Friday, February 9, 2024


I took this photo in Canary Wharf when I went there for Winter Lights a couple of weeks ago. There are a couple of restaurants in the boat basin that appear to be housed on barges, and they seemed quite elegant. Might be fun for a visit sometime.

But not anytime soon, because tomorrow Dave and I are off to Los Angeles! I've been trying to make some mental plans and I'm suddenly realizing how little time we actually have there. We land on Saturday afternoon, we have Sunday and Monday free, and then Tuesday we're off to Palm Springs. Two days isn't much time for a city the size of Los Angeles. I had all these vague notions of hiking to the Hollywood sign and going to the Getty and going downtown and driving around Beverly Hills and maybe even heading down to Venice -- but realistically, that's not all going to happen. Fortunately there is no strict agenda and we can play it by ear.

The question is, should I bring the big camera, or just my iPhone? (This is always the question.)

I have one more day of work to get through, but it's going to be pretty uneventful, I think. Yesterday we had some meetings but otherwise I was shelf-reading, which I love -- working in a quiet room, putting things in order. I had some more awkward exchanges with my boss but I'm not going to dwell on those. I'm still having trouble sleeping so this vacation can't come soon enough. (But then the jet lag! Argh!)

Here's another panel from the Mill Lane bridge, painted by six-year-old Anushka. I love the roller rink theme and the disco ball! I'm glad to know that six-year-olds are still familiar with roller skating, and not all sitting at home playing Nintendo.

I finally finished "Trust" yesterday. I liked it more as the various strands of the story came together, and it came to a very interesting and thought-provoking finale, but I'm glad to be done with it. There was one line that really jumped out at me, spoken by a dying character after a visit from a priest: "God is the most uninteresting answer to the most interesting questions."


Now I've got to catch up on my New Yorkers. Fortunately, Airplane trips are ideal for that.


  1. Wow. I love that quote from “Trust”!

    The mural makes me smile. Anushka’s got some talent.

    Have a pleasant trip across the Atlantic and to the Pacific. I’m looking forward to hearing about your adventures. It looks like you have nice weather in store. I hope you can both relax and escape.

  2. Have a good trip.
    I would say keep to the iPhone, travel light.

  3. In Los Angeles, why not give three days to help with the flood clean-up campaign?
    Seems it never rains in southern California
    Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
    It never rains in California
    But girl, don't they warn ya?
    It pours, man, it pours

  4. I'm pleased to know they are not weird growths on the feet of the children.

    For our last brief holiday to pet sit for Sister, I took my camera. It is best for long distance photos with its 40X optical zoom. I didn't use it and I haven't for ages. Phone cameras are just so good now. The camera is just so heavy to cart around.

    Once back home, please do have a meal at one of the floating restaurants. Is is your birthday soon? Or maybe Dave's and you will have to pay.

  5. One day was plenty for me to see Los Angeles but then, I'm a country boy who dislikes living in large urban areas so I'm sure your mileage may vary. Perhaps the only thing I would do if I ever go back would be to go to the art museum and enjoy the street food scene there more.

    I don't like being seen as a tourist so I just use my phone camera these days. It can take 90% of the pictures I want to take while on vacation with as good of quality as my larger SLR. Maybe even 95% since the phone cameras have made huge strides in dim light photography these last few models. The one thing I miss my SLR for is the long lens for zoomed in pictures like I might expect to take if I went to the harbor or whale watching in L.A.

    Have a great trip!

  6. Safe journey and looking forward to amazing photos.

  7. Cue Alana Morrissette: 'A change...will do you good..."

    I'm sorry you're struggling at work. Transitions are never comfortable.

  8. Anushka's got it going on! The disco ball is the cherry on top. Excellent eye she has.
    No, that isn't a lot of time for LA. Do what you can and make plans to return another time. I can't wait to see your pictures whether you take them with your big camera or your iPhone camera. Some of us (me, for example) are really not worthy of you having to lug the big camera around as we do not have "the eye" that you have. Depends, I guess, on whether or not you are more worried about the artistic quality of your pictures or mainly documenting your trip.
    I am SO glad you're going to get a break. You surely deserve and need one.
    As to the NY'ers. I find myself reading an article thinking, "Do I really need to know this? Do I want to know this?" The answer is frequently, "No. I do not." And then I turn the page.

  9. Wishing you safe travels, Steve. I hope you and Dave have a great adventure!

  10. You could follow the path in this song by Michelle Shocked (although there's some controversy around her).

  11. does the plane fly west or east from London to LA?

  12. No time for the LaBrea tarpits? Dang. Bon voyage!

  13. I'm glad you finally finished Trust (whew!) and that it came together for you in the end. Now you know why I said I thought it was good, but I'm not sure if I would consider it Pulitzer Prize worthy. Then again, I'm often underwhelmed by Pulitzer recipients.

    I vote to just use the iPhone.

  14. Steve, sending all best wishes for a most enjoyable visit to the "city of angels." So looking forward to reading all about it soon. Safe travel, from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

  15. You sound like me when I'm planning a trip to London. So many things to see and do and not nearly enough time. I recommend the Getty. The architecture and views from up there are something to enjoy. The art is just a bonus.
    That photo from Canary Wharf is beautiful. I didn't make it out there on this last trip either. I like that mural too. It looks happy. I like that quote from the book.

  16. P.S. that object at the top of the painting at the Heard Museum on my site is a hogan, the round Native American structure that many Navajos live in.

  17. That's an excellent quote. The Getty is a time-consuming endeavor and will eat up a lot of one day. LA has some great restaurants so make sure to eat out a lot!

  18. Happy travels Steve. LA has lots to offer and you might need a second trip to see everything. Enjoy!

  19. Not a city I know, or want to know, I’ll be interested to see your perspectives
    Safe journey

  20. I think your phone takes excellent pictures. I would be confident relying on that.

    Transitions are always awkward. This break is coming at just the right time.

  21. Here's hoping you have a great time in not-so-sunny California. Enjoy! And wave as you fly over me!

  22. Do a couple of things well or do a quick tour of a lot and make plans to come back and investigate in detail. I would go the latter so you go back!!
    I have read many books on your recommendation but I am confused with "Trust". Should I or shouldn't I?

  23. Bon voyage! Yeah, travel time cuts into vacation days way too much. Wishing you good weather and minimal jet lag :)

  24. Safe travels, Steve. I hope the rains have stopped by the time you arrive!
