Saturday, March 9, 2024

A Smiley Thread

It's the time of year when people begin tying little red-and-white threads to blooming trees as a way of celebrating spring. This is apparently a tradition that originated in Eastern Europe, where the strings and associated beads or charms are known as Mărțișor in Romania or Martenitsa in Bulgaria. Sometimes they feature little dolls, as I've photographed in the past. I saw this one on my walk to work yesterday, with a little smiley face bead.

Update on the wayward street sign: Yesterday I was notified by e-mail that my report has been "escalated to the Highways Department." You may recall that I reported it as a "missing road sign," because "abandoned road sign" was not an option. Well, it has now been changed to "damaged illuminated road sign post," which also does not at all describe the situation but maybe it will make the Highways Department pay attention. I am amused by the tortured bureaucracy of all this. I predict that sign will go nowhere.

I'm glad to see that the consensus on Joe Biden's State of the Union speech seems to be that it was a success. I read a column in The Guardian yesterday that I thought described quite well the reasons why Donald Trump still appeals to many voters in the United States, to the complete bafflement of the rest of us. Basically, those voters feel despised by the people in power (often loosely and inaccurately characterized as "liberals" or "the deep state") and thus feel allied with Trump, who is despised by the same amorphous group. I think that's all true, though the column doesn't mention the perplexing involvement of evangelical Christians who fervently support Trump. I suppose they are a subset of those who feel despised or ignored, and Trump has certainly delivered the goods on at least one of their goals -- curtailing the availability of abortion.

So basically, all those voters support Trump because he makes the rest of us mad. That's a great foundation upon which to build a government.

My goal for the day: To do our income taxes. This is the first time I've done them since inheriting part of my mom's estate, and I am not looking forward to it. I have a few questions but I'm hoping it all becomes clear as I work my way through the process with the H&R Block software. We'll see.


  1. When I visited Moldova I made a wool thread on a visit to a museum. The lady said they were made for celebration and friendship. I still have it and wear it on my wrist. It is in the colours of the Moldovan flag.

  2. I read the same Guardian piece. While it made some sense, it didn't. #45 voters may have bad thoughts towards the less religious and socially progressive, but truly, how many copybooks does #45 have to blot before even those will turn against him. I would have thought there was enough terrible evidence against him. Will people vote for a hardened criminal?

  3. I’d never heard of that thread condition. My OCD tendencies would be bothered by those.

  4. What a fun way to spend Saturday! Doing your tax return! No doubt you have got some songs about tax lined up to listen to as you work through it - including of course "Taxman" by The Beatles and "Me and The I.R.S." by Johnny Paycheck.

  5. Some woman on the news this morning was complaining that Joe seemed angry, and then said she was angry about the high cost of things and how Joe won't fix it because he never goes grocery shopping.

    Heavy sigh.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mărțișor, what a lovely tradition. I saw a Canadian goose awhile back, very early for them, and it felt like spring.

    Have fun with your taxes. That's on my list for the end of this month. Oh joy.

  7. I just tried to write out a little thing about why I think Trump's supporters appear to show no signs of abandoning him no matter what but it made my stomach hurt.
    I like the red and white strings custom. At the very least, it forces those who tie the strings to get close and personal with a tree for at least a moment. And that is not a bad thing.

  8. Interesting tradition about the strings. I've never seen that.
    I've given up trying to understand T***p supporters. Except I think quite a lot are easily led and not very bright. Certainly people who vote against their own interest. Like the pro brexit folk who were horrified when the reality came to pass. No foreigners allowed in to do all those service jobs, etc.

  9. I suppose that makes sense, why they support Trump but what they don't realise is that Trump actually despises them too though he has no problem using them to stroke his ego.

  10. It's amazing how picky organizations can be. My money is on the sign not being picked up.

  11. Good luck with those taxes. I need to do mine too but I don't think it will be today.
    I read something similar to what you describe about the support for DJT. It's still very baffling to me.

  12. I'd really like to talk to my aunts about why they still support him. They're VERY religious & I know initially it was about abortion, but now? On the other hand, I know that a lot of people just don't actually believe the true things we say about Trump. They think we're all lying & out to get him. That's the part that really scares me - apparently truth IS subjective.

  13. I didn't know about the tradition of the red threads, I love superstitions and rituals so much, maybe I'll start something here with the trees that are starting to bloom here.

  14. Taxes, arggh. I never know what to expect since I have a professional do them. I didn't pay quarterlies this past year but also had a ton of work done on my rental. So..?? It doesn't seem that Trump can do anything to alienate his cult; they are frighteningly accepting of him, his mental issues, his cruelty, his criminal behavior, etc. It's terrifying.

  15. Despite DJT support, my sense is he'll not hold office again. The female population will not vote for T and there are many others that are very much against him. His followers are largely disenfranchised males.

  16. The birds probably love those threads- Makes a nest more homey. Followers of 45 are yearning for leadership, just like the Germans in between WW1 and WW2. 45 fits the bill for the times I guess. Scares me- scares everyone with two brain cells.
    Biden did well - speech was clear and lucid, direct and optimistic.

  17. I love the little smiley bead! I'm surprised you spotted it since it looks tiny. I guess there's enough thread hanging down to make it noticeable?

  18. In response to Bob: Oh fer Pete's sake. And the great orange one does???? Some of these people's logic defies logic.

  19. I think they support trump because he supports and encourages their fears and beliefs and they simply can't see the other side of the story.
    I love the little smiley face bead.

  20. Trump's slogan should be Make America Mad Again. It's actually something at which he excels!

    I've never heard of that string idea. I like it. And taxes -- just dropped mine off and a great relief I hope yours goes well. (Do you have to file in both countries?)
