Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pink Tudor

Not much to report this morning. I still had some residual crankiness yesterday, but overall I was in a better mood than the day before. All things pass, right? I'm just going to leave you with this photo of a pink house taken last weekend in Golders Green, because, well, pink houses are always amusing. Especially pink Tudors.


  1. Perhaps your crankiness stems from tiredness following your trip...Anyway, glad you are feeling better and that pink tudor...unique.

  2. I woke up yesterday in the meanest mood. I read your post and thought, "Oh my. Maybe it IS a planet-star-driven thing."
    I had my house painted pink once. I loved it. But it wasn't a Tudor.

  3. pink is not my favorite color. in fact it's pretty far down on the list.

  4. Hope you're over your crankiness soon!
