Monday, May 5, 2014


Scaffolding seemed to be one of the themes of my photo walk yesterday. I went up to Arnos Grove, in north London -- which, incidentally, has one of the most architecturally interesting tube stations -- and walked southeast to Tottenham Hale, a distance of a bit more than five miles.

And, yeah, scaffolding. Lots of it.

I guess we're at the time of year for outside maintenance projects!

After my walk, Dave and I stayed in with the dog and watched a couple of movies: "Unbreakable" with Bruce Willis (meh) and "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" with Will Ferrell, which Dave chose and which I completely disavow. (I did laugh at it a couple of times, though.)

We still haven't done much about looking at rentals. We've scoped out some places online, but that's about it. (For those of you familiar with London, we're looking in the northwest within a relatively short distance from St. John's Wood. I think if we were buying we might have to go farther afield, but we should be able to find something to rent in the Maida Vale-Kilburn-Willesden Green area. That's our plan, anyway.) As I said, it's almost too early to do anything more at this point!


  1. I don't care for Will Ferrell all that much. His comedy leaves me flat which is about all he does. But I happened on a movie, the name of which I can't remember, that starred him in a dramatic role and he was incredible.

  2. Scaffolding indeed!
    I know that this is an unsettling time, trying to figure out where to move. I know it will all work about but that's easy for me to say.

  3. The scaffolding is an excellent metaphor for moving house. You're headed towards a space that's actually yours, nothing in the back of the closet that belongs to someone else. Excellent imagery.

    They're about to scaffold the Capitol to mend its 1300 cracks. They just took the scaffolding off the Washington Monument. It was designed by some hot shot architect. People love it.

  4. Your five mile walk sounds like something I would love to do. In fact, walking is just about all I did when I was there in November. There are so many interesting things to see wherever you go.

  5. That's a lot of scaffolding!
    Just catching up on your blog and you have some great street art shots there!

    Oh how I hate moving! I hope you find a great new place to call home. I'd start looking now though, you never know how long it might take to find that place that's perfect for all three of you. You're going to have to take your door apart again!? Make sure your table will fit through the door of your new flat. :)
