Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Very Brief Entry

I've spent the morning combing through all the old negatives I brought back from my mom's house. I'm trying to put together some posts based on old photos that I will get reprinted -- sort of like my posts about Tangier several months ago. So I'm digging around, trying to discover forgotten oddities.

I didn't even leave the house yesterday -- I worked and read and talked to our neighbor, Chris, who's just back from a holiday in St. Lucia. I was partly avoiding the weather, which consisted of wet, gloppy, dreary snow. Today looks better, so I really need to get outside!

(Photo: Smoke break on Bayswater Road, Sunday.)


  1. Missed the Tangier post! Thanks for the link, it is beautiful! The Moroccan sun probably sounds like a pretty tempting idea at the moment.

  2. I keep meaning to go back & scan in some of our old photos & do a post about them. But apparently I'm filling all my hours with crochet right now :)
