Friday, January 18, 2013

Extra, Extra!

A special Shadows & Light extra post to announce that Dave and I have finally arrived at a dog name we both like!

Forget Mona. Forget I ever mentioned it.

And meet Olga.


  1. Hello Olga! I hope you know you've hit the jackpot with two very loving and dedicated parents.

  2. Olga is just adorable, and OBVIOUSLY making herself quite at home.

  3. (PS: How do beautiful, well-behaved dogs like Olga become unwanted in the first place? It just amazes me to see such a wonderful dog homeless in the first place.)

  4. It's the perfect name! Gosh, she's such a gorgeous dog.

  5. I am SO happy for you! She will drive you crazy of course, that's part of what dogs do. But she is a beautiful sweet powerful being - you can see it.

    Mazel tov!

  6. Olga it is then! Looks like she's already got you wound around her adorable paws. Is she using your laptop? Maybe she'd like her own blog? Bella used to take over my blog when she was a puppy but she's kind of grown out of that now. :)

  7. She is so sincere! Such a lovely girl. Now you've set yourself up, haven't you...She is one lucky Olga!

  8. I hope Olga likes her name and her new home. She is beautiful.

  9. Howdy, Olga! Now you be a sweet dog and love your daddies.
    Because they love you.

  10. she looks so content. probably because her name is perfect and she has you fine folk to take care of her. what a great idea for you guys. love it.

  11. Thanks, everybody. We love her too. :)

    Lorianne, it's sobering to think how many dogs like Olga there are out there -- good, well-behaved, beautiful dogs needing homes. So sad. :(

  12. She's gorgeous (and I promise not to call her Brenda.) Love Staffies :)
