Monday, May 25, 2009

Chez Steve, Revisited

I thought it might be time to show you the current state of my apartment. You may remember it from this post, in February 2008, but I’ve made some changes since then. Mainly, I’ve thinned my stuff out even more, which gives me more space.

I gave away some of my artwork, some books and my CDs. I don’t like wires, so I traded in my old, multi-component stereo system for a simple iPod docking station (atop the dresser). And I got rid of the lamp in the corner near my bed, which I always disliked. My only complaint now is that it’s a little dark there!

Armenia likes the spaciousness!

The kitchen stayed pretty much the same. I repainted the whole apartment last Labor Day, but I kept the original color scheme. I got rid of my ancient drip coffee maker and got a stovetop espresso pot, which is what I make coffee in now -- it’s much easier to clean and gives me more counter space.

Overall, the result is a cleaner look and easier maintenance. (Also, I changed cat litters, from clay to a wood pellet litter called “Feline Pine” -- it is SO much cleaner and less dusty than the old stuff. And it’s made in Florida, my old home turf!)


  1. Looks so clean, calming, so inviting. It's beautiful! Thanks for the tour.

  2. I love the colors and simple lines. I hate counter clutter so I second your attempts to eliminate/minimize it. You have managed to pull off Scandinavian minimalism without it seeming cold. Does Dave like your changes?

    The only thing I might add is a piece of living bamboo that would match the kitchen color. In my pilates studio they have it growing in cool little vases affixed to the wall.

  3. Thanks y'all! I agree, Barbara, a plant would be nice. Unfortunately I don't get great window light, so I think it's just too dark for a plant to do well. (Never tried, though, admittedly.)

  4. nice. so when are you inviting me over?

  5. If it makes any difference, the bamboo in the pilates studio is growing on a wall far from windows and natural light and seems to be thriving. Come to think of it, I will check the next times I'm in there to make sure it's not artificial! :)

  6. I like what you've done with the place...looks very spacious. Like my shed...


  7. I'd never seen your apartment. What a great space. I'd love to see it in petson, too.

  8. Very cute. :) Thanks for the tour!
