Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well, voting was hell yesterday. Not in terms of crowds or disorganization -- though there were both -- but in terms of the choice that needed to be made.

I was on the fence between two candidates right up until I pulled the lever. All morning, as I worked out at the gym, showered, dressed and ate breakfast, I weighed the pros and cons of each in my mind, and I went back and forth several times -- just as I have for the past several weeks and months. Two very different people with different approaches, and both appealing in their own ways. It was a sort of right-brain, left-brain dilemma -- and which side of my brain should I listen to?

I did make a choice, obviously. And almost as soon as I did, I rued what seemed lost by not voting for the other candidate. But I also know if I’d voted for that one, I’d regret what I’d lost by not choosing the first.

What a luxury, when you come right down to it -- two candidates strong enough to make me WANT to vote for them!

(Photo: Trees reflected in the Conservatory Water, Central Park, Feb. 2008)


  1. It's definitely a dilemma: which one? I feel sorry for whoever it is who ends up in the White House next year.

  2. I'm guessing one of your two possibles wasn't Huckabee!

  3. I'm just happy to be excited about politics again. ;-)

  4. Huckabee! hee hee!
