Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Man with Cat

Several years ago, at a flea market on Sixth Avenue, I was combing through a big box of old photos when I came across this snapshot. I loved it immediately, because it says something about the universal behavior of cats (and cat owners). I bought it for something like 25 cents. (Click on the photo to enlarge it.)

I have no information about it at all. It seems to have been taken in the Middle East. I've tried doing some Google research based on what little info I can see in the photo (EVA on the gas bottle, for example) but couldn't really get anywhere.

What do you all think? Where was this taken?


  1. yes, typical human and cat tableau! humans do make such wonderful sofas for cats. the photo is soooo intriguing - although I'm totally stymied with trying to figure out where it can be - when I moved it to my photo editor to blow up, I couldn't retain any writing, other than the eva (I think is the own of the gas bottle) - I'm thinking maybe it's some guy who lives in the back woods of upstate new york. survivalist? or just recluse? if we can just see the titles of some of the written materials. or perhaps the scores of loose batteries are the rosetta stone. thanks for the morning fun. okay, enough fun, now it's time to go shovel! and get on with the day! more snow overnight!

  2. Let's see...battery-operated everything, oil lamp (but clearly a flash on the camera); deep window sill and what appear to be inside wooden shutters on the windows. 1930's style plywood, large planks on floor...Doesn't suggest Middle East to me, Steve (too much wood). More Romania or Bulgaria maybe?
    Intriguing. Wonder what he's reading?

  3. That's a very good point about the wood, Lee. Romania or Bulgaria...hmmm...

    Kimy, here it is even larger, on Flickr:

  4. Dennis thinks the cat looks Romanian.

  5. Dennis thinks it looks like an old apartment building--the window area does.

  6. wait! I KNOW that cat--his name is Vojtek and he lives in Russia! Very nice cat. Mellow.

  7. What a fun mystery. Of course though when I look at this pic, I want to clean his living room. Sick. I am sick!

  8. thanks for the flicker link - still can't make out the writing. perhaps the key is in the batteries...if we find out who makes those blue batteries we can be closer to solving the mystery!!

    altho I guess ched did solve it!!! I do say that cat has a face one would not forget. very sweet!

  9. who can live in such clutter? As for the mystery, I have no idea.

  10. Hi Steve,
    This kitty photo makes me want one again. It's been about five years since I had one. I

  11. Cats are perfect little companions--they spend a lot of time dreaming.

  12. I think Russia or maybe a Central Asian country - but don't ask me why. That stripey cat is just lovely. I'm always intrigued by mystery photos and guessing their origins.

    Ms Soup

  13. What an interesting puzzle you have given us!
    Lots of (used?) batteries, at least two sets of headphones, cassette tapes ...
    Is he listening and learning? Or is he taping: speaking, singing?
    Perhaps he is away from home, maybe studying abroad? Not much money, therefore no fancy apartment, but a very basic and humble abode - could it be a kind of dormitory? Or a very cheap rented room...
    Not Middle east, or wait, maybe Israel? Or maybe France?
    Somehow I think he is an Orthodox Jew.

    P.S. I found your blog and am now reading it from the beginning - just could not resist leaving a comment about this photo.

  14. Ilona, thanks for the comment. It IS an interesting puzzle. A dormitory in Israel was sort of what I suspected too.

    I'm glad you found my blog, but you're going all the way back to the beginning?! I'm not sure it's worth it! :) Let me know if you get all the way through -- I'll make that a blog post unto itself.
