forward to your reports from the field!

  18. Lots of slugs here in the PacNW! I'm amazed by the fox; they're cute but probably a nuisance. I like Connelly a lot. (if you enjoy gritty police procedurals) Have a great trip!

  19. That fox is lovely & healthy-looking! Glad to see it. And glad you ended your work week with a task that suited you. You ARE a good writer!

  20. Bon voyage! Great video of the fox, it's amazing to see them out during the day.

  21. Those slugs are pretty darn creepy. I've never seen so many in one place. I love the fox trotting along the streets too. And, your martini looks delicious. Safe travels. You'll have to tell me if Alfred Hitchcock is still looming over the elevators in that hotel.

  22. I'm not sure whether that martini was to help us forget the slug tree or to celebrate that amazing fox video but whichever it was, it looks delicious! Bon voyage and welcome to the West Coast!

  23. Yuk to the slugs, but part of nature's plans. I've never seen such a brazen fox.
    I too have wondered about online check ins, but I think it does increase your chance of getting the seat you reserved. But why wouldn't you get the seat you've reserved? I asked that of Emirates Airlines when we flew from Rome to Dubai and there wasn't any kind of proper reply, only some extra points added to our account.
    Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

  24. You got an amazingly close-up photo of the fox which is very unusual. On my property they are elusive, shy and rarely seen. I wonder about the health of the tree invaded with slugs. Happy travels. Enjoy.

  25. So Nancy Reagan faked her death and she's actually Banksy. I saw a slug for the first time when we lived in the Seattle area. I had no idea what it was. My supervisor won't allow me to write even a very basic letter to a client without her telling me what to say and then approving it before it's sent. She got snippy with me about my recent use of a semicolon. I must be a totally uneducated eight year old in her eyes. I hope you have a lovely trip.


  26. River: That's the book I picked up from the little free library in Pevensey Bay over Christmas. Perfect LA reading!

    Frances: I don't know that poem! Slugs would be a cold tickle, I'm thinking.

    GZ: Yeah, it's great to pass off the details to someone who can plan everything.

    Ed: They DO seem to be moving pretty fast! (For a slug.)

    YP: They're probably racing to get back before the sun broils them. Not that there was any sun that day.

    Mitchell: I loved that music! It seems to go with slugs, for some reason.

    Don: I understand the anxiety! There IS a lot to think about.

    Peter: Ha! Dogs are smart. It's really amazing. Olga got excited until we told her she was staying home, then she slunk back to the couch.

    Yael: The fox was focused on the dog -- he knew where the real danger lay!

    Ellen: I am a gin man all the way!

    Ellen D: I've never done the caption thing. I have too much to think about to go down that road. LOL

    Debby: NO!!! The slugs aren't hurting you! :)

    Ms Moon: I knew to make slugs exciting I had to give them some musical personality. LOL

    Marcia: I don't know why they seem to like certain trees, except that it probably has to do with where they can find shelter.

    Red: Thank you!

    Linda Sue: We did not mask. We may regret it, but neither did anyone else. I just feel like I have to move past masks.

    Kelly: They are quite savvy in the city!

    Jonboi: I see them in our garden all the time, but fortunately I don't think they have a den near us. (Probably not with the dog always out there.)

    Margaret: I like Connelly's books too. I loved "Echo Park," still my favorite.

    Bug: Well, thank you, but that letter didn't really take much writing skill. LOL

    Allison: Yeah, I've seen them out at all hours here. And unlike the states, where seeing a nocturnal animal in the daytime can mean illness, these seem perfectly healthy. (No rabies in the UK.)

    Sharon: I haven't seen Alfred! How did I miss that?! I'll look when I go downstairs!

    Catalyst: Thank you! I'm loving being somewhere so different.

    Andrew: Yeah, the whole overselling flights thing is a mystery to me. Fortunately we had no problems. (There were even some vacant seats on the plane.)

    Susan: The tree seems healthy, at least as far as I can tell. Of course it's winter so it's hard to know.

    Janie: Oh, brother. Nothing like micromanagement!
