Monday, March 16, 2015

Strange Structures in the Woods

I took Olga to Hampstead Heath yesterday for our weekly outing. As usual, she had a great time. On the way, she gets so excited that she's practically a sled dog, dragging me along and panting heavily with the exertion. (Of course, I have no sled.) I can only imagine how great it must feel when I finally take the leash off and she can run free.

Anyway, we've been seeing these odd constructions in the woods for at least the past few weeks. I can't remember when we first saw them.

They're like houses or shanties, except that they're so tiny and open they could never really serve as a shelter. Maybe they're simply someone's sculptures.

Old ones fall apart, new ones appear...

They're a bit like dinosaur skeletons, a big spine with lots of ribs.

Olga decided to check one out but she didn't understand it either. (These photos depict three different structures.)

Maybe they're racks of walking sticks, and we're supposed to take one that fits us?


  1. That looks like the beginnings of an enchanted forest. Just don't go at twilight! :-)

  2. An artist's mind at play in the forest?

  3. What a lovely life your dog has...I would love to walk in those woods...and what an eye you have...Those do look a bit like walking sticks...Will you claim one for yourself?

  4. It makes me think of Girl Scouts when we went into wooded areas and had build fires and shelters and cook a meal to earn a badge.

  5. Maybe kids are building little forts to play in? It's mysterious for sure.

  6. LOVE this, There is a stretch of forest separating campus of Fairhaven and Western university where artists or just anyone can install "art" from the nature that grows near by. It is temporary and always changing. or was, last time I checked. Always a pleasant surprise ! Olga , such a pup!

  7. Reminds me of that driftwood artist who made similar structures along the Hudson River. Maybe he's now in London!

  8. They are like the structures on the Oregon coast people build out of driftwood. the 'rule' is you can add to them but you can't destroy them.

  9. I vote for the kid's for explanation. I take my grand son to Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. There are a couple of places in the redwood dell where kids make forts of the fallen branches and we love to play there.

  10. Nt one comment on what really creates these. SASQUATCH

  11. I just saw , one of these in the New Mexico mountains, and remembered that I had seen a documentary on these, they did say it could be bigfoot 🤔
