Sunday, February 15, 2015

I've Arrived

Here I am in Florida! My trip was uneventful -- a good, smooth flight that did not involve too much meaningless conversation with people sitting around me, and a gin & tonic. Pretty much my ideal. I read a good chunk of "The Silkworm," the Robert Galbraith/J.K. Rowling mystery, and I watched two movies -- "Pride," about a gay and lesbian group supporting the Welsh miners during the strikes of the '80s, and "Nightcrawler," about a creepy guy who films crime in Los Angeles as a freelancer for TV news. I liked both of them, and there were some other promising movies I didn't even get to. Maybe on the way home.

I picked up my rental car at the airport, and despite relentless attempts by the agent to "upsell" me into a more luxurious vehicle, I drove away with a Ford Focus as planned. Getting behind the wheel feels completely natural, though I did drive almost all the way home without turning on my headlights. Oops. The road was so brightly lit I didn't even notice. Finally some guy in a passing vehicle honked his horn at me and said "Lights!"

My brother and his family are here from Jacksonville, so I have plunged immediately into family activity!

(Photo: The lake behind our house, this morning.)


  1. That sounds like a perfect flight, not too much conversation, good movies and nice drink.

  2. The lake looks beautiful. Enjoy your family!

  3. Glad you made it safely! I loved the silkworm - hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Have fun in Florida!

  4. It's going to take me forever to read Silkworm. Damn.
    Glad you're here in Florida!

  5. Enjoy your visit. Best to your Mom.

  6. glad you had an uneventful flight. cool lake behind your folks house.
