Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Remnants

Remember how I said I was seeing more Halloween decorations this year? Well, I'm still seeing them.

There's even Halloween-themed graffiti over at Trellick Tower. And see how waterlogged the grass is? That's because we had a deluge yesterday morning -- really heavy rain, the kind of rain that makes sitting inside with a book so wonderful. I'm reading "The Edwardians," a novel by Vita Sackville-West, whose house, Sissinghurst Castle, I went to see in July during my stay in Kent.

I also worked in the morning, and then watched the movie "Layer Cake" in the afternoon. One of the local movie channels ran a bevy of movies tangentially related to the latest Bond release, and "Layer Cake," starring Daniel Craig, was among them. I had a hard time keeping track of all the characters, but it was still pretty good -- and although billed as very violent, it seemed like fairly routine movie violence. Maybe my American threshold for televised gunslinging is just too high!

We had lots more exploding fireworks in the neighborhood last night. The actual Bonfire Night is tonight, though how it could distinguish itself from any of the last three nights I'm not sure!


  1. I couldn't pack the Halloween crap up faster this year. I still have three lovely pumpkins stacked outside that will probably stay there until Christmas!

  2. I have ignored Halloween for the last 3 years, not even carving a pumpkin. Even my grandkids are too old for Halloween. None of them wanted to go trick or treating.

  3. We carved a pumpkin for the first time in many years. I'm glad we did. Took down the few decorations we had this weekend.

    Love the Union Jack door! What does it say where the post is supposed to be put in? I tried clicking on the pic to make it larger but still couldn't read it. "No (something, something) " ?

  4. Lynne I think it says NO JUNK MAIL. I wonder if it works? If so I might want to try it at my house!

    We still have a lighted pumpkin in our window - I noticed it last night. Oops. Guess we'll take it down next weekend :)

  5. Gosh, I love that door (complete with the "No Junk Mail" sign). And the castle... I'm glad you snuck the almost-outside photo.

  6. Elizabeth: Are they carved? If not, you could make a pie!

    Ellen: Yeah, Halloween as an adult just isn't a very big deal!

    Lynne: It says "No Junk Mail," which everyone in England puts on their mail slot. I keep thinking, "Does that really work?!"

    Bug: Ha! You beat me to the answer!

    Nancy: It IS a great door. I've walked down that street a million times and only just noticed it. I wonder if they repainted it recently?

  7. I would love a Union Jack door. Nothing ever happens for Halloween here, no kids in this complex and a lot of kids go to parties rather than going individually from house to house

    I loved the photo of you at the Savoy. Where did you find your shirt?
