Friday, March 27, 2015

Spring Break

The last day of school before Spring Break! Woo hoo!

Dave and I are off all next week. And having just returned from Singapore, we're going to stay home, which sounds pretty wonderful. We may take a day trip here or there, but right now we're just looking forward to spending time with the dog, working around the house and garden and relaxing.

We have some plans with our visiting friend David this weekend, but it looks like the weather's not going to be great. So I'm not sure how much we'll be able to do. It looks like my last days of shooting for Bleeding London (which ends Tuesday) are fated to be rainy ones.

Maybe I can stay inside and finally finish "The Moonstone." I've also picked two huge books to succeed it -- Gregory David Roberts' "Shantaram" and Richard Flanagan's "The Narrow Road to the Deep North." So I have plenty of reading to do.

We were all abuzz yesterday about the shocking news that the co-pilot of the crashed German airliner appears to have deliberately downed the plane. I can't fathom what might have been going on inside that guy's head. I hope we get some answers, though.

(Photos: There's some tree-clearing going on at Hampstead Heath. I'm not sure why. Someone wasn't happy about it and painted a clear protest on the lumber.)


  1. Interesting photo...I have a million questions myself and I answered yours in my comments. No good alternative exists.

  2. That is a succinct and beautiful way to protest.
    But sometimes, trimming is necessary. Last night a huge crash resounded and Mr. Moon and I went outside to look. One of the oaks had dropped a rotten limb on the road. If a car had been under it...
    Or a person.
    Anyway, good morning and I am glad you are getting a spring break!

  3. love the broken heart. and the tree does not look damaged or diseased. who knows why people want to cut down healthy trees. they have no concept of the life of a tree.

  4. What a great find this is! And, whoever did the art was pretty darned good! I especially like the drops of blood on the split part. ;)

  5. A very peaceful and colorful protest.
    Like you, I'm hoping there are some answers to that awful story about the plane crash.

  6. I LOVED Shantaram. I hope you do, too.
    The plane thing is freaking me out as I'm meant to be boarding one at six in the morning...

  7. Oh I love the hearts - made me smile... Isn't it cool that you & Dave mostly have the same breaks? Of course, with planning, Mike & I do too (well, not really - his Christmas and summer breaks are a lot longer than I can be away from my job - ha!).

  8. The staycation sounds marvelous -- have a restful and relaxing break!
