Friday, November 2, 2012


Today's the day I turn 46. It's such a middling, non-descript age, not quite old but not young, either. It doesn't feel particularly transformational. It's just another day.

Dave and I don't have any major plans for today. We're celebrating tomorrow night instead, with dinner at The Savoy Grill, Gordon Ramsay's restaurant. I'm not particularly a fan of Ramsay -- I was put off by that television show where he treats everyone so badly while trying to reinvigorate their sagging restaurants. I mainly wanted to see the Savoy Hotel, a legendary London destination, and his restaurant just happened to be there.

I'm so looking forward to having a martini at the Savoy hotel bar. Doesn't that sound civilized? Very Noel Coward.

Anyway, that's tomorrow, not today. Today I'll be staying home, finishing my Malcolm Gladwell book, catching up on my New Yorker and Harper's magazines, waiting for the window repair guy (yes, again) and finishing up a few work assignments. And maybe running, if I feel like it.

Yesterday I met a coworker of Dave's at the St. Pancras train station to drop off an envelope full of recorded student auditions for an international honors band. The judges are meeting this weekend to select participants. But that's not the important part of the story, at least for me -- Dave's coworker also purchased a poster-sized print of this photo, which I delivered and for which she paid. It's always gratifying when I can make some money from photography!

Last night we watched Peter Sellers in "A Shot in the Dark," from 1964. I loved that movie as a kid and hadn't seen it in years. It's laugh-out-loud funny. I might go on an Inspector Clouseau binge now.

(Photos: Guys unloading a big smiley-face artwork outside a gallery on Westbourne Grove on Tuesday. I'm not sure I'd want that thing peering down from the wall at me, would you?)


  1. Conratulations on spotting that 46 has certain bland qualities. I can't remember mine either. Oh, and well done to you for generating cash from your lens.

    Thanks for a good read Steve. Is there a "follow" or a "feed" anywhere please? I might have missed it in my morning, pre-java blur.

  2. Oh Lord no. I'd much rather have your beautiful photo. Happy birthday, Steve! Forty-six is a fine year. At least it was for me. And yes, having a martini at the Savoy Hotel bar sounds dreamy and lovely. Enjoy it!

  3. Happy birthday, Steve! 46 is a good year. You're still in your "mid" forties, and 50 isn't knocking on the door yet. Enjoy!

  4. Looking back from 48 I'd say 46 wasn't bad - now 50 IS knocking at my door - yikes!

    Aw I LIKE the smiley face - I'll take it if they get tired of it. And your picture is fabulous - I'd love to see the room that it's going to live in.

    Happy happy birthday - enjoy doing what you want - & enjoy that martini tomorrow :)

    P.S. I think that you will enjoy Joe vs. the Volcano - it really is one of my favorite movies. There are so many fun parts - the luggage salesman, the chauffeur, the many faces of Meg Ryan...

  5. Happy birthday! Celebrating quietly today--then having a martini at the Savoy Hotel bar tomorrow--sounds perfect. Enjoy, and "many more."

  6. Happy Happy Birthday, Steve! Enjoy your martini (gin or vodka?) at the Savoy!

    I love that pic!

  7. More birthday wishes and enjoy the Savoy.

  8. Well, happy birthday. and it's a great pic of a beautiful doorknob. it does feel good to have someone willing to part with money for something you did.

    re the confederate rose. it is not an althea (rose of sharon) but it is in the same family, mallows, along with hibiscus.
