Saturday, December 1, 2007

Leaves in D.C.

When I was in Washington D.C. last weekend, the leaves were really beautiful. This Japanese maple was just down the street from my friend Kevin's house. I don't think I've ever seen such an intensely red tree!

These two trees, as well as the ginkgo below, I photographed during my walk with Reya. Ginkgos always turn such an amazing shade of yellow.

Now, here in New York, we're expecting light snow this weekend. Winter is just around the corner!


  1. Great meeting you Steve!

    I am sure that you will capture some wonderful shots if it snows in the city. I love NYC when it first snows (afterwards it can get a little messy).

  2. I was noticing that a few trees in my neighborhood were changing colors. A rare treat in the desert. Great photos my friend.

  3. Gorgeous pics! Yes, DC is beautiful almost all year long. More beautiful whenever I get to take a walk with a good friend.

    So cool that you and Gary met. I love that pic, too.

  4. how did I miss these red and gold pics? beautiful. oddly they remind me of that really early green in spring when things begin to leaf out--it is a bright shade of green, but a baby new shade-- that only omes once. Like these reds and golds, very fleeting.

    Gary is so cool. He has wonderful energy!
