Saturday, December 22, 2007

Patience, Grasshopper

Well, here I am in Florida, spending Christmas with the family. So far, my trip has been an exercise in practicing patience.

I flew down last night, and my plane's departure was greatly delayed at LaGuardia. We were about two hours late by the time it took off. I didn't really mind, though - I had several magazines to keep me busy and I was kind of amused just hanging out in the terminal. (I think some of Sharon Salzberg's mindful energy was still lingering around me!)

Today I'm sitting at my Mom's computer to write this post. Mom has not yet entered the 21st century and still has a dial-up Internet connection. I can't tell you how painfully slow it is to do ANYTHING. Patience, once again.

I can't seem to access my e-mail at all. But maybe that's a good thing. I'm on a holiday break, after all!

So I probably won't post much for the next few days. Have a great Christmas, all who celebrate it, and I'll post again when I'm back in the Big Furious Apple!

(Photo: Newspaper box in Boca Grande, Fla., March 2007)


  1. May your patience stay with you!
    Happy hols!

  2. Keep patient! Have a happy Christmas with your family.

  3. ha! my dad has only dial-up, yes, i know how slow it is.

    i hope you have a great time with your family Steve - look forward to your return.

  4. Happiest Christmas and much love!

    Patience is a virtue that's overvalued, at least I think so. Go ahead and be impatient. It's Christmas - you can do whatever you want!

    Do you know Sharon Salzburg's story about a meditation retreat in which she was having a "multiple hindrance attack" ? She says she began thinking that if a nuclear war broke out, she wouldn't have to meditate anymore. I love that. She was willing, in that brief moment, to allow the world to be destroyed just so she could STOP meditating. She knows all about impatience.

    love to you!

  5. The compliments of the season to you Steve - whatever that might mean for you, have a great holiday time with your family.
    Ms Soup

  6. Snatch the modem from my hand grasshopper.

    Steve, have a fantastic Christmas with your family and enjoy just being with them (even without cable internet service).

    Here's to a wonderful 2008!

  7. Happy Holidaze...See you next year!
