Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Food and Music!

Culinary adventures with Dave continued this weekend! We tried a new restaurant on Sunday evening that specializes in “American Tapas.” We had several cheeses and accompanying pates and relishes, a beet and an asparagus salad, grilled octopus -- which was good but still looked a little too much like an octopus, which made me feel guilty -- and nachos with salmon and caviar! (Who thinks of these things?)

That was after a concert at Carnegie Hall conducted partly by one of Dave’s former professors. Playing were a high school string orchestra, a middle school concert band and a collegiate band of chosen students from around the country. Among other things, we heard Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “Fantasy on a Theme by Thomas Tallis,” a favorite of mine.

Then, last night, we made seared scallops here at my apartment, along with some sauteed spinach and a baked dish of layered gruyere, cream and celery root. (Is this really coming from MY kitchen??)

I did get out and walk yesterday afternoon. I went out to Bushwick for a few hours and explored a whole new area, and found some great street art. Also, a friend of mine from the Zendo came over to photograph me in my apartment for a project he’s doing -- somewhat reminiscent of my Japanese adventure. I can’t wait to see how the photos turn out.

(Photo: School buses in Coney Island, March 2009)


  1. Keep going like this, Steve, and I'll have to link you as a culinary blog :-) It all sounds really good - and I definitely clicked on the celery root dish ( with a grating of nutmeg, maybe?)

  2. The photos will be great, no doubt.

    Wow, Dave sounds great. I'd like a boyfriend just like him! Well, not JUST like him.

    Seared scallops? Y U M !!

  3. Your whole day sounds fantastic. My mouth was watering at your description of the dinner you made. Bring Dave down for a visit and we can do some serious cooking together!

    Wasn't it just two months ago when your life seemed a little shaky? Things certainly have changed!

  4. i must come and visit again! i need you to cook for me!!
