Friday, July 11, 2008


I went to a gallery show of street photography last night, where this photo by my friend Jesse was among those exhibited. It was interesting to see what caught the judges’ eyes, and to speculate about what made each photo successful. I love Jesse’s pic and most of the others, but a few were a bit bewildering. Several of us agreed that good street photography involves a precise combination of luck and skill -- being in the right place at the right time with the right equipment and settings. Sometimes those mysterious powers converge and a brilliant image is the result.

Starting today I’m off on vacation -- a 10-day trip to see my family and friends in Florida. I don’t plan to blog during this time, because I think I need a vacation from blogging just as much as I do anything else! (Besides, I don’t travel with my computer, so I’d have to use my mom’s, and that involves more complications.)

I’ll be posting again on the 21st and thereafter. Everyone stay cool until then!

(Photo: Chains and shadows in Dumbo, Brooklyn, June 2008)


  1. Nice pic. Yes, luck and skill ... isn't that a part of all good photography?

    Have a great vaca...see you on the flip side.

  2. sounds like a good show - kudos to your friend for being part of it.

    have a wonderful vacation! look forward to more shadows and light when you return!!!

  3. We will miss your words and pictures. Enjoy The Sunshine State! Wear your sunscreen! (I guess you don't need two mothers...) See you when you return. By then I will have gone and returned from Chautauqua, the last of my travels for a long, long time.

  4. brilliant shot. Enjoy your break and say hi to Florida for me.

  5. When I sit down at her machine to blog, you won't be able to help yourself!!

  6. Have a great time! Chedwick said you had an interesting post a while back on Pinkberry. Can you send me the link?

  7. Have a great trip. We need to talk about DC next month ...

  8. I like his photo as well.

    I guess you won't read this until you return home so instead of saying "Have a good time" I'll write "I hope you had a good time".

  9. have fun Telly

  10. To capture the dynamic on the street it is as important to be able to anticipate, which in turn demands that one recognise a story unfolding on the street.

    If ever you come across the works of the Indian Photo Journalist, Raghu Rai, do take a look. He is incomparable in the art of street photography.

    I believe several American Art Galleries have his exhibits on permanent display, though I don't know which. At the moment the National Gallery of Modern Art, Bombay, is hosting a retrospective on Raghu Rai.
