Saturday, September 24, 2011


This is my favorite photo from my walk yesterday, which took me east from the Finsbury area to Bethnal Green. Street art really can depict anything.

Tonight we're hosting Dave's boss and his wife for dinner, so we went out this morning and blew a wad of cash at the grocery store. We're serving butternut squash soup, scallops with asparagus, braised lamb shank with mashed potatoes and crispy kale, and poached pears for dessert. Of course, I say "we," but I'm serving in name only -- Dave is doing all the preparation. (I clean up, though!)


  1. great photo!

    sounds like an absolutely delicious dinner menu! save for the lamb (as you know i don't eat cute) i'm salivating over the thought of everything on the menu!!

    cleaning up is very, very important!!

  2. Good clean-up help is hard to find. I'm sure you pull your weight! Sounds like a superb menu. I'm sure they will be quite impressed.

    We just got back from your city. Once again I confirmed NYC has the best bagels and the best pizza in the world. We got tickets to an off-Broadway play last night at the last minute and it was great. What a city! Even in the rain on Friday...

  3. I hope your dinner was fab and the guests suitably impressed. I used to clean up after such dinners and Barbara's right...A good clear up and clean is essential and hard to hire, especially if you like finding things the next day.
